Page 72 of Carving Graves

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Those words alone could be taken to mean he’s concerned with Ivy’s crazy emotions or maybe even irritated. She’s been more off-kilter than normal. But he says them with such admiration, like even in her struggles, he’s overwhelmed with pride, and he simply wants to remind Ty not to underestimate her. He closes his eyes, unable to fight the respite his body so desperately needs.

“I think she’d laugh,” Ty contends. “We’ll try it out, won’t we, F-bomb?”

“Dipshit,” Gage chokes out, fighting off a yawn.

Liam straightens, taking in the three of them. “Give me my little doll,” he orders. “You two get some rest. Ivy will need you both tomorrow. I’ll stay up with Felicity until her morning feeding and look after the Chief.”

It’s fascinating how the three of them rotate into that second-in-command position. Ty and Gage don’t even consider arguing with him, yielding to Liam and his direction. It all just works. Even in the chaos of flippant gibes and stupid arguments that transpire quite often, they know when to step up, when to defer, when to comfort.

Ty bathes the baby in more kisses before handing her over to Liam, whose whole face alights the second she’s snug in his arms. He pecks her forehead, and she quiets. A silent conversation between them that has everything to do with belonging to one another.

I’ve never wanted to be a part of a moment more in my life.

As if my wish takes flight and floats down from my second-story perch to plunder the magical happenings below, Liam’s eyes rise to mine. Perhaps he knew I was here all along. It’s like I’m eight and I’ve been caught peeking in on my parents’ grand Christmas provisions. I can’t help but stare, to allow him to hold me hostage with his simple gaze—a gaze that suddenly seems melancholy and troubled. The corners of his lips pull up in a declaration he often extends.

“I see you, Carver.”

And everything freezes—the house stills, my mind quiets, the firelight drenches him in a butterscotch intimacy, and I’m seen by the only person I’ve ever truly needed to see me.

In a woeful blink, tromping footsteps demolish our invisible tethering, so I scatter for my room as quickly as I can, knowing a broken heart and a sleepless night await me. It’s not only Liam clinging to me. He’ll be the wound I cart around, but they’ll all be the ghost of the family I crave. I suppose I’ll visit a lot. They just won’t be mine. And I already know, that will never be enough.

Yesterday, I felt like a zombie, having not slept at all the night before. But the entire house seems to be operating that way, so no one noticed. Last night was mildly better, although no less lonely. My exhaustion simply won out and forced me into slumber.

Tonight is my date with Scott Filmore, so I’m currently mourning my tragic outing with the super-suave, handsome political trailblazer. It’s ludicrous, but there’s only one person I can think of who would truly understand. I wrangle my phone off the nightstand and swipe a text.

Me: I have a secret.

She answers within seconds, an image of her ringed fingers gripping a steaming coffee accompanying her answer.

Rena: Yes, please.

Me: I feel terrible not sharing it with Ivy, but it’s too fresh. And too tangled. So, you have to swear.

Rena: I know nothing. That’s pretty much the Noire motto. You’re in good hands. And I’m salivating over this tangled secret. Spill, girl.

Me: I like someone I shouldn’t.

Rena: Forbidden. Always a plus. More, please.

Me: Not just forbidden. He’s kind of an ass. Sometimes. Only he isn’t anymore.

Me: Unless he is, but I don’t want him to be. Skewed vision maybe.

Jesus, I’m confusing, even to myself. But nothing fazes Rena.

Rena: Possible. I’ve suffered similar fates. In the three and a half seconds of getting to know a guy without my brothers’ interference. So, to be fair, misconceptions are a given when you lightning-speed date. But what you’re describing is far too cryptic. Name names.

I take a deep breath, knowing I need to talk this through with someone who is unbiased in all regards. My teeth sink into my lip with a sting as I peck out my answer.

Me: Liam.

Rena: I knew it. He’s only got eyes for you.

Me: You think?

Rena: Know it, girl. Men don’t look at just anyone the way he looks at you. Sex?

Me: Best night of my life.
