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Hot tears coated my cheeks. This was a bad, bad dream. This was a dream that I prayed never happened to me.

The distant caw of a crow echoed into the small cell and suddenly rang louder as she perched on the small window.

Its red-rimmed eyes brought back everything in a gust of realization that sent me backward.

It was real. All of it. I wiped my mouth with the back of my palm and climbed to my unstable feet.

My poor baby girl ...

The love of my life ...

They were both gone. She’d taken them. That demon had eaten the entire town like a cannibalistic devil.

The heavy door was locked, not that I expected her to leave it open, and the only other way out was a window in the top corner, where the crow sat.

Running my palms down my face, I took a deep breath.

Why had she taken me? What did she want? Part of me wanted her to kill me right then and there because I felt death growing inside of me.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I grew. Adrenaline coursed through me, sending me into circles. “Come on out,” I shouted at the walls, making the crow flutter her wings. “Face me!” I shouted.

I turned and came face-to-face with Deidamia. She’d cleaned herself since I saw her at the village.

Her lips weren’t red-stained any longer, and the crazed look in her eyes was tamed. There was an elegance about her that I did not like.

“You called?” she asked, tilting her head slightly.

I stepped forward, attempting to show her my dominance, but she didn’t flinch. “Why in the hell did you bring me here?”

Deidamia interlaced her fingers in front of her. “Well, you are too useful for a snack.”

The nonchalance drove a red-hot hammer into my heart.

Swiftly, I slung a punch at her face, only meeting air. She appeared on the other side of the room with a chuckle. “See there,” she said, gesturing toward me, “you’re strong. I may need you in the future. Who knows? Or maybe I just feel nice today?"

I spit on the ground. “I wouldn’t help you if my life depended on it.”

Her eyes twinkled at the statement. “Oh, Kellan. That’s your name, isn’t it?”

I didn’t want to know how she knew my name.

“Don’t make promises too soon,” she said, leaning against the wall of the cell. “I take it the woman and small girl were yours, hmm?”

I glared as the taste of acid climbed my throat.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” she said. “What if I told you that you could see them again?”

The knife in my chest twisted.

“If that means killing me, then yes, do it.”

She rolled her eyes and pushed from the wall, almost floating as she walked toward me. “Why would I do that?”

My jaw locked from the pressure of grinding my teeth together. “To put me out of my misery,” I hissed. “Or do ... demons not have any compassion?”

The wicked smile on her face widened. “It’s not nice to call people names,” she said, reaching to touch my cheek, I slapped her hand away. She chuckled. “But you’re right; my compassion disappeared many moons ago. Being wicked is so much more fun.”

The crow on the window ledge cawed at me.
