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Dylan looked up and realized he hadn’t even removed the oil plug to let the oil drain into the pan. Because he’d dropped the wrench, again. “Not quite yet.” He retrieved the wrench from the floor, opened up the plug, and watched as thick, probably sludge-filled black fluid poured into the receptacle.

“How much longer will it take?”

“A few more minutes.” I’ve just barely started.

“What is wrong with you today?” Gabriel exited the office and came to watch him work. He hated being watched while at work.

“I don’t know what you mean.” Oil still drained from the car in drips and drabs, looking like it should have been changed months ago.

“You’ve been rather distracted today. So what’s her name again?”

He huffed. “Not telling.”

“It’s Lilianna Brenner, right?”

Dylan almost choked and then remembered that her name had been on the paperwork to pick up her car for the tow last night. “I have no comment at this time.”

“Which means yes.”

“It means I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Well, it’s not like you’re working or anything.”

“Am too.”

“You’ve been doing this oil change for over half an hour. It’s a good thing the customer decided not to hang around until it was finished. They would have aged a decade in the waiting room.”

Dylan pushed out a sigh. “You’re exaggerating.”

“Not by much.”

“Fine.” Dylan gave him a sarcastic salute. “So I’m distracted.”

“Because of this woman?”


Gabriel grinned. “Is is serious?”

“I don’t know.”

“Do you want it to be?” he pressed.

“Doesn’t matter.”

“Because of Hunter, your past demons, or both?”

“Right.” The answer was all of the above.

Gabriel laughed. “Well, whatever happens, I hope it works out. I’m firmly in favor of love with a happily ever after.”

“Yes. We know, you’re a sap.”

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but I’ve got a woman who loves me like a rock, just like I love her.”

Dylan laughed. “That doesn’t rhyme at all, and you’re not only sappy, you’re goofy.”

Gabriel shrugged. “Call me all the names you want, but I’m happy. I think everyone else should settle down and be happy as well.”

Everyone knew Hunter didn’t have the settle-down gene, but the way he’d looked at Lilianna last night gave Dylan hope that it might be an option. Then again, he wasn’t certain if Hunter’s feelings would last. He stepped away from the beneath the car and wiped his greasy hands on a rag. Was he ready to settle down and try again with another woman? Lilianna filled his mind. Maybe. Then his psycho ex suddenly made an appearance, too. Maybe not. Damn.

“I forgot to tell you earlier, but I took the liberty of putting an informal search out locally for your friend’s car. Duke called, too. He said he’d keep an eye out for any abandoned vehicles anywhere nearby. Also, I called the other towing shop two towns away to discover if they’d been tapped to pick up your friend’s car. But no luck there either.”

“Thanks anyway. I appreciate it.”

“Sure.” Gabriel remained. He crossed his arms expectantly, as if he waited for Dylan to spill the details of his love life now.

“So now that you have Suzanna in your life, you think all of us should settle down and permanently hook up, and then spill all for your entertainment and I told you so mentality?”

“Possibly.” Gabriel shrugged. “Maybe I’m just really pleased with the new changes in my life. Nothing wrong with that, right?”

“I suppose not. The truth is, I’m more captivated by this girl than I expected. Took me off guard a bit. I almost ran out of there this morning without even saying good-bye.” He shook his head. “Shit. It’s only been a day. How can I be so fascinated?”

Gabriel smiled. “What’s Hunter’s reaction?”

“So far Hunter looks at her like he plans to keep her forever, but since that’s so far out of his norm, I’m just not sure it will last.”

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