Page 45 of All Hallows Night

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“My insatiable wife,” he said against my mouth, then groaned when I sucked his tongue into my mouth. “I suppose one more orgasm won’t hurt.”

He fused his mouth to mine, vanished our clothes with a single thought, and took me on the desk until all my things crashed to the floor and the shape of his body was imprinted on mine.

I hated Nightmare for cursing me, but I loved this, loved having two husbands who were sweet and sexy and insane in bed.

I just didn’t know if I’d get to keep them if the curse broke.



Icould smell her on Death. My teeth ground together as I threw myself into the chair by the fireplace, across from him. My mouth set in a hard line, my whole body bristling. I hadn’t slept a single fucking minute last night, and it was all her fault for stealing him from me.

“I told you to join us,” Death said gently, watching me and seeing far too much.

I bared my teeth. Dragged in a breath and smelled peaches and cream instead of the logs in the fire. I couldn’t even smell the burned sugar or the amber and sandalwood of Death and Tor’s scents. She’d invaded my life, and now here she was, clinging to my home. I hated her more than I’d ever hated anyone.

No. Not more than Nightmare, but almost.

“Why would I join you?” I demanded eventually, casting Tor a dirty look when he sank onto the chair arm beside me and slung an arm over my shoulders. It had the usual calming effect, but I didn’t want to be calm. I was tired and furious and jealous. I met Death’s worried eyes and said, “I don’t know why you’re drawn to her. I don’t feel it at all.”

“Nothing?” Tor asked, frowning as he wrapped a strand of my pale hair around his finger.

“Nothing,” I confirmed, my skin crawling even as my heart beat faster.

I felt nothing. Yesterday was an experiment. Clinical. Necessary. And now it was over, and would never happen again.

Tor shrugged, leaning closer to me. “Maybe it’ll take a while for your bond to develop. She’s amazing, Miz, you’re gonna love her.”

“She’s pathetic,” I sneered. “Mortal and dull and placid.”

“Misery,” Death said in the note of warning that told me I’d gone too far. Well, so had he. He stayed with her for two nights in a row when he should have been here with us.

He’d never been away overnight before. I loathed to discover I couldn’t sleep without him. Just another misery to add to a long list of them.

“She’s not dull,” Tor argued, although without fire or sharpness. He tugged the strand of my hair. “She’s sweet and perceptive and so fucking sexy when she comes.” He groaned, as if remembering, and I sucked on a tooth so I didn’t snap at him. So they’d both been with her. No wonder our home smelled of peaches and cream. Too sweet. Sickly. Taunting.

“Miz,” Death said, watching me. “Cat might change things, but she doesn’t change how much we want you. You know that, don’t you?”

I laughed, a little strangled, and shoved out of the too-hot chair by the fire. I was burning, incinerating. I wanted to tear her hands off my men, wanted to make her pay, wanted to watch fear fill her pretty grey eyes again. I wanted to scare her so badly she ran away and never went near Death and Tor again.

“Don’t be an idiot,” Tor huffed. “You’re ours, like we’re yours. That shit won’t ever change.”

“Fuck you,” I snarled, stalking away and getting a sick satisfaction from crusting mud from my boots into the rug. “Fuck both of you. Go back to your fucking girlfriend.”

“Misery,” Death said, his voice too close for him to still be sitting by the fire. “Don’t walk away from us.”

His voice cut under my skin and raked claws through my heart. How long would it be until he decided he didn’t need me? Who would need misery incarnate when you had someone sweet and perceptive and sexy?

I made a rough sound in my throat, storming through the foyer to the front door, the domain of death feeling colder than usual, forcing goosebumps on my arms.

I didn’t make it to the door. Death snapped warm arms around me from behind and held me captive, his chin resting on my shoulder, beloved lips pressing a kiss to the side of my throat. My eyes burned. I clenched my jaw.

“You said she’s our wife,” I muttered, “but you’re the only one she’s bound to. Nightmare’s magic links you, and if you don’t think the real curse is to take you away from me, you haven’t been paying attention all these years.”

“Impossible,” Death replied, so soft, so loving. “No force in any domain can take me from you, Misery.”

I flexed my hands in and out of fists. “I’ve already lost Tor to her. Nightmare has won.”
