Page 81 of Small Town Sparks

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“That’s fucked up,” Lucas spat, and he winced as his physical shift jarred his injured shoulder.

“He’s fucked up,” I agreed.

Everything, from the moment the gun first fired until now had been some incredible whirlwind without a moment to think. My heart raced faster and harder than ever before. The fear of what happened to Scarlett, combined with the worry that Sebastian wouldn’t make it, had settled like an acidic time bomb in my gut. I couldn’t sit down, and couldn’t stop thinking because the moment I did, I would be faced with the cavernous possibility of losing the woman I loved.

The woman we all loved.

“Okay.” Toby sniffed, gathering himself. “What do we do? How do we help?”

“Banner thinks we need to stay here and let the police do their jobs,” Lucas grumbled, one leg bouncing back and forth in a way similar to Scarlett when she was stressed. “I want to go out and look for her.”

“Do we know anything?” Toby stood and adjusted his tie then he moved to the water cooler and filled a cup.

“We know he lives in town but the cops already checked,” I said. “They’ve also been in touch with Lily and searched all known hangouts for Shane but there’s nothing. the cops out here, they’re country. Nothing like we have in the city. Same for the CCTV and shit.”

Nothing felt like enough. Nothing would be enough until Scarlett was back with us.

“And you’re, okay?” Toby caught Lucas’ eye. “You’re not going to die on me?”

“Nah, I’m good.”

“We’re all okay, Seb included,” I reassured him. “We just… we’re at a roadblock. I have no fucking clue where he would go and if people that have known them for years don’t know, then what are we supposed to do?”

“If we were him, what would we do?” Toby asked.

“I’d never be him,” Lucas spat.

“I know, but just think.”

I stretched my legs out, fighting the restless flutter that moved through all of my limbs. “Well, I guess I would want to go somewhere quiet. I’m drunk but sober enough to take her and drive, so I’m sober enough to know the cops might be called.”

“So where do we go?” Lucas asked. “The entire town is quiet.”

“It has to be somewhere more hidden. Like a fishing spot or an old parking lot that’s abandoned. Somewhere that no one would look?—.”

“The cabin!” Toby snapped his fingers and crumpled the drained paper cup in his other hand. “He’ll take her to the cabin.”

“What cabin?” Lucas asked.

“Scarlett, she said that her home included a cabin out in the woods. Something from her mother’s family and she used to go there all the time as a teen with her ex. She wanted that included in our agreement. For old time's sake I guess but there’s a chance, right?”

“Do you know where it is?” Lucas sat up abruptly.

“Not exactly,” Toby replied. “But the maps and aerial surveillance were included in her contract.”

“We need that contract,” I said, but as I climbed to his feet, Detective Banner opened the door and walked back inside.

“Gentleman. Have you had time to catch your breath?” His eyes lingered on Toby who nodded.

“Sir,” Lucas cut in. “We know where they might be. There’s a cabin that?—.”

“Hold on.” Banner held up a hand. “I have a few questions for you first Toby. It’s been brought to my attention that you only recently came into Miss Parker’s life. And that there was some conflict regarding a Will?”

“What?” Toby’s pale cheeks flushed immediately. “That was all sorted.”

“Was it?” Banner flipped open his notepad and smoothed a finger over some curled paper. “You wanted to cut her out of the Will, correct? That is understandable given the immense wealth you come from Mr. Ashbluff. Must have been a struggle to have an outsider come claiming a slice?”

“What? What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Toby gasped.
