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Suzanna hadn’t ever contemplated the notion of stalker notes on her life. But something else occurred to her. “Why did you go out with me in the first place? Has this all just been an elaborate plan to let me know who you are?”

“Partly. But then my plans evolved.” He laughed. “At first, I was curious as to why Kevin was so enamored of you. You’re so ordinary. Honestly, I still don’t get it.”

“Screw you.”

Marcus laughed harder. “Actually, that was also on my list of things to do once I found you. However, you were not very cooperative, and honestly, I wasn’t sure that I could even get it up for you, if I’d actually gotten you naked and in my bed. But I might have made the effort if you hadn’t run off. And only because I wanted to fuck the girl who killed my brother right before I ruined your life.”

“That’s pretty sick.”

“It’s your fault. You drove me to in.” He glanced at his watch. “There are still three minutes left.”

“Until what? You kill me? Or rape me? What’s on the agenda for today?”

“Did you forget? The five-year anniversary of Kevin’s death is tomorrow. In three minutes it will be exactly twenty-four hours short of the five-year anniversary of his time of death.”

She hadn’t forgotten, although this wasn’t a date she celebrated. It was just a day she felt extra guilty each and every year.

“I’d intended to take you back to where he’d died to reenact this, but you fucked that up by running away. I couldn’t locate you soon enough with the tracker. Tell me the truth. Did you like the touch with the pine-scented trees? I was rather proud of that gesture.” He laughed again. She remained silent. No need to feed his ego.

She thought she heard sirens from a great distance, but it was probably just wishful thinking.

Marcus also glanced behind him as if searching for anyone about to help her. “When I surveyed this church area yesterday, it occurred to me that it might be fun to drop you four stories out of the bell tower in order to give you the same injuries as poor Kevin, but it wouldn’t have been nearly as satisfying as running you over with my car.”

“You’re insane.”

“Perhaps, but this is my show, and my sanity level doesn’t matter.”

The sound of the sirens grew louder.

“We may have to get started sooner.” He stared at her, and another evil grin surfaced. “I hope you’ll make this fun. I’d love to get a good battle out of you, before I bash your skull in to make it look like poor Kevin’s after the truck hit him.”

The image of Kevin in the morgue surfaced. Suzanna took a deep breath and tried to keep up with his crazy logic. “What are you talking about?”

The bells started ringing in the church. As they pealed a simple tune, Marcus stood. “It’s time. The bells only ring on the hour.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I figured you wouldn’t just stand still if I attempted to run you down with my car. So this will be the next best thing to inflict the same wounds Kevin endured.” He picked up a jagged hand-sized rock from a place right behind the gravestone.

“Tell you what, I’ll even give you a ten-second head start.” His crazed grin dropped, and a lethal frown replaced it. “Because when I catch you, I intend to beat your brains out.”

Suzanna wasn’t running ever again. She took two steps forward, balled up her fist, and punched him in the nose. The look on his face was priceless as blood spurted from his nostrils. He bent in half, but didn’t drop the rock.

She went to kick him, but he grabbed her leg and threw her off balance.

She fell backward and dropped to her butt on the ground next to the odious Kevin mannequin.

Marcus straightened. He wiped his sleeve across his nose, smearing blood along his forearm, and pushed out a long sigh as if she were a child in need of punishment. “Good one.”

Suzanna scrambled to her feet, grasping onto the gravestone to balance and put a minor cover between the two of them. Although being this close to the Kevin mannequin gave her the creeps.

She suspected she’d just lost the gracious ten-second lead he’d intended to give her.
