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After we land in a field, Clara drives us back to Hot Rides in her hot pink van with a stencil of a balloon on the side.

Once she pulls into the lot outside the hangar and cuts the engine, I startle.

My father’s on the other side of the asphalt, leaning against the hood of his restored Ford Mustang, waiting for me.

His eyes flicker with questions.




“H-hi, Dad?” I ask it rather than say it.

Tension flares in every cell in my body. My dad hardly approves of romance at all. What would he think of me with three men?

You’re not with them. They’re just friends. No one needs to know what happens at the cottage.

As Clara putters in the van, my dad strides over to me, brow knitted across his weathered face, worn from the years and the work. “Hey, kiddo. What are you doing in these parts?” He goes with his standard greeting, but it means so much more as he glances at one, two, three guys with me, then adds, “Moonlighting?”

Yes, that’s it! I grab onto the lifeline he likely doesn’t even realize he’s throwing. “I thought it’d be fun to show my friends how I fly a balloon,” I say brightly.

But as soon as that excuse comes out of my mouth it deflates, because of course that’s not what actually happened. Clara flew the balloon while three hockey studs whispered sweet nothings in my ear and murmured promises of tying me up later.

Did she message him? Tell him what I was up to? Send him to check on me? My stomach churns with worry and I try again to explain what I’m up to. “I was…”

But the sentence dies on my tongue since I’ve got nothing. Can he tell I’m involved with these guys? He could always sense how I’m doing. Maybe because I don’t hide my feelings from him. But I don’t know what to say to him now.

Hollis takes over, striding across the asphalt, extending a hand to my dad. “I hear you're a big Sea Dogs fan, Mr. Delaney. And I’m wondering what we can do to get you to switch loyalties.”

I’m so glad he’s leading with sports. Sports is the universal lubricant.

Dad shakes his head, humming doubtfully. “Probably nothing. Once a Sea Dogs fan, always a Sea Dogs fan. I was pretty dang happy when my daughter switched to that team,” he says, wary, like he doesn’t trust them. “I never liked the Foxes even when they were the Avengers.”


So much for that valiant attempt.

My dad tips his chin toward me. “Didn’t realize you were taking a balloon ride.”

A statement but really a question—what’s going on?

Nerves prickle over my neck like I’m a kid caught stealing from his wallet, even though I never did that. I never took his car. Broke a curfew. Or drank a beer.

Is this my bad girl phase now? Hooking up with three guys?

“We thought it’d be fun,” I say breezily, to cover up how unsettled I feel.

“We had a great time,” Rhys seconds, but Gavin stays quiet. I get that. He’s probably not great with parents. He’d rather let the other guys lead.

“It was really beautiful, Dad. The view was amazing. I think I even saw our home,” I say, trying again to smooth over this uncomfortable moment. “I pointed it out to…my friends.”

Maybe I’m selling the friendship too hard, but I don’t want to have the I’m having a fling with three hot hockey guys at once convo.

“That’s great,” my dad says in his no-nonsense tone as Clara’s work boots clunk across the driveway.

My dad’s eyes swing to her immediately and then his mouth softens. “Hi, Clara,” he says, his tone almost tender.
