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Suzanna paused in front of her open passenger door. “I feel terrible about having you drive me all over creation for the sake of a room.”

“Don’t. I’ve taken you on as a personal responsibility. I’ll find you a room tonight or die trying,” he said with a laugh.

“Well, I hope it doesn’t come to that, but thank you.”

Once inside his car, Gabriel tried to ignore the siren lure of her perfume in such a confined space. His cock was at permanent half-staff any time she was close enough that he could inhale a whiff of her seductive fragrance. In point of fact, she smelled fantastic.

“Where are we going again?” She seemed a bit apprehensive. The truth was, Gabriel didn’t even know if this was a viable option. Kendall wasn’t going to like it. But at least it was the better of the only two options he could think of that didn’t require driving her a hundred and fifty miles in any direction to the next closest town.

“There is an amusement park at the edge of Enclave, called Old West Town. Within the perimeter, there is a saloon with rooms and beds available. At one time the management had thought to make it a deluxe part of the attraction for those willing to shell out for it and who wanted to stay in a replica hotel from the era, but the idea was discarded for security reasons.”

“Do you think the management will let me stay there?”

“Oh yes. I believe so.” I truly hope so. “Don’t worry. I’ll talk Kendall into it. Shouldn’t be a problem.” There would be a whole host of problems. Kendall wouldn’t just let her stay there alone, with nothing more than a single guard doing night patrol on the property.

Gabriel would have to agree to spend the night in another room, likely. Not altogether an unpleasant idea. But he’d also probably have to swear a chastity oath with fresh-drawn blood in order to solve what seemed like the simple problem of finding Suzanna a place to stay. Could they spend the night together and not connect? His cock throbbed with a hearty, oh, hell no.

The blogger who’d pissed Kendall off last month had sworn he had proof that they were operating a whorehouse and prostitution ring out of the Old West Town saloon.

Putting a woman he found very attractive and wanted desperately to seduce into an upstairs room of the saloon while then taking the room next to her for security was asking a lot. He’d have to come up with a great argument. Or he’d have to find Nathan and get his buy off on a stranger spending a few nights in their private residence. Not that it hadn’t ever happened before, but his best friend did like more than a five-minute notice when unfamiliar guests were invited over. Which wasn’t usually an issue.

“Is this Kendall another friend of yours?” she asked with a half-smile.

“Yes. In a matter of speaking.” Actually, they were more like business partners in the Old West Town park business.

A wealthy cadre of owners had all taken a partial stake in the Old West Town park several years ago. Gabriel and Nathan each had a stake. Kendall was CEO and general manager of the park. Gabriel also participated in some of the day-to-day operations as a deputized lawman whenever the occasion called for it. Nathan was the town’s resident blacksmith, and he also crafted pistols as the only local gunsmith, but that was mostly his hobby.

“Sounds interesting if nothing else.”

Gabriel hoped Kendall would let him have a room for her. Otherwise, he’d have to persuade Nathan to invite an attractive stranger into their private residence behind the compound walls. Yet another thing Kendall wouldn’t be thrilled about.

He drove into Old West Town through the private-access entrance for workers, bypassing the main entrance gate, and parked in an employee parking area.

They walked the short distance to the dusty streets of Old West Town and headed toward the saloon. “I’m going to leave you at the bar in the saloon for a bit.”

“All alone?” she asked.

“No. Not exactly. There are people there. Besides, I won’t be gone long. I just need to find Kendall and make sure it’s okay for you to stay.”

“This feels like it’s getting to be way too much trouble.” She stopped walking and turned to face him when he paused.
