Page 41 of Lich's Desire

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Igently awaken in Kazrith’s arms, wondering if I’m still dreaming. The demon is still fast asleep, his chest rising and falling with every breath he draws.

I trace the curves of his chest, running a finger along the outlines of muscle practically bursting from the skin.

He’s never looked more peaceful, his beautiful face tranquil and even smiling faintly. I wonder if he’s dreaming of me, the very thought igniting a blissful feeling inside of me.

The Zathex situation still looms in the background of my mind, but at least I was able to forget about that for a while last night.

I don’t wish to mull over the inevitable challenges lying ahead for us as I relish the warmth and safety of Kazrith’s grip.

After a few minutes, I carefully sit up, being mindful not to disturb my host’s rest. I turn and look out the window, watching the sun rise into the crimson skies of Ikoth.

“If only the world were as peaceful as the morning quiet,” I whisper.

I peer down, smiling gleefully at our pile of clothes on the floor. I wonder if it’ll ever happen again, but that’s when I feel a heavy arm slink around my waist to pull me back in.

I turn over, coming face to face with the demon who saved me from New Solas. His gaze remains as intense as it was last night.

“Did you sleep well?” he asks with a hoarse morning voice. He smiles handsomely when I tell him I did. “I’ll take credit for that.”

“I had a wonderful time yesterday,” I tell him after the laughter dies down. “At least now we can be truthful in telling the servants we sleep together.”

“Seems like I made the right call to linger in here then.”

“That you did,” I say, resisting the urge to tease a later sexual encounter. “So, what’s on today’s agenda? Are you working?”

“Yes, I thought you could join me today and get you out of the house for a bit.”

“I’m up for that. I’ve been eager for some fresh air.”

“You’ll get plenty of that where we’re headed. We’ll be journeying to Merax, a small settlement right by the coastline.”

“A change of scenery sounds good from the inner city,” I remark.

“Indeed. It’s known for its black sandy beaches, I think you’d like it. Come then, we’ll get dressed and have some breakfast before we go.”

Nearly two hours later, I patiently sit on the carriage passenger seat while Kazrith and his servants load the storage with his wares. After a few moments, he mounts the driver’s seat beside me, the weight of his body rocking the cart side to side.

“It’s not far from here, so sit back and enjoy the ride,” he says, whipping the reins.

The carriage sets off as I relax, keeping my eyes on the distant horizon. The glimmer of the ocean is almost hypnotizing to watch, keeping my mind at ease while we traverse the country roads.

Kazrith rests a hand on my inner thigh. I let it remain there.

We’re met with occasional passersby, all of whom tilt their heads in wonder at the sight of me. Children point and tug at their parent’s clothing, but they’re just as shocked as their kids.

“Like I said before, a human and demon couple is far from common, especially now that we’re outside of Ximos.”

“So, I can expect nothing but attention on me?” I ask, nervous at the mere thought.

“Yes, but don’t worry. I’m here with you if anything is needed. Besides, more eyes on us means more customers for me.”

Kazrith smiles proudly to himself.

“I bet that’s why you really brought me out here,” I joke, elbowing his side.
