Page 107 of Carving Graves

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No sign of the other girls.

Shots firing in the distance.

The back entrance open.

A man’s body on the ground.

And Ivy’s screeched wail from somewhere outside. “Wells! Liam!”

I scoop up Rena and dart toward the back door, hoping to hand her off to Keith, who’s manning the rear of the building.

That’s not happening.

Keith is dead. Shot in the head.


I set her against the inside wall, not willing to take her outside into the open fire, hand her my spare gun, and instruct her to stay put, but to shoot anyone she doesn’t know.

Once I’m out of the building, it’s a war zone. Nine black unmarked vans. Several masked men on foot, heavily armed.

Two carry Celeste. Five others surround them like a wall.

Ivy dashes behind them. Wells and I are both running, shooting, taking out men, but there’s got to be at least forty, several between us and the girls. I hit one of the guys guarding Celeste right before they throw my girl in a van, wheels squealing.

Fuck me.

Wells and I both see the next moment before it even unfolds.

“Ivanna!” he bellows as Ivy races to the van, unloads her magazine on two men in front of her, tosses her gun, and flings herself inside a split second before the door slides shut.

They’re both gone.

My whole world is in that fucking van.


Choice is a butchered pipe dream.

My breathing is labored, muscles tense. Senses overwhelmed.

I’m dumped onto a lap and suddenly wedged between the thick thighs of a masked man—who smells like beef jerky and feet—while still outfitted in my sex dress. The jolt of the van wheeling forward throws me against him. He tightens his hold on my mouth, a gun spearing into my waist.

Vomit coats my tongue.

The whole ordeal unfolded like a fast-forwarded movie, frame by frame sped up so that the focus was dimmed, muddled into smeared chaos.

That explosion at the front of the shop was enough to knock me down, banging my head against the crashing dressing-room door and rattling me. When I was extracted seconds later, I thought I was being rescued from the carnage.

Until I saw the masks.

Everything inside me twisted, just like it had when my brother’s Dodge Viper whooshed into flames.

“I’ve never believed for a second that your brother’s death was an accident, Cee.” My mother’s words flit around me, as though they have meaning here.

I’m so damn dizzy.

Once I saw the monsters, I kicked and bit as they carted me away.
