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Sara cried out, gasping and panting as he withdrew so slowly until he was barely within her before surging forward once more, her head thrown backwards with the intense pleasure. She whispered his name, her voice breathless, begging him not to stop. As he withdrew from her, her eyes flew open with disappointment, a shuddering groan leaving her throat as he pulled her to her feet and flipped her around, his arousal hard against her bottom.

Unsure, but with every part of her desperate to feel him once more within her, she allowed him to push her onto the desk, his mouth dropped to kiss down her spine. Sara’s fingers curled, grasped at the hard wood, her teeth biting down on her lip to stop herself from begging him to take her, appalled that she had no pride when it came to this man. Darius too seemed to be struggling, his lips and tongue shaky as they slid down the curve of her back, his hands grasping her panties as he bent and pulled them down her legs, Italian words now falling from his lips, his need as strong as hers.

She felt him rise, his hands gathering her hair as he wrapped it around one hand, the other moving to her hip as he surged forward, once more filling her. Sara cried his name, his thrusts deep and hard, Sara feeling herself hurtling towards her release. His fingers dug deep into her thigh as she shuddered and her muscles clamped down on him the last sound she was aware of before she felt the wave upon wave of pleasure flood through her, his loud hiss and groan, the sound of it only intensifying her own . His hand released her hair, both hands now gripping her as he drove harder into her spasming body before with one last thrust he sank himself fully within her softness, his release as wonderful as hers.

Sara laid over the wood, thankful for the support of the table, her legs unable to hold her, Darius’ weight pinning her as he fell heavily over her, both their breathing, ragged and unsteady, the only sound in the room. Finally he pulled himself from her, collapsing back into the chair as he pulled her with him, holding her across his knees, his mouth found hers as he kissed her softly. No more words needed to be said as she snuggled against him; a happy smile curved her lovely lips as the two clung to each other, his mouth against her head as she gave a small content sound.

“Mmmmmm now I am feeling very relaxed”, his lips curled into a smile against her. Making to move, he growled with disappointment, “Where are you going?” Chuckling, she let her finger trace small circles around his stomach, lifting her head to kiss his jaw. “I told my mother that if it was going to be a problem about David then I would phone her I am going to explain to her that we can’t have him over” Trying to move once more she frowned in surprise as his fingers tightened around her.

“Did you mean what you said about helping with the accounts?” His voice thoughtful as she looked up at him in surprise. “Of is as much for our benefit as yours” With a small laugh he dropped another kiss on her head. “Well if you are prepared to help then it seems the least I can do is let your nephew stay over” Looking back in shock, her eyes flicked across his face for signs that he was kidding, before a big smile spread over her features, Darius not sure why his stomach flipped at having made her happy.

“Thank you”, she whispered her voice full of genuine happiness as she raised her head to kiss him, the kiss full of warmth. His arms wrapped around her as once more the two lost themselves in the need for the other, a chuckle leaving him “You are going to be the death of me young lady”, he laughed back as she allowed her hand to brush against the hardening heat of him. “But what a way to go”, her response as he rose lifting her with him as he moved to the overstuffed comfortable couch flipping her under him, Sara giving a happy squeal before the sound turned into small moans of pleasure from them both.

The next morning Sara waited excitedly as 9:00 finally arrived, the doorbell ringing. She cried out to the housekeeper that she would get it, Edith chuckling knowing that they were to have a visitor that day. As usual Darius had been up early, this time Sara rising with him, he laughing watching her so excited about her nephew coming. “Let’s see if you still feel that way after you spend the day running after a toddler”, he chuckled, as she flashed him a wide grin.

