Page 70 of Lich's Desire

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“You mean to say a demon helped you?”

I leave no stone unturned in telling him the details of my time without him. He listens quietly, nodding along as I speak.

“I know what you must think of me, Father. I trained long and hard for my wings, only to end up working with a demon to bring down my mentor. But you must understand he is one of the good ones, he kept me fed and sheltered, and vowed to rid the world of Zathex.”

“And what of this demon Kazrith now? Is he here with you?”

“He’s confronting Zathex as we speak,” I say, glancing upward at the stone ceiling as I imagine a bloodbath battle between the xaphan and the demon.

At the thought of him, my lips prevent any further word from leaving, my tongue curling inside my mouth as I shed another tear.

“What is it?” my father asks. “Hanna, do you think I am angry at you for working with a demon? I assure you I’m not.”


“Is coming home not what you wanted to do?”

“No, I did want to come back, especially to see you but…”

My father lays a hand on my shoulder, smiling softly at me.

“Speak to me, Hanna. Tell me what’s on your mind and I will listen, as I always have.”

I draw a deep breath.

“The demon who rescued me… I’ve fallen for him, Dad. I know he is a demon but hear me out,” I say, wiping the tears from my face. “He’s the reason why I’m here, why you’re being rescued, and he’s treated me better than any xaphan ever has.”

I continue throwing out my words as if in defense mode, but my dad simply chuckles and wraps his loving hands around mine, kissing them before they lower down.

“Hanna, I just want to know if he truly makes you happy.”

“Yes, more than anything.”

He smiles, his next words coming out with love and understanding.

“Well, then that is all I need to know. It never mattered to me who you ended up with, that choice was always yours to make. All that matters to me is your happiness, my dearest daughter.”

He wipes a thumb underneath my eye, catching a stray tear.

“Do you really mean that?” I ask. My cheeks feel warm and wet from crying.

“Of course I do, Hanna. All I want is for you to find joy and fulfillment, which we both know is difficult in this world. I’d love to meet this demon, this savior of yours.”

I embrace my father who laughs heartily, but I suddenly pull back.

“What is it?” he asks.

“Kazrith is fighting Zathex. I just hope he comes out the victor. I need to tell him how I feel.”

My heart holds on to the hope of a future with Kazrith, knowing now that if our mission comes to a complete success, we don’t need to go our separate ways.

Come on, Kazrith, win this fight!



My hands are still shaking from the adrenaline rush of fighting Zathex. It is a strange feeling of exhaustion that slowly takes over as I come down from the thrill. I gave him everything I had, and now there’s almost nothing left.
