Page 118 of Well and Truly Pucked

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And I learned what makes a great boyfriend in and out of the bedroom.

1. A great boyfriend listens and shares. He shares his heart with you. His hurt. His vulnerability. He listens, too, when you share yours.

2. A great boyfriend plans a great date. But it’s not just the date that he wants. He asks what you like. Whether it’s mini golf, playing pool, going shopping, climbing a mountain, walking on the beach, or hanging out on the couch, he wants to know and then deliver it. Sometimes he brings a gift on the date, like a board game. Or maybe a special accessory. Every now and then, he’ll bring a friend.

3. A great boyfriend will help you with your career. Sometimes that means listening when you’ve had a bad day. Sometimes it means holding your phone to shoot a video. Sometimes it means walking you to work.

4. A great boyfriend will take care of you when you’re sick. Maybe you have the flu, a cold, or unexpected motion sickness. He’ll carry you home from the Tilt-A-Whirl, he’ll pick up meds, he’ll make you tea. He’ll tuck you in. He’ll cover you with a blanket and bring you your dog.

5. He’ll walk your dog in the morning.

6. He’ll save your cat when your ex tries to steal it.

7. A great boyfriend laughs with you. Often when you’re wearing face masks together in a hot tub. Because…why not?

8. A great boyfriend makes a vow. Then, he keeps it.

9. And if he does all those things, he’ll do other things too. He’ll want to blow your mind in bed. He’ll want to overwhelm you with pleasure. He’ll want to adore, cherish, and worship you. But he won’t assume he can do it. He’ll ask you to teach him. To show him what feels good, what doesn’t feel good. He’ll ask if he has permission to tie you up, if you like to be kissed here, if you don’t like to be kissed there, if you want more, less, harder, again.

10. Romance isn’t just about what a great boyfriend does for you. You’ll want to give to a great boyfriend as well. To plan a night, a special outing, or take him someplace he hasn’t been before. You’ll want to show him that romance isn’t only something that a man needs to do for a woman. Romance is something a woman can do for her man.

Or, as the case may be, her men. Because the top ten things I learned from a great boyfriend?

Guess what? I learned them from three men. At the same time. Sometimes a girl needs more than one guy to crack the case of the missing O.

And I don’t fake a damn thing in my heart, body, or mind with my three boyfriends.




Later that night, we’re at my place, playing Candy Land on my new couch. Dirty Candy Land, to be precise. We don’t just take off clothes though. The guys devise a new set of rules. Each location is a place on my body.

When Gavin draws an orange square, entering Peppermint Stick Forest for the first time, he moves his gingerbread pawn, then leans across the coffee table and drops a hard, firm kiss to my lips.

I sigh into his mouth, grabbing his loosened bow tie, trying to pull him closer. But he lets go, sitting back in his chair, making me want more.

Hollis draws a card that sends him toward a mountain pass.

My back.

He shifts me slightly on the couch and slides down the zipper on my dress, then kisses a hot path up my spine. I shiver.

When Rhys reaches Gumdrop Mountains, he takes over where Hollis left off. In his tux, he kneels in front of me and slips off both straps of the pink dress till the bodice gently tumbles down to my waist, revealing my strapless bra. He unhooks it and draws one hard nipple into his mouth.

I gasp, wriggling against his possessive touch. He moves to the other breast, flicking that nipple too.

When it’s my turn, I move my piece to the rainbow trail, and I get to pick the location.

My arm.

An unexpected place where I love to be touched by them. “All of you,” I say since it’s my turn, my party.

Hollis runs his fingers softly toward my wrist, pressing a kiss there. Rhys drops his lips to the crook of my elbow, lingering for several seconds. Gavin kisses his way down my entire arm.

We go around like that…till someone lands on the Gingerbread Plum Tree.
