Page 52 of The Pick Up

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‘Getting you covered in chocolate. You don’t seem like the type who’s super keen on mess?’

I pause. He’s right but also, urgh. ‘Do I come across as really prissy to you?’

‘Not prissy, just organised,’ he says carefully. ‘You like things to be neat and tidy and probably not covered in comestibles.’

‘Ha. I do like things to be neat and tidy but today was fun. Lila loved it. I mean, obviously I can never take her for churros again in case there’s a repeat performance but …’ I shrug. ‘With you around, I’m learning to live a little.’

‘As long as we’re cool.’ Joe looks relieved.

‘We’re cool.’ I smile, rolling out a picnic blanket and lying down myself. We’re enjoying an uncharacteristically warm April and I stretch my whole body out, listening to the sound of bees buzzing around the plants in my garden.

The next thing I know, Joe is very gently shaking me awake.

‘OH MY GOD,’ I shout, sitting bolt upright. ‘Did I fall asleep?’

‘Yup.’ He looks thrilled.

‘Must have been your great banter,’ I tease.

‘Did you know you make a lot of noise when you’re asleep?’ he shoots back.

‘Oh GOD,’ I reply, rubbing my eyes.

‘They’re actually very cute noises,’ he concedes. ‘Like a little guinea pig.’

‘Well that’s not embarrassing at all. Where are the kids?’

‘Also asleep,’ he points out, and I follow his gaze to two small children who have passed out in the garden at … six p.m.

We share a look.

‘I think they’re at their most adorable when they’re asleep,’ he says.

‘Hell yes. You can really appreciate them when you aren’t getting any gip.’

‘Ha. Exactly.’

‘Do you guys want to stay over? There’s space and it seems a shame to wake Sid up.’

‘Never wake a sleeping Sid,’ Joe says solemnly. ‘It was one of the very first rules of parenting I learned. He goes mad. Are you sure you don’t mind?’

‘It would be really nice to have the house full, actually.’

And so, one by one, Joe carries the kids up to bed. It’s only when we’re sat together in my living room listening to the radio that the actual purpose of today comes to mind.

‘Got to feed the beast,’ I say, Airdropping him a photo I took of us at the cinema while the children were loading up on snacks. He tags me in a pic with the caption ‘she’s a star’ underneath and I get an oddly warm glow when I see the post.

‘For a minute there, I sort of forgot the whole reason we went on a date today.’ I yawn sleepily.

Joe doesn’t reply, he just gives me the kind of strange look I cannot get a read on. The next thing I know, I’m waking up after falling asleep on the sofa. There’s a blanket across me, so Joe must have tucked me in before heading to bed himself.

Chapter 15

Sassy Sylvia’s is an opulent affair. Chandeliers dangling from the ceiling refract light, disco-ball style, wherever you go. Behind the bar expensive liquor bottles are lit up in gold. The décor is pinks and greens, plush furnishings and crystal glassware. It’s also packed with beautiful people and oof, am I glad that I made an effort!

‘You look incredible,’ Joe says as we walk into the bar.

‘Oh … thanks,’ I reply. I spent proper time getting ready for tonight. Messy bun, creamy eyeshadow, hell, I even highlighted my collar bones! I pulled on black leather trousers, scallop-edged sandals and a black sequinned vest for an out out vibe. When I dropped Lila at Joe’s – Saint Denise is babysitting – she opened the door and blurted out: ‘Sweet mother of Mary, you look lovely!’
