Page 76 of The Pick Up

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I have no idea how long we stand like this. The way he’s watching me is like he’s asking a question, waiting for an answer. Even if I knew what it was, I couldn’t reply because my mind has completely emptied of rational thought. The feeling of his thumb on my jaw swirls through my body, taking up all of my headspace.

It moves in oh-so-slow increments up to my earlobe, my hairline, and I don’t think I can stand this much longer. I am instantly and utterly overwhelmed with desire.

The fireworks are reflected in the blue pools of his pupils. He ducks his head closer, closer, until I can feel the warmth of his breath on my cheek. My head instinctively tips up, searching him out. Our lips meet with unquestionable urgency. Hearts beat at the same fast pace. Hands run down backs until we’re lost in an all-consuming kiss. A kiss that takes up every atom of my body.

The clock stops.

Chapter 21

The clock starts up again when we’re interrupted by the sound of Celeste urgently calling my name. Joe and I pull apart hesitantly and it becomes clear that we’re now the only ones left out on the terrace. The fireworks are over and there’s nothing but the dying embers of the firepit for company. It’s a snap back to reality and within seconds I’m trying to process what happened. We just kissed? That was very much not part of the plan.

So Joe and I have crossed the line.

Now what?

‘Sophie, here you are,’ Celeste bustles out, looking worried. ‘Frankie’s absolutely smashed and she’s calling for you.’

I can’t look at Joe because now that I’ve come back down to earth I have an overwhelming sense that I, we, have completely fucked our friendship. What were we thinking? Actually, this is not on Joe. He’s made it pretty clear how he feels. I think back to him talking about travelling the world as part of a couple, how even his wife had told him she wanted him to find love again before she died. I know where Joe stands. I also know where I stand. Divorcing Mark was hard enough and it meant giving up my beloved business, too. I know it feels pessimistic to rule out romance just in case that happens again but I can’t, I won’t shake that. I follow Celeste back into the house.

We find Frankie sobbing in an empty bath with Dave sat on the loo next to her.

‘Frank,’ I ease the door open. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘I’m very drunk again, Sophie, SO SUE ME but the terrible thing is I miss my babies and I want to go home and give them a cuddle and Dave won’t let me.’

Dave gives me a look.

‘It’s not that I won’t let you, love,’ he sighs. ‘It’s that I can’t. Blame that what-do-you-call-it. Wine flight!’

‘Useless,’ mutters Frankie before bursting into tears again.

‘It’s okay,’ I soothe, sitting down by the side of the tub. ‘You know we’re all heading back tomorrow, you’ll be able to give the kids a snuggle in no time at all.’

Frankie grips my hands, currently resting on the side of the bath.

‘What if something terrible happens to them tonight?’

I blanch at the thought of this, completely relating to her hopefully unfounded fears.

‘They’re with their auntie, right?’

This makes Frankie cry louder.

‘Exactly!’ she says. ‘The only thing my sister can do with any conviction is sudoku, the boring bastard. She’s probably bored the kids to death with her chat about Wordle scores.’

‘I think what Frankie means to say is that we’re very grateful to Auntie Vicky for the free childcare all weekend,’ Dave says.

‘Oh bugger OFF, Dave.’

Dave beats a hasty retreat.

When Frankie and I are alone, I try again.

‘Listen, Frank, it’s perfectly natural to miss them. Leaving your kids is so hard, it feels like a part of you is missing, doesn’t it? But it’s also important to take some time for you, to recharge, so you can go back to parenting feeling refreshed.’

‘I know,’ she sniffs, giving me a watery look. ‘And I know I’m drunk and disorderly, too. But I’ve got this weird urge to get back to them as soon as possible and I can’t shake it, Soph. Am I going insane?’

‘Absolutely not. You’re a mum of three. You’ve got a lot going on. You’re actually my hero, did you know that?’
