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As each car had arrived to take the women to the waiting boat that would carry them back to the mainland Alexos himself had led each group of women to their car. She could see the disappointment as their names were called, each hoping to be the last. However, this dubious honour had fallen on Grace and her mother and as the car had arrived he had moved to an arrangement of flowers and pulling a rose from it, offered it to her.

“A flower for a flower Miss Leotta” before adding in a more hushed tone so her mother could not hear

“I am all out of seaweed”

Grace unable to stop the small chuckle that had left her lips had accepted the stem from his fingers with a shy thank you. Finally they were in the car and once more Grace was relieved that the weekend was over, although confused with the way her mind kept returning to the image of Alexos Manetas.

Chapter Two

For a week she had had to endure the disapproving looks of her father as he had heard of the weekend.

“The man took you away for the morning and you were not able to hold his attention?”

His contempt had stung as Grace had been so unsure of what she was supposed to have done. Her mother had tried to appease him, but his dislike of his daughter had ensured that he saw only the worst in her.

After several days, as things had once more settled down she had again sought him out, nervously standing beside his desk as she had waited for him to look up from his paperwork. With a scowl he had regarded her.

“What is it Grace?”

She licked her lips before once more asking him about attending University, her stomach dropping into her toes as he had fixed her with an icy look.

“I thought I had made myself very clear. You will marry and ensure that your marriage is one that is advantageous to the business”

Wringing her hands in both panic and fear she had moved closer “But papa…Alexos Manetas was not interested…I tried…so surely”

Bringing his brows tight together in a severe growl he had pinned his daughter to the spot with his shrivelling glare “Alexos Manetas was a long shot for you…but there are others. Many others” an unpleasant edge coming to his voice “This time next year you will be married and out of this house”

Grace had felt sick to her very stomach. As she had left she had sworn to behave so badly that none of her father’s options would be interested in her.

It did not take long for the introductions to begin, the rest of that week seeing a parade of eligible men invited to their home for dinner parties, Grace growing more and more alarmed with the choice of suitable husband material, feeling dirty at the open way she was being displayed for the men to admire. Many had been at least twenty years her senior with previous relationships which had not been successful. She had found them all watching her with lustful eyes, her plan to seem so unsuitable not working as she had hoped, with the realisation that they only saw her as a body in their beds.

When the next week she had been called to her father’s study she had been full of trepidation, knowing that there was only one reason that he would willingly have called her to see him.

He had sat with three letters before him, a satisfied smile on his cruel lips as he had instructed her to sit.

“You have three offers Grace” a pleased look on his face. As he had read out the names her heart had sank seeing the men in her mind, wanting to throw herself across the desk and beg him to refuse all, a shudder running through her “I…I would rather not” she had began as his hand had slammed down loudly onto the wood.

“You will choose one Grace” the tears which had sprung to her eyes had no effect on him other than to cause him to sneer at her vulnerability.

“Tomorrow. Tomorrow you will give me your answer” with that he had thrown the letters at her “To help you choose”

Clutching the letters in her hand she had fled to her room, curling up on the bed as the tears had flooded down her face sobs racking her small frame. As her mother had moved into the room she had rushed over to her daughter pulling her into her arms

“Don’t cry Grace…please don’t cry”

Grace looked at her mother miserably. “Why does he hate me?” her voice trembling with the extreme misery filling her. The question had seemed to throw her mother who had looked away, discomfort written all over her face, before she had pulled herself together.

“He doesn’t hate you. He only wants the best for you”

Pushing out the letters Grace had shaken her head “This is the best for me!?” a sob once more racking her small body. “These men are brutal” a shudder running through her. Moving to the window her mother had seemed shaken, her arms hugging herself as she had looked out sightlessly.

“Your father wants only the best for you Grace. A good marriage will give you the stability that you need. I promise”

Shaking her head she had whispered softly. “I have my dreams…why can’t I live my life…why?”

The other woman stiffening as she had moved over to the door “It will be for the best” her voice unnaturally bright as she had left her alone to her misery.

The next day pale, tired and dejected she had appeared at her father’s office as ordered. Moving inside he had looked at her, a strange glint in his eyes, and a small smile on his mouth. Swallowing hard she had gripped the letters nervously.

“Father…I can’t marry any of these men” her statement the bravest thing she had ever done, terror in her lovely eyes. Flinching as he had moved forward in his chair she had waited for the storm, determination not to bow down to his bullying in every rigid part of her body. His laugh had been unexpected, Grace frowning in confusion.

“Of course you can’t. They are gone”.

Giving a look of disgust he had plucked the sheets from her stiff fingers and thrown them to the side.

“No…you have another suitor. One that I had no idea you would ever win” his expression almost admiring as he had held out another sheet, Grace taking it with complete surprise. Reading the small note her eyes had grown wider with disbelief.

“This is from Alexos Manetas“her voice full of shock as her father had nodded.

“The man wishes to woo you in expectation of marriage” his eyes flashing brightly

“You will of course accept his offer” his eyes holding hers as he had pointed to the other letters discarded on the floor “Or is there one there you would prefer?”

“No!” she had cried out in horror before dropping her eyes to the well-worded letter in which Alexos had sought her father’s permission to call on her. The tone of his note was respectful and correct, so different from the others which had talked of her net worth to them.

“I…I mean Mr Manetas …I would very much enjoy his call”

With a big smile breaking out onto his cruel face her father had nodded approvingly.

“Then I will contact him on your behalf, although it is expected that you would add in a small note yourself…you will provide me with something by the end of the day”

Backing out of the room she had felt the surge of relief fill her and bubble up into a smile, not sure why this option was so much better than the others. Her mind once more going to the way he had kissed her, his gentleness more she knew than she could ever expect from the other men. Rushing back to her room she had pulled out pen and paper frowning in concentration as she had penned a reply to him.

Dear Alexos

I look forward to seeing you once more. It would give me great pleasure to show you the breathtaking scenery that we enjoy in Italy, although it may not offer more than that of your island and the wildlife you were so kind as to show me.

I truly look forward to our next meeting



Racing back down, her father had raised an eyebrow in surprise at how quickly she had responded, his eyes scanning the sheet with a sigh.

“Hardly romantic…but I suppose…” his attention once more returning to his work an indication that she was no longer welcome.

That afternoon she had sat in the small cafe, her friend Daryle listening attentively to her words.

“He can’t make you marry Grace” his voice soft and comforting as she had looked at him with disbelief.

“You have met my father?” she had said in an unnaturally high voice, passing her hand nervously over her brow groaning softly.

“I had to agree to Alexos because the others were so……..” she had not finished shuddering instead.

He had given her a small wicked grin.

“Oh I’ve seen pictures of Alexos Manetas …if you don’t want him…I will take him. Is he really that gorgeous?” Grace giving him a nod as she had laughed.

“You are such a slut Daryle” he laughing back. She had been the only other person that he had confided in that he was gay, not prepared to admit this to his family, staunchly traditional in their outlook.
