Page 35 of Lich's Desire

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She’s lonely. I can see it in her gaze. She spends most of her time in her bedroom, but I’ve already given her permission to wander around the estate. Do the servants intimidate her?

Do I intimidate her still?

“I’m looking forward to seeing you again, Hanna,” I say.

Smiling wide, Hanna looks the prettiest she has since she snuck onto my carriage back in New Solas. The wind swiftly passes through her dark hair as she tucks the pink flower behind her ear. I don’t reciprocate the grin. I just stare, trying to make sense of the emotions flowing through me.

“See you later, Kazrith.”

As much as I want to follow her, I stay put and watch as she disappears through the double doors that lead to the dining room. Why am I feeling this way? Why are these strange thoughts about her passing through my mind?

Shaking my head, I make my way back to my study, ready to dive into another evening of work to take my mind off of things.

I stare at the documents in front of me. My eyes skim the words over and over, unable to focus properly. Something keeps tugging my attention away.

Eventually, I organize the papers neatly on the table and push them to the other side of my desk. I sigh, rubbing a hand along my face as I try to make sense of what’s going on.

It’s quite simple, really. I can’t stop thinking about Hanna and the way she looked a few days ago in the garden. Her green eyes stared up at me with so much emotion that I have yet to decipher fully. Her dark hair flowed nicely with the pink flower tucked behind her ear.

Since then, I’ve made more attempts to see her in the mornings whenever she wakes up. I’m up at strange hours for the sake of my business operations, so it gives me the opportunity to see her before I get the day started. For some reason, my mood is immediately lifted whenever my eyes land on her small form.


Corin stands at the doorway with a tray in his right hand, balanced nicely upon his fingertips. His other hand rests behind his back.

“This is the kaffo you wanted, sir,” he says as if to remind me.

After blinking a few times, I clear my throat and beckon him forward. Corin nods and obeys, setting the tray on the desk. He pours the dark liquid into my cup and hands it to me.

“How’s my wife?” I ask, staring directly into his eyes as I take a sip of the steaming hot liquid. The bitterness laces my tongue upon contact, a taste I’ve grown thoroughly accustomed to. “I assume you all have been taking good care of her, yes?”

“Indeed, sir. We delivered some of the dresses you picked out for her directly to her closet. And she’s been taking more walks through the gardens. She’s even shown an interest in the library.”

“Good.” Leaning back into my seat, I let out a sigh. She’s getting more comfortable, which is a promising sign. This is her home, after all.

For now, at least.

“Would you like anything else, sir?”

“Yes, I do,” I reply, setting aside my cup. “I would like you to tell the kitchen that I’m organizing a dinner for my wife and me tonight. I want them to make the best dishes possible.”

“Of course, sir. Any special requests?”

“Make everything. Absolutely everything. My wife isn’t from Ikoth, as you know, so I want to introduce her to the best dishes our culture has to provide.”

Corin smiles slightly. “Wonderful idea, sir. I believe your wife has truly been immersing herself in our culture and this will help even more.”

I give a self-satisfied hum. “Go on, then.”

“Yes, sir.” Corin dips low before hurrying out of the study with the empty tray in his hand.

Once he’s gone, I start imagining Hanna in a nice dress as we dine together. I imagine her expressions and her mannerisms as she tries some of my favorite dishes. I already see myself making the cooks start all over on new dishes if she doesn’t like what she’s presented with.

Any good husband would cater to their wives in such a way. Why shouldn’t I go along with the process?


