Page 61 of All Hallows Night

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Death was gone when I woke up three mornings later, only a lime green tulip left behind, but I’d been prepared for that. It was nice to be in a relationship with someone who communicated openly, and told me he had a stubborn soul to bring to his domain the next day instead of letting me wake alone, wondering if I’d done something wrong.

And we were in a relationship—we’d had that conversation yesterday and he’d told me, in explicit terms, that he was serious about being my husband, and I was his for life. Life seemed a little unrealistic, but it put a smile on my face anyway. At least until he wiped it away by sinking his cock inside my pussy and making my mouth drop open.

Remembering that, a split second smile curved my lips until everything that happened in the woods returned with force. Darya’s immobile body, the helpless terror in her eyes, Nightmare’s voice hooking through my mind like a scythe. Well done, Cat, you’ve proven very effective. Now kill her.

Like it did every time I remembered, my whole body locked up, a weight crushing my chest until I could only half breathe, and my heart beat strained.

You’re scaring me, Cat, what’s going on? The last words Darya ever spoke to me. To anyone.

I rolled over and threw my torso over the side of the bed, aiming for the bucket I’d kept there for days. A cramp in my stomach sent bile splashing the bottom of the bucket. Ugh. This happened too many times a day; I was so wretched I hadn’t made it to classes yesterday and I had no interest in going today either.

I didn’t know this room yet. It was surprising how quickly I’d adjusted to my old room, and now I was thrown in a whole new space, I hated it. The desk and wardrobe were on a whole other side, the window bigger, throwing shadow and light across the floor in a new pattern. This room had a heater and extra blankets, though, and Miz had shielded it. Whatever that meant.

I flopped back onto the bed with a groan—and frowned at the yellow blur of colour in the corner of my eye.

“Huh?” I squinted, still bleary-eyed and miserable, but no, I was really seeing what I thought I was seeing: a 20cm tall duck plushie.

My bottom lip wobbled, and I wanted Death to come back so I could hug him fiercely—but when my eyes focused, they drifted from the plush duck to two iced drinks from Dunkin Donuts and a white paper bag with their logo. I couldn’t take it. I buried my face in the pillow and cried, and didn’t stop until I was hollow and my chest hurt.

It took me an hour to feel human again, and by then the sun was high in the sky, blazing through the crack in my curtains. I pulled myself up until I was propped against the pillows and reached for the iced coffee, sliding my phone out from under my pillow.

I dialled Virgil first, frowning when he didn’t pick up after a solid minute of ringing. Then I tried again, to the same end. I left him a voicemail and tried Tannie.

“Darling sister,” he greeted, “why have you abandoned me?”

I grunted in reply.

“Ten days without a call, and yes I counted.” He tsked. “Do you not love me anymore? Are we over?”

“You’re my brother, I can’t break up with you.”

He gasped, affronted. “So if I wasn’t your brother, you would break up with me. Harsh, Cat.”

I found it in me to laugh, but it was weak. “Are you okay?”

“Fine. Bored. I’m waiting for a placement so I’m just sitting here twiddling my thumbs.”

“There must be something you can do. You’re telling me you have no work due?”

Zoltan groaned dramatically. “Don’t be a bore, Cat. You know I’m allergic to theses.”

“Since when are you writing a thesis?”

“Ugh, don’t. I have too much personality for this drabness. Why are you calling, anyway? What do you want?”

“Charming,” I muttered.

“Ten days of silence, Cat. I’m suspicious.”

“I’ve just been busy.” Being tormented by a madwoman and her followers. “Sorry, I won’t leave it as long again. I actually called to see if you’ve heard from Virgil.”

“Not in a few days.”

“I just tried calling him, and it went to voicemail.”
