Page 135 of So Not My Boss Crush

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Brock gets along with my family as well, which makes me so happy. He’s been working out with Clay most mornings, and I know Clay appreciates the coaching.

Clay has a new glow about him—a new confidence, a new swagger. He’s not full of himself, but he’s not afraid of the world anymore, either. It’s good to see him step up to challenges. When we got an offer on the house, he was the one to go to all the meetings with the realtors and bankers. He handled all the paperwork.

My little brother’s all grown up. I told him that when I saw him heading out to one of the meetings with his shirt tucked into his pants. He immediately untucked his shirt. ‘I knew that probably looked dorky,’ he said with a laugh.

It’s been great to see him move out of Mom’s and into his own place. He likes being part of our dog-walking business, too.

We both liked the classes about saw safety so much that we figure the next time we flip a house together, we’ll do the sawing ourselves. I even bought a pair of overalls, so I’ll look the part of a handywoman.

Our next real estate venture may not happen for a long while, though.

Brock and I are both going to have our hands full for years to come. He’s going to be a great dad.

Kate returns to the living room with a silver can of sparkling water. “For you, Gwen,” she says with a laugh. She pours it out while Brock gets up and passes out plastic cups of champagne.

I catch my husband’s eye. “Okay, I think I’ll tell them.”

“Great. ‘Cause she’s serving you sparkling water. She already knows.”

“But we haven’t announced it.” I’m so giddy, it’s hard to speak. Saying this aloud, to someone besides Brock, is going to be new. We’ve kept it between us for three weeks now. “Actually—I’m sort of freaking out. Can you say it?” I ask.

He returns to the couch.

His hand wraps around my waist.

He turns to me. He’s growing a beard these days—maybe inspired by Sawyer. The cropped brown facial hair makes him look more attractive than ever to my fangirl eyes.

Brock Benson gave me a ring.

I married my boss.

It feels like a fairy tale, some days—even when Rosie’s piddling on the floor, or it’s raining on the only day Brock and I have off together, or the garbage disposal is clogged because I dropped a spoon down there by mistake, again.

Even when things seem to be going wrong, they’re right.

“Well, you guys guessed it.” He’s talking to Kate and Sawyer, and our niece, and even our puppy. “We have news. We’re going to be parents.”

Kate claps and squeals.

Sawyer lifts his Dixie Cup. “Cheers, guys! Congratulations.”

Rosie barks.

Chloe, upset by the noises, fusses.

But me?

I’m only barely aware of all that. I’m lost in this moment—sitting right here with Brock.

“We’re going to be parents,” he repeats, now gazing into my eyes. “It’s gonna be an adventure, baby.”

“I know.” I nod.

“Every day is an adventure with you,” he says before leaning in to place his lips on mine.

Every kiss he’s ever given me has sent a shiver of delight through my body, and this one is no different.

He is intense, and passionate, and the only man I want to spend the rest of my days with.

Cheesy Wednesday inspirational videos and all.

