Page 76 of Lich's Desire

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“I’ll do my best to visit, though I don’t know when,” I whisper.

“It’s quite alright,” he says before turning to Kazrith. “As for you, promise me you’ll protect my daughter and love her as she deserves to be loved.”

“I swear on my life,” Kazrith remarks, his hand on his heart as he subtly bows.

“Well, this is it then.”

My father’s tears start shedding when I walk out of the doorway. I look at him for as long as I can while walking backward, waving goodbye. I don’t stop even as he grows smaller in the distance.

And then he finally disappears. The weight off of my shoulders is gone.

Kazrith takes my hand.

“Shall we?” he asks with a smile.

“Yes,” I say firmly.

Together, we make way for the docks, where the next chapter of our lives awaits us.



Hanna and I begin our journey back to Ikoth. The best part is that we no longer have to pretend we’re a couple. We’re free to be together now. It’s a refreshing feeling and one that I didn’t think I’d ever feel again.

I’m grateful that she chose me. She chose me over everything.

Instead of going back to her old home with her father, Hanna wanted to stay with me because she loves me. And that means something.

“All my life, Kazrith, I had to sacrifice what I wanted for the good of my family. All my true wants and desires were buried. But now I’m prioritizing my own happiness and you are my happiness, Kazrith. I love you.”

The moment we’re back on the boat that will take us to Ikoth, I can’t wait to get her alone. It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve made love to her and the very thought of it consumes me. I just want to be with her.

As the boat sets sail, the salt breeze whips through the air, gently caressing Hanna’s face. She grabs my hand, her gaze fixed on the horizon. The sun slowly dips below the edge of the world, casting a warm golden glow over the tumultuous sea.

“I can’t believe we made it,” she whispers, still in disbelief at our newfound freedom.

I smile down at her. My eyes dance with mischief. I lift her hand to my lips, brushing it with a feather-light kiss across her knuckles.

“I know that we have a secluded cabin below deck,” she murmurs coyly. She blushes but I know her heart is pounding in anticipation of what’s to come. “Want to...?”

I grin, my eyes alight with desire. “Lead the way, my lady.”

We practically run down the narrow stairs, our footsteps echoing in the dimly lit corridor. The crewmen we pass by give us knowing winks but I don’t care anymore. I have Hanna and that’s all that matters.

Finally, we reach the cabin she mentioned. The door slams shut behind us, the only sound is the lock clicking into place as I turn it.

Hanna hesitates for a moment before she slowly begins to undress in front of me, her eyes never leaving mine. The emerald depths smolder with wanton need that I can't wait to quench.

I watch, mesmerized as her body is revealed inch by inch. Each curve and valley is a treasure map to an endless treasure. Her breasts are high and perky, nipples hardening under my gaze. She truly is a beauty.

And she’s mine. She’s more impeccable than ever.

With determined fingers, I undress as well, my heart pounding in anticipation. We fall into the soft bed, our bodies entangled in a tangle of limbs and sheets. Hanna's skin burns against mine, her scent overwhelming me in the best way possible.

I can't get enough of her. Her touches, her caresses, her kisses—they all ignite a fire within me that threatens to consume us both.

“I love you,” she whispers against my lips as our bodies move together. And in that moment, I know she means it with every fiber of her being just as much as I do.
