Page 72 of No Way Back

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How r you? Feeling any better?

With a shaky hand, I quickly text back:

A bit – sickness eased off. Feel awful. So guilty. xx

A few moments later another message trills through:

Don’t worry! All will b well. xx

I slip my mobile phone into my back pocket and turn to Daniel. He’s snuggled up next to me, arms resting on the wall, staring down at the river. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” I say, taking it all in.

“Almost as beautiful as you are.” A cliché, I know, but it’s nice to hear all the same. I stare down at the calm, velvety water, friendly and enticing on the surface but deep and murky beneath, a bit like me. My mobile phone goes off again. Daniel straightens up and tuts impatiently. I can see he’s had enough.

“Sorry,” I say, pulling it out of my pocket, “it might be important.” It’s Nick.

Bonjour mon ami! Hope ur having gr8 time. Nick X

I text back hurriedly.

Yes. At River Seine! Speak soon.

“Sorry about that, it was Callum from work,” I lie.

Daniel turns my face towards his as my mobile bleeps again.

His fingers are cold. I flinch.

“Leave it.” He pulls my hand away from my pocket. “Can’t you just switch it off? It’s been going off all morning. I thought we were supposed to be celebrating my birthday.”

“I can’t, Daniel, you know that. Raymond only agreed to let me have today off if he could contact me at any time.” I take a few rushed steps forward and in my haste I twist my ankle and start hurtling towards the floor. I grab onto a nearby post for support, then as I pull away I feel a tug on my shoulder then the sound of a rip. Daniel rushes over and snatches me in his arms.

“Darling, are you all right?” A little shaken, I straighten up and brush myself down as Daniel examines my shoulder. “It’s just a tear,” he says, sounding relieved, “and a small scratch. You’ll live.” He taps my nose. “Not your day today, is it?” If only he knew the depths of my misery.

Still holding tightly onto my mobile phone, I read the message – it’s Nick again: Enjoy. Call u tomz xx

I take my glasses off and snap them shut in their case. I’ve got to stop texting. It isn’t fair on Daniel.

“Marry me,” Daniel whispers, as I slip my glasses nonchalantly into my open handbag. My breath catches in my throat. I can’t believe it. Has he really just proposed to me by the River Seine on his fiftieth birthday? Music from a nearby restaurant drifts towards us as if in serenade. I can’t speak. I open my mouth, then close it again and gawp at him in silence

“I love you, Audrey.” He pulls me close to him. I can feel his heart beating fast against my chest, his warm breath against my face. “Please say yes and make this birthday the best ever.”

“Wow,” I manage finally, “Daniel. Phew. You are full of surprises today. I don’t know what to say.”

“Just say yes and we can go and buy the rings right now.” He takes a few steps back and pulls my hand. “Come on.”

“Daniel, no…wait…I…you…we…you,” I mumble incoherently.

His face drops the instant he realises his romantic gesture has backfired.

“Oh, my goodness,” he says, “you don’t love me, do you?” My mobile phone starts vibrating in my hand. I glance down at it. It’s George. Thank you, God.

“Sorry, Daniel, it’s work. I’ve got to get this.” I answer the phone nervously, backing away for privacy. “Hi,” I say in a high-pitched voice, my heart hammering against my ribcage.

“Hey, sis, how are you? Everything okay?” George sounds concerned.

“Yes, I’m fine. A bit tired from the journey. Is everything okay with you? Has anything happened?”

“I heard the news.” I can hear the smile in his voice, “Vicky told me. Well, I overheard you two talking on the phone this morning and coaxed it out of her,” he says smugly as if he’s Hercule Poirot. It takes a while for me to cotton on. Shit.
