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“No…no…you had no right”

His eyes laughing down at her “Has no man kissed you before little one?” the rush of colour on her face answering his question as she had dropped those wonderful eyes from him, so embarrassed as he had given a disbelieving groan. “Oh my God, I speak the truth don’t I?”

Grace raising her head to glare back at him, not liking the mocking tone in his voice, especially not liking the way her whole being buzzed for him to pull her back into his hold and kiss her again. This man was a serial womaniser, definitely not the kind of person she wanted to become involved with. Turning she had moved quickly back to the car.

“My mother will be waiting for me” she had bitten out sensing his shock. As she had reached the car, his hand had stopped her, turning her around to face him, a strange expression on his face.

“I am sorry Grace. I didn’t realise” With eyes full of shame she had nodded her head, “its fine. Please just…forget it” her voice trailing off as he had hooked her chin raising her head to look up at him. With a soft sigh he had smiled gently down at her.

“No…I am sorry Grace. I guess that sometimes I forget that there are truly pure souls in this world, and it is more to be admired in a person” Looking closely at his face she had searched for the signs of sarcasm but finding none had finally gave him a small smile.

“Thank you” once more so aware of the feel of his hand on her. Blinking he had dropped his fingers, opening the door for her to step into the car before moving around himself.

As the two had once more driven to the villa she had looked over at him “Why did you say ‘freak show’ when talking about this weekend?”

Grimacing he had flicked her an apologetic look “My father doesn’t keep well Grace”

She had murmured something vaguely apologetic and comforting, as he had smiled.

“He wants to see me settled, married. So these are meant to find me the perfect wife”

Giving a soft sigh she had chuckled “Parents!” her eyes once more alive with laughter “So how did my name end up on your list? And exactly how do you choose future soul mates?”

He had laughed back, picking up on the fun in her voice.

“Well. The secret is not to get involved. Allow your father to be in control. I do think that perhaps he has a list of eligible women…which I imagine your name landed on”

Laughing, the sound strangely so pleasant to him she had once more thrown her hands over her eyes in a dramatic pose. “I feel so special”, Alexos laughing with her.

As they had neared the estate she had become more serious. “Why do you do it? Why go along with something you so obviously hate?”

She had heard him sigh deeply “It means so much to my father Grace…and I think that I can manage one weekend a month” his voice faltering slightly as he had added more surely.

“Also I am tired of being the 25 year old playboy…this way my father is slowly allowing me more involvement with the day to day working of the business”.

Nodding softly she had smiled “Well he is lucky to have you” Alexos giving her an approving smile.

Pulling up at the villa, the two had moved together into the house, the sound from the dining room hitting them as they crossed the threshold. She had watched as he had breathed in deeply, pulling himself up taller giving her a reassuring wink.

“Once more into the breach” the two moving into the dining room together. Grace had been aware of the icy looks thrown at her from the other women and also the suave and charming persona that seemed to descend on him, Grace surprised to realise that he had seemed so different when they had been alone together, more natural, sweet almost, mentally shaking herself she had given a rueful smile sure that ‘sweet’ was not how most would describe Alexos Manetas.

Even now he had moved between his other guests with an ease that astounded Grace, his dark eyes playing with each of the other women until they were once more gushing with how pleased they were to see him. Moving to the other end of the table she had silently watched as he enthralled the four with such effortless charm and a ready smile her mind likening him to a predatory panther, sleek and perfectly poised playing with the women like a cat with a mouse.

Dropping her head she frowned, not sure why the feeling of being played sat so unwell with her. Why was she bothered what a man like Alexos did, he was so far out of her league it was laughable, shocked to realise that despite knowing this that she did indeed care.

For the rest of the day and night the group had repeated the previous day, spending too much time by the pool where once more Alexos had been the centre of the women’s attention. Grace had ignored her mother’s pleas to join the others, her eyes looking at them with barely concealed contempt.

“I do not think so” had been her only comment, ignoring the small sounds of disapproval coming from the older woman as she had pulled open her notebook, taking time to fill in the colour and feel of the fish she had discovered that morning, writing notes on the opposite page about the encounter and the habitat itself.

“You really captured the look of that”

His warm sensual voice at her shoulder, where he squatted down had made her jump. Grace dropped the pad, as he had retrieved it, her pulse racing as the back of his hand had scraped along her bare leg.

“T…thank you” she had muttered, grabbing the pad from his offered hand, her eyes finding his, those dark eyes framed by the most wonderful long lashes on a man as they had delved so deeply back, a warmth deep within them.

“You are very welcome Grace Leotta “before he had once more risen and returned to the others, leaving Grace wondering why her stomach was doing somersaults.

As they had once more dressed for dinner, this time Grace wearing a power-blue dress, the colour complementing her hair and eyes so well, she had told herself, one more night…just one more night. The other girls had mainly ignored her, seeing each other as bigger threats for the billionaire’s attention, this sitting well with Grace who had little interest in being dragged along by the shallow women, most slightly older than her - all most definitely more experienced than her.

Again it had been a pleasant night, with a different group of people and she had found it passing quickly and pleasantly. As far as she could see, none of the women seemed to be a forerunner for his attention, their mothers glaring at their daughters with frustration. All had danced with him, Grace aware as they had pushed themselves against him, her mouth straightening with how pathetic it all seemed.

She had known that she would be expected to dance with him at some point, and when he had led her to the floor she had once more placed her arm primly against his shoulder, noting the small smile that had arisen to his lips.

“You smell of flowers Grace Leotta” his words had taken her by surprise as she looked up at him, her eyes wide before a wicked smile had lit her face. “Much better than seaweed”

His rumble of laughter had made her bite her lip to suppress her own. He had pulled her in harder, Grace able to feel his heartbeat against her hand, remembering the way he had kissed her, the memory sending an instant jolt of awareness through her.

“So what are your plans?” he had asked softly, as again she had looked up, his face interested as she had shrugged.

“I would love to become a marine biologist” the words were out before she could stop them, seeing the smile on his face.

“I think you would be good at that…at least from what I have seen…a woman who chases sharks instead of running from them” Grace had felt the warmth fill her smile before she had once more looked down, a small sigh leaving her.

“However, my father seems to think that I would be better married” groaning inward she could again not believe that she had said that out loud, as he had nodded, his voice suddenly thoughtful

“That would not be so bad surely?” his words questioning as she had held down the small groan. She had been invited there as one of the ‘potentials’ the hypocrisy of saying ‘no’ making her hold back the response that had risen to her lips. Instead she had given a small embarrassed half-laugh before shaking her head.

“No…I guess not” aware as he had grown silent, feeling the heat from his splayed hand on her bare back. For the rest of the dance the two had remained silent, swaying softly to the rhythm of the music.

Breaking apart he had lifted her hand to his mouth, his sensual lips grazing her small fingers, before he had led her back to her chair before once more returning to the all-too-willing arms of the other women, their pouting mouths telling how much they had missed him.

The next morning all of the guests had gathered in the hallway after lunch. The women and their mothers all expressing their deepest desire for his hospitality to be returned. Grace had allowed her mother to make the almost expected offer, hovering behind her as Alexos had flicked a small smile in her direction as though he fully understood her position.
