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He gave me a slow, sweeping stare. "I'm not sure, honey. I'm quite attached to you covered in my scent, my cum. My mark."

I groaned, ignoring my flushed face. "You overbearing men and your caveman qualities."

He snorted as we got to our feet. "Isn't that your type?"5

I let him walk in front of me so I could smack his ass, delighted by the pink impression of my hand that formed. "I need to get my shirt."

"Leave it."

"But I want it," I argued.

He gave me an indulgent look over his shoulder. "Fine, what my spoiled mate wants, she gets."

A light flashed in his eyes, brightening the silver.

"What?" I asked, resting my hand on his waist.

"I remembered where I put the bottle I was looking for." He grinned. "We'll get it when we retrieve your shirt."

"What is it anyway?" I asked, a furrow between my brows as he strode up the hallway, picking up speed like he was excited. If this was a weapon of mass destruction, I swear…

"A potion I found decades ago, probably forty years ago now. If you put the bottle to your ear, you can hear a woman singing. It's supposed to be Aceso, a goddess of curing sickness and healing wounds. I thought it might close Wane's wounds."

I ground to a halt, my eyes stinging and heart melting in my chest.

"What?" Wyn asked, turning to look at me and scratching the back of his neck. "Why are you feeling like that?"

I wrenched him close and kissed him breathless.

"Asshole with a heart of gold," I murmured against his lips.

He groaned. "This proves nothing."

I just smiled and kissed him again.


The sun hadn't risen, and it was already eleven o'clock. I bit my lip as I stared out the kitchen window, barely touching the coffee Wane had made me. We'd had to turn on every lamp and light in the house even though it should have been bright morning outside.

"Still not reopened?" I asked him, leaning against the kitchen island while he sat at it, devouring a full English breakfast with the same ferocity as Em, Kai, and Harvey ate.

"Not yet," he confirmed, and shoved a whole sausage in his mouth.1 "It doesn't feel like they're going to rip open; it feels … strange."

"Normal," I corrected him, stroking long hair back from his face and avoiding the jagged stumps where his horns used to be. "Your back's supposed to be like this; it just feels weird because it's not what you're used to."

"Mm," he agreed, and devoured three strips of bacon in less than a second.2

"It shouldn't be this dark, should it?" Wane murmured between bites.

"No," I agreed. My stomach twisted when I looked outside. It looked like it was three a.m. I tried not to think about whose doing it was. "The sun will rise soon. It gets dark in Scotland in winter."

Wane nodded, scooping up scrambled eggs, but I knew he wasn't reassured. I dropped a kiss on his head, squeezed him in a back hug, and stepped back.

"It’s suspiciously quiet," I said. "I need to check the guys aren't wrecking this house like they did the last one."

Wane laughed—and hooked me with a fast shadow before I could walk away. He spun on his stool, guiding me to stand between his legs. "You think you can leave without giving me a proper morning kiss?"

"My apologies, zivai," I murmured, pretending to be properly chastised.
