Page 33 of Lich's Desire

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“Uh, one moment,” Kazrith interjects, looking at me as I try to hide the burning of my ears. “We’ll… have her stay in the guestroom for now, just while she grows accustomed to the home. I’ll show her to the space.”

Corin’s studious gaze darts between my fake husband and me.

“I’ll show her to her quarters,” Kazrith reaffirms. “In the meantime, unload the cart, would you? Store my goods carefully.”

“It will be done.”

Corin shoots me another strange gaze as he strolls past. I follow Kazrith deeper into his home, where more evidence of his wealth comes into display during a short tour.

Some open doors lead through into hallways, all of which are lit by sconces planted along the wall. Several art pieces of the city are displayed in the foyer, which doubles as the lounge room.

In between each painting are bizarre pottery formations, which Kazrith tells me he procured from craftsmen in the market hub.

He’s got quite exquisite taste.

Even the bathroom is bigger than my old home. The tubs are big enough to accommodate four humans.

The servants I encounter along the way raise an eyebrow at me but are courteous nonetheless. Likely because they’re under the watchful eye of Kazrith. I don’t want to imagine what he does to the subordinates who get on his bad side.

“Your quarters are right through here,” he says, opening a door into a spacious bedroom. “It should have everything you need, but I’ve never had a human stay here before. Need I request for any alterations to suit your comfort?”

Kazrith peers down at me, his posture strong. But something in his eyes makes me feel calm. For so long I’ve been running, but I’m starting to feel safe.

Why? A demon, of all creatures, is making me feel this way. An incredibly attractive and wealthy one, I might add. Maybe I won’t be dreading this stay in Ikoth after all.

It’s at that moment that I’m hit with a newfound sense of appreciation for the demon. I’ve known him for less than a day, yet he has treated me better than any xaphan I’ve met in my entire life.

He’s opened his home to me and will aid in getting me back to my father. Hmm, what if…?

The mere thought of a future with him sprouts in my mind, but he interrupts my musing with a repeat of his question.

“Oh, um, yes. There’s just a few things I need.”

Kazrith and I stand by as he orders the servants to bring more blankets, lower the mirrors, and install blackout curtains. My new clothes are hauled in at his behest.

When everything is done, he says a quick farewell and turns to leave. I nearly grab him by the wrist, but remember my boundaries. Instead, I blurt out the words.

“Kazrith, I just want to say thank you for everything.”

He smiles, his eyes sparkling with a marvelous glimmer. I wonder what goes on in that head of his.

“Thank you for aiding me in the pursuit of our mutual enemy. My servants are at your beckoning. Rest well.”

He takes my hand and kisses it before leaving. I find myself missing his company as soon as he leaves, wishing he’d have stayed.

Alas, he is a busy demon. I retreat to the comfort of the warm bed, grateful for the chance to finally rest.




Looking up from my documents, I spot Corin standing at the doorway of my study. He bows low before straightening himself up again.

“Shall we send dinner straight to the human’s room?”

“Her name is Hanna, and you will address her as such,” I reply simply. Leaning back in my seat, I glare at my servant. “She is my wife. Have you forgotten that?”