“Better than a month in the gym” Her blue eyes sparkled, Darius once more holding down the soft groan seeing her naked body silhouetted against the sun which flooded in through the window. Her expression became more wary as she looked over. “I will try and get him to keep the noise down”, she offered softly, he giving a small frown. “Not on my account...I don’t have a problem with children”

Sara gave him an unsure quick smile “I...I guess that I didn’t think you liked them”, seeing as he paused. “Oh...why would you think that?” Sara fidgeted nervously as she reached for the t-shirt she had claimed as her own. “ never never talk about children...I guess I just assumed that you were not the paternal type”

Darius gave a small shrug, “Never really gave it much thought”, his eyes flicking down her, “As for the marriage part...why limit yourself to one when there is a whole world out there?” Sara gave a small nervous laugh, her head nodding “Why indeed?” she smiled. “There are a few who have tried...some have even set out to get is amazing what some women will do”, his voice thoughtful as he picked out clothes to wear. Sara’s chuckle made him turn to look at her, a questioning light within his eyes, as her lips quirked. “My mother said that if I was smart I would let you get me pregnant” She saw the shock in his eyes as he moved towards her, real concern within them “Are you trying to tell me?...”, he bit out, his tone flint as she shook her head, her voice full of laughter, “What I am telling you is that in the eyes of my mother I am not smart”

The relief that exuded from him had been palpable, Sara giving another grin, “Don’t worry Darius - I have no interest in bringing a child into the world unless it is within a loving relationship...not ... this”, her final word before she slipped into the bathroom.

In the bedroom, Darius continued to dress, his brows knitted together. Her words had not given him the relief that he thought they would. He had no interest in children. His mother had been a bad parent and his father no better and Darius had no wish to test his own ability with parenthood. That she was telling the truth he had no doubt, surprised that he would trust Sara’s word, trust this woman who had taken such delight in enforcing a lie against him. He again felt anger towards her family. What parent would encourage a daughter to become pregnant just for financial gain, once more realising that there were many different ways of being a bad parent.

Reaching the door, Sara welcomed her mother and nephew, David’s small face full of relief to be away from his grandmother, Sara only able to imagine how bad the night had been for him. “Aunty Sara”, he cried as she lifted him, giving him a tickle as he laughed the boisterous laugh of a small child.

“Good God Sara. This place is amazing”, her mother gushed as she stared around at the elegant and tasteful décor. “The gardens alone...and that gate” Her daughter held down the groan as she took the bag from the other woman’s fingers.

“ is very nice. Now promise me mother that you or Angela will be here tomorrow for 1:00. I have an appointment at 2:00...and I cannot be late...promise me” Her mother patted her arm absently, “Of course...I said we would and we will” Sara’s eyes narrowed as she repeated her words, ensuring that her mother understood how important the time for collecting David was, her mother giving her an annoyed return look, repeating irritably, “I said we would be here...and we have a good time you two”, her last words, as with a wave of her hand she was gone.

“OK champ”, she laughed, “How would you like to see a lady who makes the BEST cupcakes in the entire world?”, as the young boy in her arms nodded furiously, his lovely face breaking out into a huge smile as Sara moved to the kitchen where an excited Edith was waiting with more cupcakes than was healthy for a dozen small boys.

Darius entered his home, much earlier than most days having cancelled several meetings. He was not sure why he felt the need to be home, knowing that she would have her nephew taking up her time and energy. Moving around the first floor, there was no sign of them before he looked out of the window, a high happy squeal drawing him there. From his vantage point, he watched as Sara played in the garden with a small boy, a smile coming to his handsome features. She had been playing hide and seek, the child only partially hidden behind a bush, his red top making him particularly easy to see. Sara however, stood with her hands on her hips, Darius not able to hear what was being said, as she made a point of looking everywhere but where he hid.

She finally stood with her back to him close enough for the child to sneak up behind her, his small arms wrapped around her legs, Sara’s hands flying to her heart as though she had been surprised, the sound of the happy laughs of the boy reaching him. He laughed himself as she fell to the ground, the child pushing against her legs, before throwing himself onto her stomach, Sara catching him before he could hurt her. She then gave an evil laugh, the high pitched sound reaching him, the boy squealing even louder as he tried to get away, her arms wrapped around him as she started to tickle him.

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