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Everything about it was inviting.

The cool edges of her words blended.

Her laugh was soft and feminine.

“Are you there, Josephine?”

“Where are you?” I asked, searching for my cell phone but coming up with nothing. “Show yourself.”

“You’ve seen me, haven’t you?” she asked from the opposite side of the room.

I blinked, trying to adjust my eyes to the darkness, but none of it worked. “Are you the woman from the mirror?”

She chuckled, and a cool breeze drifted through the room. “I am indeed, Josephine.”

“What do you want?” I asked, sliding back against my plush headboard. My mind raced with ideas of making it out of the room. The door was several feet away from me.

Though, I didn’t know what kind of swiftness this person—thing—had, and I wasn’t about to run in the darkness.

“You won’t make it,” she said softly, my bed moving as she sat by my feet.

The moonlight illuminated what looked like two horns curled over the top of her head. The fear of knowing she wasn’t human rocked me inside and out.

“I just need you to tell me where I can find something of mine.”

My heart began to hammer loudly in my ears. The panic in my stomach pushed vomit up to my throat. “Find what?”

“A golden spindle.”

My mind raced. A spindle? “Like the necklace on my bed? Did you leave that there? I don’t even live here—”

“You have one more chance to tell me where the spindle is before I lose my patience. I'm growing tired of being here."

“You’ve been watching me, right?” I asked, feeling her shift on the bed and drawing my fear up my spine. “I just got here. I haven’t had time to steal a golden spindle.”

“You’re right,” she said. “But someone in this house stole my spindle.”

“Why would they want your spindle?”

The moonlight moved when she did, leaving a gust of wind against my body. The windows blew open, and a shadow danced along the windowsill in the moonlight.

I searched for a grasp on the bed frame, but something invisible pulled me from the sheets. I screamed, but nothing came out. Then I hit the floor as I was dragged by my feet across the floor.

My body flung to a standing position in the air, and I came face-to-face with her. She was oddly beautiful. Full lips, a makeup-free face with porcelain skin.

She looked young, but wisdom and evil lingered in her movements. She wore a long robe that reminded me of a real-life witch.

The moon illuminated her while she eyed me head to toe.

“Last chance, Josephine. Tell me where the spindle is, and I’ll let you go live your pathetic life of attempting to feel accepted and important.”

My voice left my body as I tried to scream for help again.

She sneered my way, floated out of the window, and lured me toward her without a word. My legs swung wildly in the air above the hedges underneath my second-story window.

Would she drop me? I prayed for it.

I wished she would just let me go.
