Page 112 of The Pick Up

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‘I’d love that.’

We spread a few picnic blankets out, lay out the food and bat away wasps as we chat. Lila, Sid and their classmates clatter over whenever their stomachs get the better of them for another handful of cheesy Wotsits and some form of pork-based food. Cotton wool puffs of clouds meander by, offering moments of shade from the warm, early evening sun. Joe leans against me.

‘You look happy,’ he says.

‘Very,’ I murmur, taking a sip of gin in a tin.

It feels like the perfect summer’s evening, I think as a couple cycle towards us with their bike helmets on. They stop at a tree close to our picnic. As the woman takes her helmet off, I realise who it is.

‘Pop! What are you doing here?’

‘Charming as ever.’ She grins, handing her helmet to Adam. My heart does a little squeeze as I note how cute these two are together. The pair of them decided to stay on in Cornwall for a week after the wedding and we haven’t caught up since.

‘Adam! How are you?’ I ask, scrambling up to greet them.

‘Great thanks.’

‘We’re officially a couple now,’ Poppy proudly announces. ‘I wanted to tell you in person.’

‘Thank Christ for that.’ I laugh, pulling her in for a snuggle. ‘We’d been waiting long enough.’

‘I know, sis,’ she says. ‘It’s actually your fault. If I hadn’t been so focused on fixing your terrible love life I might have been able to spend more time on my own.’

‘You are literally impossible.’ I hand them both a gin and tonic. ‘Come and sit and tell us all about it.’

Adam and Poppy grab a spot next to Joe and me, telling their story together and filling in each other’s gaps.

‘Obviously we hooked up at Alexis’s wedding,’ Poppy says.

‘I saw,’ I hoot.

‘And after you’d left I told Poppy how I felt. I thought: it’s now or never,’ says Adam.

‘He was very sweet. And we talked about you two as well. I started banging on about missed opportunities and how bad I felt for you, Soph, because you’d finally realised what Joe meant to you and at that point we all thought it was too late. I couldn’t stand the thought of that.’

‘Obviously she’s been madly in love with me this entire time.’ Adam beams.

Poppy nods. ‘It’s true. Just don’t get a big head about it. You’ve been there for me throughout everything, from A Levels to moving to London and coming back again, and I’ve just taken you for granted. He’s been so consistent while I’ve been gadding about and I realised that if I didn’t say something to him, there and then, that I might lose him like you were losing Joe.’

Poppy’s eyes have misted over. Mine are on the brink of doing the same.

‘It’s a bit weird dating someone you already live with,’ Adam admits.

Poppy laughs. ‘I already know that it’s best not to interrupt him if he’s attempting today’s Wordle.’

‘And I’m beyond complaining when she uses all my nice bathroom products,’ he says, pretending to sigh. ‘I guess I’ll just have to buy you some of your own now.’

‘She does that to you, too?’ I ask. ‘Honestly, Poppy.’

‘Caring is sharing.’

She’s been rolling that phrase out since we were kids and she’d borrow yet another one of my things, only to return it in less than pristine working order.

‘Good luck, Adam.’ I laugh.

‘You’ll be even happier when you hear what we have to say next.’ Poppy’s eyes twinkle.

‘Go on …’
