Page 63 of Lich's Desire

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“I don’t suppose they’d let us stroll right in through the front gate.”

“Somehow, I don’t think that’s a possibility. Do you have the map memorized?” he asks.

“Vulnerable entry points and everything, yes.”

“Very well. Looks like guards are patrolling and making their rounds, though I can’t quite see a pattern just yet. They’ve got weapons, wonderful.”

“No spear or sword will stop me,” I say.

I move around to proceed. Kazrith’s hand shoots out and pulls me back by the wrist.

“Take it easy, Hanna! You won’t be saying that when they’ve lodged their damned blades into you.”

Seething, I pull my wrist back, rubbing the sore spot where his tight grip squeezed.

“My father could be taking his dying breath in there right now, and you’re telling me to take it easy? Are you serious?”

“Incredibly serious,” Kazrith asserts, his voice firm and commanding. “We must be smart about this, Hanna. Get a grip or you’ll have us both killed for your recklessness.”

My lip quivers as I turn away, not wanting him to see me cry.

“I’m not trying to be an asshole,” he says.

“No, you’re right,” I whisper. “I’m just afraid. I don’t want to be too late.”

“You’ll get him back, I promised you that many times. We just have to remain patient.”

“I understand.” I draw a deep breath to recollect myself, dashing a tear away. “What’s the move then?”

“We’d best wait until nightfall. We’ll use the cloak of darkness to our advantage.”

Though it takes every ounce of strength to refrain, I relent and wait for hours on end, surveying the territory from a distance. All the while, I try not to think of my father in chains, begging for his life, probably wondering where I am and why I don’t rescue him.

I hope he doesn’t think I have betrayed him.

Finally, night falls, bringing with it an ebony blanket of darkness over the sky. The air is crisp and chill, with barely a sound to be heard save for the occasional resident of the city. Even the wildlife have resigned to their nests for the night.

Still, I wait a little while more for Kazrith’s go-ahead as he performs recon on the patrol. Just when my patience runs out, he finally gives us the long-awaited cue.

“A guard passes this side of the perimeter every five minutes or so. The next should come soon. When he clears, we’ll move in using the closest hole in the gates.”

“I’m ready,” I say, my body twitching with anticipation.

“Take this,” he says, passing me a silver dagger wrapped in a leather sheath. “Only use it if you need to. We’re here only to kill one xaphan and rescue your father. Remember the mission.”

Just as Kazrith predicts, a guard passes the section we’re nearest to. As soon as he’s gone, we move.

Our footsteps are as quiet as air on a windless day. We reach a hole in the gate. I fit through almost instantly, while Kazrith takes a minute to get inside.

“We’re in,” I say.

I look around the elite residences, each home a mansion compared to the houses humans are provided. Gates, locks, they have the highest level of security.

Many xaphans are nestled asleep in their beds, unaware that two savages are roaming their territory right now.

“Watch it!” Kazrith hisses, pulling me back. “Look, right there in front of you!”

I peer down, looking at the spike trap just inches away from my toes.
