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Both of my parents stared at me with wide eyes. “What are you talking about?” Mother asked, her gaze moving toward Fern behind me. “Who is this?”

“That’s Fern,” I said, gesturing toward her small frame. “She’s a faerie.”

Mother’s face turned ashen. “A faerie, Josephine?” she asked.

“A faerie,” I said. “What did you think were in other realms? Humans?”

Mother wrapped her arms around her stomach. “Well, I didn’t know,” she whispered. “We're glad to have you here. Are you girls hungry? Melissa has some leftover food in the fridge—”

“No,” I said pulling away to look at them. “A witch took me to another realm because someone in this house took something of hers. We have to find it. I have to go back and save Kellan.”

My father swiped his palm down his face, a telltale sign that he didn’t like what I was saying. “Josephine,” he said softly, touching my chin. “Sweetie, you can’t go back there. We just got you back.”

My spine stiffened. They weren’t going to let me go. Here I was thinking Jacob would be the one stopping me, but my parents don’t understand.

Fern touched my forearm, and I looked over at her. “Maybe we should eat first,” she whispered, giving me a look to stay quiet.

I sighed heavily, wanting to shake my parents to make them understand, but nodded in agreeance. “Okay,” I said. “I am hungry. We’ve been eating bread for days.”

Mother ushered us toward the dining room to the table. Fern took a seat, giving me a look that I took as to stay calm.

I didn’t feel calm. I was frustrated. My Dad wanted to toss Kellan to the side because I was safe. He sat across from me with a wide smile.

I couldn’t even give one back to him. It felt forced and wrong. What was wrong with him? Mother brought us two plates of roasts and veggies.

Fern took hers greedily, while I felt vomit climbing my throat. Each bite felt like swallowing cotton. It wasn’t happening. I needed to make them understand. Why couldn't they understand?

“Where are Melissa and Jenny?” I asked.

“We had to let Jenny go,” Mother said nonchalantly. “She wasn’t doing her job.”

My eyes popped open in shock. “She’s been with us for so long—”

Mother’s gaze lifted to mine. “I’m sorry, Josephine. She just wasn’t working out anymore. Melissa will be back soon to cook dinner. She’s going to be so excited to see you. We’ve been worried sick.”

“I’m sure,” I whispered.

Dad reached across the table and grabbed my free hand. “I’m so glad you’re back. I was terrified that you weren’t going to come home. My only baby girl.”

I smiled weakly at him. “How do you know about portals and different realms?” I asked.

He sat back, rubbing his head full of salt-and-pepper hair. “Since I was a child. I saw Kellan once when I was young in the woods. Grandpa had taken me hunting, and I saw him come through a portal. I’ve known about him since. My grandfather said he was very old even though he doesn't look it."

I stood up swiftly, unable to keep myself together in front of them. All the memories from the past week rattled my insides. I hurried toward the staircase and into my room. My mother called after me, but I didn’t stop until I stood in the bathroom where I’d first saw Deidamia.

I braced my palms against the counter of the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror.

I looked different. There was something growing in my eyes. Something hard. Something wicked that wanted Deidamia dead. Mother knocked on the door and stepped into the room.

She rushed over and braced her palms on each side of my face. “Baby,” she whispered. “What’s wrong? You’re home.”

I shook my head. “I have to go back and save him, Mother. You have no idea what he went through for me. He sent me here to find who stole Deidamia’s spindle, Mother. I have to give it back to her, or she’s going to come after me.”

Mother frowned. The obvious ‘my daughter’s gone crazy’ look hung on her face. “Josie, you think a witch took you?”

“She’s the one that left that note. We have to find out who has her spindle—”

Mother dropped her hands in irritation. “I can’t send you back through that portal. What if you never come back?”
