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Shoving his chest, I watched the shock travel across his features. At least it was something other than failure and anger. I shoved him again. All my energy going into each shove.

Each time, I felt smaller and smaller compared to him.

I felt myself crumbling to pieces.

Kellan grabbed one wrist and restrained me. “Stop it,” he hissed.

“No,” I said. “You stop it. You’re admitting failure before you’ve even tried. Like you don’t want to be with me. Like you don’t want to try.”

Kellan’s finger tightened around my wrist, he hauled me toward him, and his mouth crashed against mine.

The surprise of it was swallowed by my greediness. I needed him. He needed me. Whether he wanted to admit it or not.

His fingers sank into my hair then he maneuvered me to his hips and pressed my back against the tree. All my troubles and my heartache tumbled out of me and into his mouth.

Kellan kissed me as if he would never get another chance. I hated and loved it all at once. I tore my mouth away from his, the stars twinkling brighter above me while he kissed a hot path down my neck. “Don’t do this because you think you’ll never have another chance.”

He didn’t answer. He gripped the globe of my ass in his palm and finally pulled away to look at me. “I pray that I get to do this for the rest of your life.”

The rest of my life.

Because he would continue to live forever. More tears fell down my cheeks. “We have to force Deidamia to reverse it.”

Kellan rested his forehead against mine and smiled softly to himself. “Josephine,” he whispered, shaking his head. “How do you suggest I kill her and force her to revert my immortality? We can’t trust her. How would we even trust her?”

I took a deep breath. “We get her spindle.”

Kellan looked at me. “We don’t know who has it, Josephine. We can’t get back home to do it—”

“You can’t open the portal, but maybe someone else can. Is Deidamia strong enough to block everyone from moving portal to portal or just us?”

Kellan searched my face with those dark, hungry eyes. “I don’t know.”

“It’s worth a shot,” I whispered.

Kellan dropped my feet to the ground and offered me his hand. I interlaced my fingers with his as he walked us back to Ernest.

He was half asleep when we walked to him, but he jerked awake. “Is everything okay?” he asked.

Kellan nodded. “Josephine has an idea, and I think it’s worth a shot.”

Ernest looked over at me with curious eyes. “Tell me,” he encouraged.

I cleared my throat. “We need Deidamia to revert Kellan’s immortality. We have no leverage. Have you ever opened a portal?”

Ernest shook his head. “I’ve never had to. I have no interest in going to other realms.”

“We need you to try,” I said.

Ernest used the tree as a crutch to stand. “And what do you expect us to do once it’s opened?”

“I’ll go back and find the golden spindle.” Ernest waited on me to continue. “Because if we have that, we have what she needs. It’s the only way to waiver Kellan’s immortality.”

Ernest frowned. “Once you give her the spindle?”

“We kill her.”

"How?" he asked.
