Page 55 of All Hallows Night

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But on the flipside, I felt so. Fucking. Good.

Miz had ripped every bit of tension out of me until I was as limp as a ragdoll. I didn’t even bother to open my eyes when he rolled onto his back and arranged me splayed over him, his chest rising and falling fast. I really, truly hated him. I did. But fuck. He’d just brought five different fantasies to life, and I didn’t know how he could have possibly known unless—

Death told him. I stifled a groan. When he overheard me talking to Honey, he must have told Miz and Tor everything I said. Bastard. I was angry, but that emotion felt very far away, my mind floaty and my body extremely satisfied. The warmth of Misery under me satisfied my soul’s need for companionship, too. I had everything I needed right here, with a man I hated.

He expelled a long breath, his face moving against the side of my head. Nuzzling me, I realised after a minute. As if Misery could ever be gentle.

“Well,” a sweet, rich voice said, startling me but not enough that I bothered to open my eyes. Death was back. “This is unexpected.”

“Peach likes her,” Miz said softly.


I made a soft noise of complaint when hands moved me on top of Miz, spreading my legs again, presumably Misery’s hands but I wasn’t sure. I was comfy and warm and held close, so I didn’t much care.

“I filled her up for you, see.”

Death groaned.

I tried to open my eyes to see them both but I was so tired, my eyelids so heavy.

“Just don’t make her come again,” Miz murmured, his hand flexing on my bare back. “I don’t think she can take another.”

Alarm should have pulsed through me but I was too floaty for that. A cool tongue swiped over my pussy and I made a quiet sound of surprise, but it felt nice. Soft, gentle, swirling over me slowly enough to not arouse me again. The moan Death let out threatened to wake up my body again, but the warm hands caressing the backs of my thighs lulled me to calm again.

“Fuck, the taste of you both together…” Death groaned, curling his tongue inside me. Oh. He was—eating Miz’s cum from my pussy. Well, that was… well.

When he was done, Death kissed my aching pussy, then my clit, and then rose up the bed and slung his arm across my back, holding us both.

“Sleep, Cat,” he murmured, as if I wasn’t already halfway there. “We’ll all stay with you.”



Having breakfast with the living (ish) embodiments of Death and Torment was weird but even weirder that it felt easy and natural. There were no awkward silences, only teasing, laughter, and warmth that felt dangerously close to affection.

I sat on Death’s lap in the kitchen, at his insistence, and wasn’t even allowed to get my own food; he hand-fed me bites of pastries and fruit, and seemed to love every second of it. A pleasant happiness moved through my chest, making me lighter. I liked being cared for more than I’d realised, like I’d enjoyed being choked more than I ever realised.

Oh god, I’d never come as hard as I did on Miz’s cock with his filthy words brushing my skin, his wand on my clit.

“Where’s the bastard anyway?” I asked, sucking the juice of a strawberry from Death’s fingers and enjoying the soft groan he bit back. It felt like I was living in a dream, and dream Cat liked to tease her husbands.

“Brooding probably,” Tor replied with an eye roll where he sat across the solid wood table big enough to seat twelve. “He vanished a couple hours ago and hasn’t come back.”

Alarm went through my chest. “Shouldn’t we be worried, with Nightmare around?”

“No.” Death kissed my shoulder, and tugged down my borrowed shirt—one of Miz’s, a loose white cotton lavish with embroidery—so he could kiss bare skin. “He’s prone to disappearances when he’s got a lot on his mind. This is normal for him. If he’s not back in a few hours, then I’ll go find him.”

“A lot on his mind meaning me,” I murmured, reaching for my cup of coffee and laughing when Death rushed to get it first, bringing it to my lips.

“Don’t worry about him,” Tor said, propping his chin on his hand and gazing at me in a way that made my stomach squirm. “He’s always dramatic about everything, and he wasn’t planning to like you, let alone sleep with you. He’ll get over it and come begging for more.”

I snorted. “I can’t imagine him begging.”

“He begs so beautifully,” Death told me, lavishing more kisses across my skin. “I’ll fuck him into submission some time so you can see it in person.”

I nearly choked on my coffee, heat spreading further through me.
