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Grace dropping her eyes as she had flushed at his obvious reference to the pleasures of sex, Alexos chuckling softly “Again I embarrass you Cara”

She looking at him her father’s words in her ears “time to grow up” smiling more seductively back

“I am sure that I will adjust” his laugh making her smile in return.

As the meal had ended the music had began, and she had found herself taken to the dance floor, so aware of the way most of the women would cast their eyes over the Adonis that was Alexos, Grace not understanding the small prickle of pride at being the one he had chosen to hold, to pull into his arms and dance with all night.

Returning home she had grimaced seeing how late in the evening it was, her smile full of fun as she had chuckled “I have never had to sneak back into the house before” Alexos flicking a small return smile at her “It is only midnight…early yet” she shaking her head with a smile.

“Not for me” he once more realising how sheltered a life she had led.

Parking he had again opened her car door, taking her hand in his as they had walked to the door, Alexos lifting her hands to gently kiss them.

“I have to work tomorrow, so I will not be able to see you…however I will pick you up early on Wednesday…and we can head on down to the coast”

While her father had implied that she should sleep with Alexos, Grace had been so nervous, her eyes showing her discomfort as he had hooked her chin with his hand looking questioningly into her lovely face.

“What is wrong Grace? Please tell me”

Savaging her lip she had finally whispered softly “W…will I have my own room?” Alexos had looked back at her with surprise and shock.

“Of course…why would you think otherwise?” the relief in her face and body palpable as she had flushed.

“I…it was just my father…” A flash of anger filling him that she had been led to believe that his intentions were anything other than honourable. Looking deeply into those eyes, the flecks currently more brown than green he had dropped his mouth to lay a soft kiss on her tempting lips.

“I am more than willing to wait until we are married Grace…please do not think that I have any expectations, this week as far as I am concerned is for us to get to know each other. I will respect you in all ways”

A thankful smile had lit up the whole features of the woman beside him, once more sending tremors throughout Alexos, his mouth again seeking hers, this time with more passion, a soft groan leaving her as she had fallen gently against him. Deepening the kiss further his hands had slid around her slender waist pulling her harder to him, her arms moving tentatively around his neck, their tongues sliding sensually along the others’, a raw need for her filling him.

Moving her gently from him, his eyes had taken in how her own had seemed to struggle to open, her lips so red from their embrace. Giving a weak half-laugh he had stepped back from Grace, his own expression full of the desire to return to her arms.

“Well I had better go…or I will forget everything I just said there” Grace giving a return smile as she had turned and opened the door, waving gently to him as the door had once more closed.

Muttering softly in Greek he had again moved to his car, groaning at the way she made him feel. This innocent, so young, beautiful, smart and funny, the combination an enticing cocktail which he longed to drink from.

Two days later Grace had found herself at the coast gasping in amazement as they had entered the exclusive hotel. She had known the cost of a simple room for the night was beyond most, however she could only imagine how much the two suites were costing him, once more so aware of how rich and powerful Alexos Manetas was. Driving down from her home he had told her that they would be attending a gala charity ball that evening and spending the following day on a friend’s boat, Grace lighting up as he had added that he had arranged for the two of them to dive at a beautiful spot.

She had been glad of the cocktail dress that she had brought, knowing that the red suited her so well seeing the fire that had leapt into his eyes as he had knocked on her room door to collect her that evening. She in turn stood open mouthed trying not to stare at just how handsome he looked. He wore a black tuxedo, his height and build filling the expensive suit so well, Grace once more so aware of the way her young body had jumped with excitement, swallowing down the small groan of desire.

He had admired her, his dark eyes moving so slowly down her, missing nothing of her perfection.

“You look stunning Cara ” a soft murmur of appreciation as he had offered his elbow, Grace taking it with a wonderful smile, her whole face lighting up as she had looked up into his face.

The gala had been one full of celebrities, the well known film star Kurt Carr hosting the event in aid of his charity, the event raising a considerable amount of money Grace could tell. They had been seated near an actress and comic she had been more than just a little familiar with, Grace surprised to find that she had very quickly overcome her awe of them chatting happily with the couple.

As the dancing had began, she had found herself asked onto the floor by many of the other guests, Alexos giving a small curve of his sensual mouth seeing the way so many men had cast their looks in her direction, knowing that Grace would be completely unaware of the admiring glances. As they had moved around the room, Alexos’ hand had curved gently around her waist, he had introduced her to his friends and acquaintances, all liking the young woman who had listened so attentively and talked with a maturity that belied her youth.

Turning to meet one couple, Grace had felt the way his arm had seemed to tense on her, she looking with surprise at the couple before them. He was handsome if not a little aloof, his wife introduced to her as Angelica Fleur, stunningly beautiful. With long glossy black hair and piercing blue eyes she had stood nearly a head taller than Grace, her eyes holding a strange icy quality as they had rested on her.

Walking away she had looked up at him, seeing the way his lips were pressed together so tightly.

“Who is she?” her gentle voice had caused him to frown, flicking a quick look back at the couple before giving a half smile back down at her.

“Just an old friend”

Grace smiling “Is that billionaire code for ex-girlfriend?”

Smiling widely he had dropped a small kiss on the end of her nose. “You are more worldly wise than you let on Miss Leotta”

His tone had discouraged any more questions as he had introduced her to more of his friends.

While the meeting had been so short, for some reason the way the two had reacted to the other had stayed with her for the rest of the evening, Grace not sure why the other woman had made her feel so uncomfortable.

Grace had enjoyed the rest of the evening, the party not ending until after two in the morning, Alexos leading her to her room, this time only lifting her hand to kiss it as he had wished her a good night, she surprised at how disappointed she had felt, falling asleep that night with thoughts of the handsome Greek filling her dreams.

While they had had a late night, it did not stop the two getting up early, Grace chuckling as they had boarded the cruiser that had been leant to him by his friends, she laughing telling him that her friends only ever leant her pens as he had laughed back telling her that she needed new friends.

The dive site had not been far from where they had moored the cruiser. The size of the ship bigger than any she had previously been on, its six suites and crew’s quarters for the four crew members who had managed the ship so ably. A rib boat had taken them the rest of the way Grace once more not realising how she shone with the anticipation of the upcoming dive.

In the water the two had seemed to almost naturally fall in behind the other, giving each other just enough space, the waters not quite as clear as it had been in Greece, but Grace enjoying every moment. As the hour long dive had come to an end, the two had returned to the ship, both talking animatedly about what they had seen.

For the rest of the day they had enjoyed cruising along the coastline, both relaxing in the sun as she had laughed “This is so decadent” Alexos returning her smile.

“Well, given the fact that I am pulling 12 to 14 hour shifts … I feel that this is just what the doctor ordered”.

Peering at him through her sunglasses, he had indeed looked more relaxed, knowing that even during one of the days he had taken as a holiday he had spent working, Grace had realised that perhaps he was not as much of a playboy as she had initially thought.

As the sun had started to sink the ship had once more moved back to dock. Taking her hand, this small act seeming so natural now, his face had been full of fun.

“OK…We can go back to the hotel and change into evening wear and attend another party….or….we could blow it off and find a nice place down by the water”

Looking up at him she had scrunched up her nose, eyes shining with laughter “Oh I think that another party would be …bad”

Alexos giving her an approving smile “I applaud your decision”
