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It was the best bed of leaves I’d ever slept on. Kellan hadn’t taken his eyes off me the entire morning. The rough feel of his hands still lingered on my skin. His impressive length had filled me over and over, bringing tears to my eyes.

A shiver worked its way down my spine.

For the briefest of moments, I’d forgotten we were in another realm with Deidamia after us. It’d felt so real. So raw. Everything about his touch set my soul on fire.

Kellan stepped behind me, his whisper soft in my ear. “You better stop thinking about last night before I take you behind that tree and we go for round two.”

I looked up at him with a mischievous grin. “No one is stopping you—”

Kellan tossed me over his shoulder. Water splashed up around us as he slung me and began to walk back to camp.

I was laughing when he dropped me to my feet.

Ernest and Fern sat by the campfire, eating another loaf of bread. What I would do for some fried chicken right now.

“Good morning,” Ernest said. “Did you find somewhere to bathe close by?”

Kellan’s playfulness turned serious. “Yes, it’s just a short walk East. Are you ready to attempt a portal today, old man?”

Ernest’s gaze lifted to Kellan’s. I noticed Ernest smile, as if he appreciated the name. Maybe he sensed Kellan was lighter. Not as tense. “I am ready as soon as I eat this bread. You two eat your breakfast. I think we all need it.”

Fern leaned forward and poked the fire with a long stick. “I don’t think Josie should go by herself,” Fern said. “Maybe I could come with her?”

Kellan glanced over at me. I knew he didn’t want me to go. He was afraid I wouldn’t return, or Jacob would keep me there. Going with Fern didn’t sound too bad.

“Are you curious about Earth?” Ernest asked.

Fern bit her bottom lip. “A little, but I think two is better than one.”

It was obvious that Ernest saw through her eagerness to see Earth.

“I think that’s a good idea,” I said, taking the bread Kellan handed me. “I’m a little nervous about going back.”

Ernest looked unsure.

“What would it hurt?” I asked.

Ernest shrugged and rubbed his forehead. “As long as you both come back, I don’t see the harm.”

Fern smiled ear to ear and gave me a side eye. She shoved the bread into her mouth and stood up. “Let’s open this portal, then.”

Ernest looked at her sheepishly. “I’m an old man, Fern. There is no guarantee that I’ll be able to open it or that Deidamia hasn't blocked everyone from traveling to other realms.”

He was right. It was a long shot. One that we had to take.

Kellan offered Ernest his hand and helped him to his feet. “We’ll be over there in that clearing. Call if you need us.”

Kellan winked at me and left me with Fern. Once they were out of hearing distance, Fern turned to me and stared.

“What?” I asked, taking a bite of bread.

“How was it?”

I gaped at her. “How was what?”

She gestured toward me. “Kellan is being nice. You’re grinning at each other. You totally did it.”

I closed my eyes and lowered my forehead to the bread. “No, Fern—”
