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The two had found a quant waterside restaurant, enjoying the authentic local cuisine and house wine. Sitting outside with the sound of the cicadas and the light from the candles throwing shadows around them Grace had looked at Alexos, once more finding her heartbeat thumping so loud in her own ears as she had tried not to stare at the way his handsome mouth had lifted in the corner, his eyes holding hers with real warmth.

“What are you thinking of Grace Leotta?”

His soft question had thrown her, as with a small flush she had given a contented smile back.

“I was thinking….that this had been nice”

Alexos reached over and entwining his fingers into hers he had given a small throaty chuckle.

“This has been……..very nice” the two just looking at each other before the waiter had once more moved to their table breaking the moment.

That night as he had once more moved to her suite he had again taken her hand dropping another kiss onto her velvety skin. This time however, she had moved closer to him bringing their bodies together her face upturned to look at his. As the flecks in her eyes had grown so green they had dropped to flick so sensually to his lips, Alexos groaned as his hands had moved to hold her shoulders. As their eyes had once more locked on each other he had given a small sigh, his mouth falling to kiss hers, not gently or tenderly, but full of fire, her hands moving around his waist hauling her in harder to him as she had risen on tiptoes to deepen the kiss further.

She had felt his fingers slide through her hair, her own hand moving against him as though belonging to someone else, someone less shy, sliding along the waistband of his jeans enjoying the way he had jumped, pulling her in even harder, whispering soft words against her mouth. Taking her key card from her hand and still kissing her he had deftly opened the door, she had moved backwards into the room with him, their hands all over each other, before the bed against the back of her legs had sent her falling onto the softness, Alexos falling with her.

His weight over her had sent a shock of desire through her as her hands had slipped under his shirt, nails scraping his back as she had quivered under him, wanting more, wanting him, the heat of need burning so low in her stomach, Grace writhing under him as he had given a low growl. Raising his head the look of lust on his face had sent a raw satisfaction through her, his head dropping to kiss along her throat, his tongue licking the small pulse beating so fast there.

As his fingers had undone the buttons on her sleeveless shirt she had let him, encouraged him, the shirt pulled to the side his eyes admiring the perfect breasts contained within the lacy lingerie, another low noise leaving him as his head had dropped to nip the nipples which strained against the lace. Grace was out of her mind, never before had she experienced such ecstasy, looking up at him whispering softly.

“Alexos…I…I don’t know what to do” the need in her voice so obvious as he had paused, his hands trembling against her as he had pushed himself away, rising quickly, his back turned.

Grace had whimpered, wanting his return, her eyes flying to his long back seeing the way his hands had scraped through his hair as he had tried to pull himself together, both silent before he had finally turned to face her. His eyes had still shown the desire, half closing as he had once more taken in the glorious sight she made lying on the bed, her hair tousled around her slim body, eyes burning so green, her breathing as ragged as his as her breasts rose and fell, visible within their lacy confines.

Swallowing he had turned from her, his voice hoarse “Forgive me Grace…I made you a promise”

Turning and moving quickly to the door he had taken one final look at the woman who was causing all kinds of disruption to his body “Sleep well; I will see you in the morning”

As the door had closed behind him she had fallen back onto the bed, disappointment flooding through every part of her. She had wanted him to continue, wanted him to remove the rest of her clothes groaning with pain at the realisation that she had wanted it more than he, this fact sending small tears to her eyes.

The next day the two had made the return trip to her parents’ home, Grace once more finding herself enthralled by him as the two had laughed and joked the whole trip, disappointed as the familiar landscape of her father’s estate had appeared. Pulling the car over before they reached the house itself he had looked over at her.

“I have really enjoyed our time together Grace” his voice warm and honest as she had smiled gently back.

“I have too Alexos…really enjoyed it”

With a large smile he had nodded, his hand moving to gently stroke her cheek, Grace feeling the fires within her once more stoked at the mere touch of his hand on her.

“Does that mean that you might consider doing it again…soon?”

Nodding her head furiously he had laughed softly, his head moving to once more take her lips his dark smouldering eyes holding hers.

“We are going to be one amazing couple you and I Grace Leotta a small frown on her perfect features.

“Maybe in a few years..” she had began as he had chuckled, pulling her harder against himself, his voice husky before lost in her mouth “I do not think that I will be able to wait that long Grace”

His kiss had once more made her head reel, her senses leaving her as the animal need for this man had taken over, kissing him back with as equal a passion as his. With a groan he had pulled back, dropping his head to hers his voice tortured “God I never thought it would be this hard”

Grace smiling shyly back as Alexos had once more started the car, driving up to her family home.

Her father had been there to meet them, pleased to see the way the couple almost seemed to naturally fall against each other, his eyes meeting hers with approval, Grace mortified that he assumed the two were already lovers.

For a week after his departure, she had missed him, her mother watching her with happy eyes.

“He is a good man Grace” she had whispered softly, she nodding back gently not aware of the happiness on her own face.

That evening, as they had all sat together each eating dinner, nobody talking as her father had read the paper ignoring the two women she had jumped as he had laughed.

“Seems Alexos is not wasting any time” the name of the Greek making her frown as she had looked back with interest.

“What do you mean father?” her question one which would have usually been ignored, but this time not. Throwing the paper over to her to read, he had laughed cruelly. Picking up the tabloid she had seen the picture of Alexos with Angelica Fleur, the two laughing together as the other woman had her arm draped around his neck. Holding back the gasp, aware that her father was watching her with narrowed eyes and a smile she had read the few lines in which they had both been spotted dancing alone, reading of the resurfacing rumours of a relationship between the two after they had split over two years earlier, the tabloid enjoying the hint of scandal as she was a married woman.

“I…I’m sure that it was nothing” she had finally managed as her father had plucked the paper once more from her hands a sneer on his lips.

“Grow up Grace. He needs a wife and you will be it. Don’t expect the man to live like a saint”

Her mother’s soft voice had broken in “Don’t say things like that to her…he might well be…”

Her father’s contemptuous glare had silenced his wife as she had looked over at Grace with eyes so full of pain.

“He wants a family. You know that. Grace is to be the mother of his children, that is all, and he wants them soon”

Clearing her throat the feeling of panic filling her she had turned pained eyes on her father

“But papa…I want to go to university. Alexos…”

The loud slam of his hand on the wood and his angry cry stopping her

“I have talked with Alexos about this and we will hear no more! He wants children soon, not some wife spending all her time studying. You will marry him. You will bear his children and you will not interfere with his life…do you understand that?!”

Feeling the tears burning her eyes she had lifted her fork, nodding as her mother had looked at her with such pain, her eyes consoling as she had remained silent.

“Yes papa”, the table once more becoming silent.

Grace had not been able to eat any more of the food, her head spinning with her father’s words. So Alexos had talked to him and despite his admiration for her dream it had all just been words. The thought making her feel sick to her stomach. She had thought he was different, that he was special that he was a good man, but he was no different than the man who was now sitting with a look of satisfaction on his face as he had continued to read the paper.

That night she had once more laid in bed her dreams of university disappearing with the expectations of two men. Her father she knew was keen to get rid of her and Alexos, who had already told her that the weekends he had endured were to appease his father, just saw her as a means for him to placate his father. Turning she had punched the pillow as Daryle’s words had once more come to her, Grace finding herself mulling them over with serious thought. By morning she was tired, but with a real plan in her mind.
