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I have no idea what he means, but my head’s full of too much static to care, my body bursting with too many endorphins to think. Hollis fucks my tits till a hot splash of his release paints my chest.

Mesmerized, I spread his release across my breasts as he slides next to me and coasts a hand down to my pussy.

Like he did the first night.

When I faked it.

This time, I part my legs, I arch my hips, and I give in to him.

This is what he meant. He’s been learning what makes me tick all week, and now he’s showing me. He touches me the way I’ve taught him, and I let go.

To this.

To the way I feel with these three men.


I move with his talented fingers, using them to seek the pleasure I deserve, chasing an orgasm fearlessly then surrendering when it jolts me and I come once again.

With them.

It feels like all three of them are doing everything to me.

And I don’t want it any other way.




The next evening as the day coasts toward sunset, we’re standing in a field not far from a big, bright pink balloon that the ground crew for Hot Rides is inflating.

The balloon operator is an older woman named Clara with long fuchsia fingernails, lash extensions, and curly blonde hair. I don’t know what I was expecting except, well, not a girlie girl my mom’s age.

But I should know better. I was raised by a woman who played hockey, so it makes perfect sense that a hot-air balloon pilot is a woman with laugh lines etched in ivory skin and a penchant for pink.

“So, that’s it. Just climb in when we tell you and up you go. But don’t rock the basket,” Clara says as she finishes her safety talk.

I appreciate the info and her thoroughness. Still, it’s my job to look out for my friends. “And you’re saying we don’t need safety harnesses or anything?”

She gives me a smile, genuine, but practiced. It’s clearly not the first time she’s gotten this question. But she turns to Briar. “You want to take this one, hun?”

Briar smiles at me, a twinkle in her eyes like she has a secret. “Nope. Hot-air balloons are one of the safest ways to travel.”

Rhys takes off his shades, looks to me. “I’ll be expecting you to land in the players’ lot in your own balloon soon.”

Gavin scoffs. “Don’t tempt him, man. You know Hollis will be taking balloon lessons next weekend then getting his pilot’s license.”

Clara smiles like a cat. “If you want to get a license, you come find me. I’m an instructor. I’ve taught many people to fly one of these babies.”

“My summers are free so consider it confirmed. And thank you for fitting us in at the last minute,” I say, and even though Briar told us Clara is a friend of her dad’s, I’m still amazed Briar pulled this off so quickly, booking us a sunset ride just a day after we first mentioned it.

“Anything for Briar,” Clara says.

“I think you mean anything for my dad,” Briar says to the older woman.

“Henry fixed the ignition in my van last week,” she says, then frowns. “Too bad he can’t fix the engines on these balloons.”
