Page 86 of Small Town Sparks

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Lucas pulled back, his eyes shining as he smiled wider than I had seen in a while. It was the same dazzling smile that had caught me away back at the bar.

“I love you too,” Lucas said.

“I love you,” Danny said.

“I love you more,” Sebastian called from where he was seated.

“It’s true,” Lucas added. “We talked about it before we came here. We’d all fallen in love with you and, of course, would respect your decision regardless but we had to try. We love you. You are loved.”

The tears flowed faster, and I sobbed so hard that pain flared in my stomach when my muscles tensed.

“I love you too,” Toby said. “But in a strictly brotherly way.”

That drew a laugh from me, sudden and light, and the tears finally started to lessen.

“You’re not just saying that? “I whispered up at Lucas.

“Nope,” he grinned. “We knew long before anyone ate a bullet.”

I glanced at his shoulder, then down to Danny’s bruised face, and then to Seb still hunched in his wheelchair. They had suffered all that because of me and yet were still here for me.

But there was one more detail.

“And the… the baby?” I asked carefully. “Because I want to keep it.”

Lucas shrugged. “I’ve never thought much about having a baby out of wedlock?—.”

“Lucas!” Danny prodded his back and shoved him with a laugh.

“Sorry. The baby… I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we will be the best dads that baby has ever had.”

“It’s a surprise for sure,” Sebastian agreed. “But not an unpleasant one. With how we’ve been running things as a group, raising a baby is going to be a breeze.”

“Hold onto that energy when you’re knee deep in diapers,” Toby snorted.

“Really?” Through a fresh wave of tears, I eyed them all. “You can’t mess with me when I’m in hospital.”

“Really,” all three said in unison.

“That’s our baby. You’re our girl,” Danny said. “We love you.”

“I’m going to be the cool uncle, you hear me?” Toby chuckled. “That’s reserved for me and me only.”

“I love you guys,” I croaked, sinking my teeth into my lower lip. If this was some kind of drug-induced dream, then I didn’t ever want to wake up.

“Oh, and one other thing,” Lucas chuckled, kissing away my tears. He leaned back and rummaged into his jacket coat, pulling out a crumpled rose with gold-tipped petals and a bent stem. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“It’s Valentine’s Day?!”

“Yeah,” Danny grinned, taking my hand. “You were out for a day.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day,” I gasped wetly, and my heart soared as I blew a kiss to Sebastian, clutched Danny’s hand, and then pulled Lucas into a deep kiss.

They loved me, and I loved them.

At the start of the year, my lonely life had been mundane and grey, attached to a man who only saw to use me.

Now I had this. Somehow, I had found the people I was meant to be with.

We were going to raise a baby together. I had survived my ex, survived being shot, fallen in love, and gained the biggest family I had ever dreamed of that was going to raise my surprise baby together.

Happy Valentine’s Day indeed.
