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A bar of soap was tucked into a man-made alcove in the wood. Sliding it over my skin I felt myself returning. The feeling of being clean warmed me. I closed my eyes and smiled up at the sky.

Sliding my fingers into my ratty hair I attempted to work the knots out of my thick locks when I heard something move close by. I wrapped my arms around my bare breasts and waited.

Silence greeted me.

Continuing my shower, I heard a slight chuckle and then turned around to the empty shower stall. “Anybody out there?”

Movement under the bottom of the stall startled me. A small elfish looking man stared up at me from underneath the wood. His features were small and dwarfish like out of a storybook. When he smiled, a scream ripped from my body, and I kicked him square in the face.

He squealed and disappeared from underneath the wood. Adrenaline coursed through me as the wooden door swung open, and Kellan stood on the other side.

My entire body froze. I was naked as the day I was born in front of him. All my lustful emotions pooled in my stomach. Kellan’s throat worked as he swallowed, and his jaw clenched.

I’d never felt so undone, not even when he kissed me. This was freeing. He was seeing me undressed, and seeing his reaction pulled on that invisible string between us.

His clear admiration and frustration of not touching me was evident on his face. I felt his emotions so clearly that it stunned me.

“What on Earth,” Fern’s voice grew closer.

Kellan cleared his throat, looked down and lifted a brow. Bending down, he grabbed what looked to be an elf attempting to hide his bloody nose.

“Oh, my goodness,” Fern said. “An elf. Can we keep him?”

“I’m a grown man,” he yelled, swinging wildly at Kellan, who almost looked amused. Kellan realized the door was open and shut it closed quickly. I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding and covered my face.

Ernest chuckled. “Those little bastards steal from my garden all the time. Take him inside, Kellan.”

Ernest tossed a T-shirt over the side of the stall.

I turned the water off, dried off with the handmade towel and slid the T-shirt over my body. It hit a little lower than mid-thigh, so I was okay with no underwear for now.

The back door was cracked for me as I slid inside and found everyone standing in the dining room with the elf.

He beamed when he saw me.

“You got an eyeful you jerk,” I mumbled.

“So did the big guy,” he said, in a squeaky voice. “You aren’t complaining about him.”

My cheeks flamed red as everyone glanced over at me. Kellan’s stare felt like a hot lamp against my skin. I wish I could hear his thoughts. What was he thinking?

“What are you doing here?” I asked him.

He shifted the small hat on top of his head and straightened his small black pointed-toed shoes. “I was walking to the garden to get some veggies," he said, glancing at Ernest with a grin, "when I heard that stupid crow.”

My back stiffened.

“What crow?” Kellan asked, his voice gravely and deep.

He looked up at him. “You know, that witch Deidamia’s crow. I decided to hide, and a shower with a beautiful woman seemed like the best spot.”

Kellan stood up straight. His intense stare told me everything I needed to know. Deidamia knew where we were.

“Are you single?” the elf asked.

Kellan slapped the back of his head before he stalked toward the front door of the cabin.

“Ouch,” the elf whispered. “Stupid caveman.”
