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When archdemon's final seeds are sowed

King's final stand, titan's last breath

A hellborn angel will deliver death

Gods, mortals, and titans all

Will bring the end at shadow fall."

I blinked, reading it again, and again.

"Wait, that's it?" Haley demanded. "His final breath? How is that supposed to help me? I thought it would say how to kill him, or how I'd die or—something more than this crappy poem an angsty teenager could have written."

"Verena could have done a better job," I agreed, not sure what my emotions were doing. "Phoebe's a shit poet, that's for sure."

I traced the words inked on Haley’s back, licking my dry lips. "The first two lines are self-explanatory—our murder, rebirth, and finding our bonds again. The next … a titan's death. Rhea?"

Haley nodded, pink hair falling across her back; I moved it aside to read the next two lines. "What is made can be unmade; at Olympus, steep price is paid. That's Wynvail and—you."

Steep price. Yeah, there was no steeper fucking price than this war talking my mate from me. I still hadn't come back from it. I brushed a kiss to the place a wing met her shoulder, inhaling a slow breath of her scent. It was the only thing that helped me settle sometimes—having her scent in my lungs. I knew that was the Feral in me, knew I was still every bit as animalistic as I was at Alphaven. Deep down under all the pieces Haley had repaired, my core was unchanged.

"I'm right here, Kai," Haley soothed me, reaching around her sides for my hands. "Here, feel."

A surprised laugh burst out of me when she pressed my hands to her boobs. I helped myself to a squeeze, running my thumbs across her nipples.

"Definitely here," I agreed, strangely comforted by the gesture. A breath punched out of me, and I read the next lines of the prophecy. "Sacrifices, thefts, and gifts bestowed when archdemon's final seeds are sowed. Any ideas, my rose?"

"Maybe my sacrifice? When I died? Maybe Wyn's? Thefts, though… Have we stolen anything lately?"

"Not that I remember. Maybe we stole you from death with the resurrection pearl."

She made a thoughtful hmm. "What about the seeds sown bit?"

I nipped the sensitive arch of her wing. "We've definitely sown a few seeds in your pussy."

She elbowed me. "Be serious, Malakai."

I laughed, kissing the same spot until she shuddered, her nipples pebbling under my hands, her skin hot and soft and so fucking tempting. "Archdemon's final seeds. That's probably us. Maybe we're going to plant a garden. Or maybe it's talking about a seed of magic."

"Yeah, I have no idea what that means either. Maybe Em will know."

"Maybe Harvey will surprise us and say something insightful for once."

She elbowed me again. "You do realise he's not around to hear you antagonising him?"

"I'm hoping he'll sense the disturbance in the air."

Haley snorted. "What's the next line?"

"King's final stand, titan's last breath; a hellborn angel will deliver death. Other than telling us you'll kill him, which we already knew, what does it say?"

"It's all tied into the archdemon seeds and sacrifices part," Haley groaned. "Of course it hinges on the line we're blanking on. Of course it does."

"Maybe fate will help you figure out the meaning at the exact right time," I suggested. She scoffed, but I was serious. Clearly whichever deity decided our fate was paying attention; Phoebe saw all this happen and wrote the prophecy, but some higher power was watching, guiding us.

"And the next line?" she asked.

"The last one," I murmured. "Gods, mortals, and titans all will bring the end at shadow fall."
