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“What’s that?” he asked.

“Stomach,” I answered. “I have to see what she had to eat the night of the accident.”

“Why?” he asked.

“Because this was the driver,” I answered. “And since it is being considered an accident, I’m supposed to make sure that the driver wasn’t on drugs of any kind for insurance purposes. But I’m also checking to make sure that the driver was healthy. We’re assuming she just fell asleep at the wheel.” I paused. “I noticed that you didn’t answer the me moving in comment.”

His eyes once again focused on me.

“I figured that was a done deal.” He shrugged. “I did notice that your mother and father have a house for sale across the street from them. And one two houses down.”

I nodded. “They’ve been open for over a year now. Why were you at my parents’ place?”

“I was talking to your mother,” he answered. “I asked her how the hell I was supposed to know if a dog was pregnant.”

“You didn’t go over there just to ask that. I Googled that this week. We already suspect it. We have to take Sister into the vet, though, to confirm. Now what are you trying to get out of telling me?” I set the stomach down onto the table, then separated it completely from the rest of the digestive system.

After weighing it, I started to cut into it.

Logan and I had suspected for a week that Sister could be pregnant. I mean, it was more than obvious that it might happen seeing as neither animal was fixed.


He sounded grossed out when he answered.

“I wanted to ask her the best way to approach your father about asking to marry you,” he told me.

I froze in the process of cutting.

“You what?”

“Then I went to your dad’s office, with your mom in tow, and asked him if I could marry you,” he continued as if he didn’t just drop a bomb. “After I received his permission, I bought you a ring, that your mother helped pick out. Then I waited for you to come home with dinner in the oven, only you never came, despite saying you were on your way three separate times.”

My lip started trembling as my hands dropped down to my sides.

“I don’t need a fancy proposal,” I told him.

His lip tipped up at the corner. “That’s good, because you ruined it by saying you were coming and never did.”

I snickered. “My bad.”

He pulled a ring box out of his pocket, then, right there in the middle of my autopsy, he got down on one knee and raised the box with a brightly winking diamond in it up in the air.

“Katy Roberts, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” he rumbled. “Move in with me. Raise a few puppies and babies with me?”

There was no other way to answer him but one.

“Yes!”EpilogueI like your personality, but your big dick sure is a bonus.

-Coffee Cup


“I don’t know what I was thinking,” I panted. “I don’t want to do this!”

My mother and sister started laughing from the other side of the room where they’d been parked, playing Go Fish of all things.

“Here, focus on the Lou/Sister puppies.” Rowen shoved her phone into my face. “Aren’t they so freakin’ cute?”

They were.

Every single puppy out of the litter had been adopted out to people at the police station. Eight puppies in total, they’d all been an adorable blend of both mom and dad.

I just loved getting updates.


Now, not so much.

“Little too late now saying you don’t want to do this,” my dad murmured, adding his two cents. “You’re seconds away from giving birth. You should’ve thought of this when you decided that you wanted to do in-vitro fertilization.”

I looked over at Logan, who hadn’t said much since I’d started experiencing such strong contractions.

“Do something!” I ordered fiercely.

He got up and caught my hand up in his.

We’d officially been married now for eleven months.

A month into our marriage, when I told him I wanted to use my savings to pay for in-vitro fertilization, he hadn’t hesitated.

With both of us having our issues, we’d decided that it’d be best to go ahead and do this the medical way instead of waiting months to see if it would happen when we both knew it was nearly impossible.

And, low and behold, on our first attempt we managed to get pregnant.

With not one baby, but two.

Which led us to now, thirty-five weeks later, me in labor and Logan scared shitless.

“I’ve never been this scared in my life,” he admitted. “I literally hate seeing you in pain, and even more I’m scared that you’re going to be taken away from me.”

My dad cleared his throat and stood up.

“You two come with me,” he ordered. “We’re going to the cafeteria for some food and giving them some time.”
