Page 44 of No Way Back

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“Yes, but there’s more,” I continue. “He also now claims that he can astral project.”

“You what?”

“He’s had several OBEs,” I explain, to a very confused looking Tina. “You know, out of body experiences.”

“No way!” she yelps. “I saw a documentary about that on Channel 4 a few weeks ago.”

“Well, he said he was able to transport himself to Cyprus. All he had to do was think of where he wanted to be and, puff, he was there. How mad is that? I told you about the times I thought I saw him in Cyprus, didn’t I?”

Tina shakes her head. “You said something about dreams and voices.”

“Yes, but I thought I physically saw him too, outside a restaurant one evening. My parents even called a doctor in. He said I was hallucinating, you know, from the stress.”

“Oh God, Aud, you mean you actually saw him with your own eyes when he was supposed to be in hospital? Like a ghost?” I tell her that I thought I saw him a couple of times. Tina gawps at me. “You’re seriously freaking me out now.”

“Watch out!” I cry. The seatbelt digs into my ribs as Tina jams on the brakes and we come to a screeching halt, missing the white van in front of us by inches. “Flipping hell, Tina,” I gasp, holding my chest, “you’re going get us killed.”

“It’s you,” she retorts, “spooking me out!”

“I’m only telling you what happened. You said you wanted to know.”

“Well?” We’re moving again, the hold-up has cleared; it was due to temporary lights on Park Road. Tina stares ahead, arms outstretched in front of her, gripping the wheel hard with both hands. “Do you believe him?”

“I don’t know.” I suck my lips in. “No, actually,” I say, logic kicking in, “I don’t think I do. I think Gerry told him all about my weird experiences in Cyprus, and my episodes were from severe stress.” We stop at the traffic lights. “He was just trying his luck, as men do.”

Tina laughs. “Nicky can tell a good story, can’t he? I used to love Saturday nights in round yours when you were together,” she says, and I nod, smiling. Nick can keep a crowd entertained for ages with his banter. “Well, at least you two are talking again. I knew that once he explained things you’d understand. I mean, I know you won’t have him back because he got that slapper preggers, but it’s nice that you’re still friends, isn’t it?”

“Yes, Tina, it is. I’m glad I gave him the chance to explain. You were right.” Knowing that he didn’t dump me for someone else has somehow lifted my morale. Yes, he did have a one-night-stand with another woman but at least it was while we were on a break. He did want to marry me, after all, but just couldn’t find a way out of the hole he’d dug.

“He’s lost without you, Aud. He’s never been very good on his own.”

“Well, he should have thought of that before he leapt into bed with another woman and got her pregnant.” I stretch my back. I hate being stuck in traffic at the best of times. “Anyway, now that he knows there’s no chance with us, he might give it a go with her.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Oh well, it’s his loss. You’ve moved on now,” she says determinedly. We drive in silence for a few moments, and then, “Will you see Nick again?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know.” And just at that moment, my mobile phone beeps with a message. I whip it out of my handbag.

“What are you grinning at?” Tina smiles, eyes flitting between the road and my phone, “Is it a sextext from Daniel?”

“It’s from Nick, actually.”

“A sextext from Nick?” Tina yells, “What the fuck?”

“Calm down, Tina, and keep your eyes on the road.” I read the text again and smile.

“He just wants to say thanks for the other night.”

“Don’t tell me you two…”

“For listening, you muppet.” I tap her head lightly with my phone. “Honestly, you’ve got a mind like a sewer.”

“Phew.” Her hand flies to her chest, “You had me worried there for a moment.” Tina puts her foot down and switches lanes. “So, are you going to tell Louise about your rekindled friendship?”

I swivel in my seat and face her. “Are you mad?”

“Yeah, I know.” She flicks the indicator on, “She hates him now, doesn’t she? They’ve never really got on.”

“It’s not that. I just don’t want to stress her out. She’s got enough on her plate.” I shift in my seat. “Anyway, she’s only being loyal.” We stop at the red lights. I glance at Tina. Her face is tight. Damn. I’ve offended her. “Not that you’re not loyal. God, no, you two are my best friends in equal measures. She’s just different from you, that’s all?”
