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“Crap!” Josephine shouted.

I gripped her chin in my palm swiftly, moving her face from side to side to examine the bruise forming above her eye.

Her blue eyes shifted toward mine. “Are you okay?” she asked.

I chuckled under my breath, eyeing her sleeping body beside me and then the faerie staring at me with wide eyes. “What did I miss? Am I okay? Are you okay?”

She looked at Fern. “You were having a nightmare.”

I dropped my hand from her chin, noticing the sunlight and the fact we were still camped here. “Why didn’t you two wake me?”

I stood, picked up Josephine’s body and turned to look at them.

Fern stood up next. “I’m sorry. You looked so tired, we wanted to let you sleep.”

I shifted my gaze toward Josephine, who gave me a skeptical look as she stood. “What were you dreaming about? Who is Anali—”

“Don’t,” I snapped, startling myself at the volume of my voice. “Say that name,” I finished in a whisper.

Josephine stared at me, daring me to look away, until Fern cleared her throat. “We should probably get going. We can make it there by lunch.”

Josephine blinked slowly and looked over at Fern. “I’m so ready to be there.”

Fern fell into step with her while I carried her body behind them.

My muscles ached from carrying her. What I would do for a neck massage.

“When we get back to Louisiana, I know a good masseuse,” Josephine said over her shoulder.

I halted. Did she just hear me?

Fern looked back and stopped when she noticed I had.

Josephine glanced over her shoulder. “What?”

I stared at her for a long second, feeling too many emotions bubbling up in my gut. Why in the hell could we hear one another? Fern couldn’t hear me, and I couldn’t hear her. I’d never been able to hear anyone’s thoughts before, and I’d never wanted to.

“He didn’t say anything,” Fern whispered, cupping her hand around her mouth.

Josephine lifted a brow at her. “Oh, so we can hear each other’s thoughts now. Strange.” She busted out laughing after a few moments. “You better keep your thoughts clean, Anti-hero, or I may find out your true feelings about me.”

Giving her a bored look, I stepped around her and said, “I don’t have any feelings for you.”

“Poppycock,” she said. “Of course you do. They may not be a true hero’s thoughts on saving a beautiful woman, but I’ll sort through that at a later time. We need to get me back into that body. I’m starting to feel a little detached from her, and I don’t like it.”

She continued the way Fern led us, leaving me with a growing headache. Everything that came out of her mouth drove me insane. Where she came up with half of it, I’d never know.

We trudged along for what felt like another three hours when Fern raced forward, up a small hill, and stopped at the top of it.

She looked pleased that she’d led us in the right direction.

“There is it. His cabin.”

I walked up the hill and looked down at the small cabin next to a giant garden. Smoke billowed up from the chimney, and two lazy cats sat on the front steps licking their paws.

A small cobblestone walkway branched off from the porch and disappeared around the house.

Fern smiled up at me. “Are you ready?” she asked.
