Page 102 of So Not My Boss Crush

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Janelle is still watching my desk like a hawk.

“She caught me and Brock in the break room. Now she thinks she has to play chaperone.”

Lizzy utters a hushed, muted squeal and then wiggles her shoulders in a little happy dance. “Oooooh! Girl! I knew you guys would hit it off. Tell me everything.”

“Are you kidding? You’re HR. No way.”

“Okay, not here, then. Tomorrow after work, my place. I’ll get a bottle of wine and fruit, and we could make a pitcher of sangria like we did last Friday. Unless you have plans with your boyfriend.”

“He is not—” I stop myself before I can finish the denial.

Her eyebrows pop up. She waits.

I sigh. “Okay… maybe he is.”

A smile sneaks onto my lips. I snatch up my cup and take a long sip.

I’m not sure what’s making the jitters hit me—the caffeine, or the fact there is a chance Brock Benson is my boyfriend.

“I don’t know exactly where we stand, but last night he came over,” I whisper to Lizzy. “We talked about what’s happening between us. It was really good.”

I can’t tell her everything.

Not the juicy details, at least. Not how it felt to wake up in his arms. Or how, when he snoozed his alarm so he could stay right there on the couch with me for a little while longer, I almost lost my mind with happiness.

My couch is narrow.

There was just enough room for both of our bodies. Not much more. But it was enough room that he could roll on top of me and kiss me good morning. Really kiss me. It was better even than his break room good morning kiss, which was amazing enough as it was.

Lizzy giggles. “You drifted off there, Gwen. Hello? Am I losing you? Drink some more coffee, girl.”

“Oh. Er… sorry. Got lost for a sec.”

“Thinking about him, no doubt. Don’t leave me hanging. You talked… and? Am I the best person in the world for setting you guys up, or what?”

“He said he hasn’t felt like this about a woman, ever. He’s been married, Lizzy. Don’t tell anyone that. I don’t even know if I should be telling you. He was young, and he says it was a mistake.”

“You guys talked about exes? That’s serious!”

“We’ve talked about everything. Past relationships, our families, friends. Serious stuff, and silly stuff, too. He drops his mask sometimes. You know how he’s so suave, here at work and on the podcast?” I keep my voice a whisper.

Lizzy has her head bowed to mine. “Oh, yeah. Big time. Told you he’s not like that all the time. He’s a good business person and performer, but there’s a lot more to him, right?”


“So…? What’s next?”

“We’re just going to see where it goes. Let it unfold. Naturally. Organically.”

She laughs. “That is so perfect. Love it! I am so happy for you guys.”

“Thanks.” When the sparkly executive assistant phone rings, I reach for it to check the caller ID.

It’s Brian Campbell, the PI. “Hang on a sec—I better get this. It might be important.”

“Of course. I’ll just be here, feeling over the moon for you.”

I’m still grinning when I pick up the phone. “Hello, Gwen here. What can I do for you, Brian?”
