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The woods looked friendly compared to the ones we’d just survived, but his instructions circled in my mind. I turned my gaze back up the hill and pretended like I hadn’t heard anything.

Another whistle came closer, and I scurried away until I faced the woods.

Come on, Anti-hero. I’m either hallucinating or someone is trying to lure me into the woods.

As I waited for a red balloon to float toward me, I noticed a small, elfish girl staring at me from behind a tree.

I cringed when I noticed her, and she ducked back behind the trunk.

“Hello?” I asked.

Slowly, she poked her head out and stepped out into the ditch. When her wings fluttered in preparation for flight, I realized she was a faerie.

My childhood dream stood in front of me.

It was Tinkerbell in the flesh.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

She stopped inches in front of my lifeless body and poked at my cheek.

“Hey,” I said. "Watch it. That body is valuable. I plan to get back in it one day."

She backed away. “I’m sorry. Are you Josephine?”

How in the hell does she know my name?

“Who’s asking?” I asked.


“How do you know my name?”

She sat back onto her heels. “The man with you saved my life from a fae. He was forcing me to ... never mind. I’m free now. Where is he?”

She was looking for Kellan.

Go figure.

I’d be looking for him, too if I wasn’t being forced to tag along like an unwanted toddler.

I scoffed. “Don’t waste your time. He’s a real stick in the mud.”

She smiled, and it reminded me of a small girl, not someone being pimped out. “He is a brute, isn’t he?”

“Something like that,” I said, looking over my shoulder. When I looked back, she was several inches closer to me.

“He saved you from Deidamia?” She looked down at my lifeless body and then back up. “Sort of?”

“Yeah.” I jabbed my fingers over my shoulder. “He saved me, but don’t say that. He’s the anti-hero in this story, not the hero,” I said, mockery in my voice.

She straightened in the midst of her laugh, and I assumed he’d returned. Kellan stopped frozen at the top of the hill. “What are you doing? I told you to stay put.”

I rolled my eyes and gestured toward the same spot I hadn’t moved from. “I haven't moved since you left. This ... girl showed up in the woods.”

“What are you doing here?” he hissed, stumbling down the hill with our food.

Tossing it into my lap, he reached down, grabbed her upper arm, and hauled her to her feet. “I don’t have the time to deal with your drama right now. I know that Fae is looking for you, and you’re leading him back to me. I stabbed him in the leg. What do you think he will do when he finds me carrying these two girls around? Thank me for setting him straight. He’s going to kill me while I try to save her life.”
