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“I have an early meeting, which like you I cannot miss. I just wanted to let you know that we have a cocktail party tonight” Sara’s eyebrow rose in surprise, this the first she was hearing of it. “ never said” Darius gave a small shrug before she laughed softly, “You never said...because you did not know if I would still be here...just in case you had thrown me out already”

Darius gave another shrug, a boyish grin rising to his lips “I always said you were a smart lady...but you are still why don’t you pamper yourself...and maybe you will make it to the end of the week” A laugh left Sara, her eyes dropping to his. Had they really been together for over a week, the sudden realisation hitting her that in five days he would be gone, and he would throw her to the side, feeling that he had extracted his revenge on the woman who had done him wrong. The emptiness which filled her hurt and she struggled to pull a smile onto her face to hide the pain, a mocking note on her voice. “That is right...Friday is your last day...and mine” Darius gave a small nod, “That is the plan...”, although she noticed how he frowned, a thoughtful look flitting across his handsome features. Rolling back onto her side, she gave a forced laugh. “Well maybe I will just not bother pampering myself...get you to ditch me sooner”. His chuckle swept over her as she felt him leave the bed to disappear into the bathroom. That night Darius again admired Sara as she gave a small twirl for him, his eyebrows raised in pretend concentration. With her long blonde hair piled high on her head, she looked even more graceful than normal, with the curve of her neck accentuating her slender figure. The soft silvery blue sleeveless cocktail dress gave her an almost ethereal quality, and he had to hold down the soft groan of desire that once more speared through him.

“Do I pass inspection?” Her sensual voice saw him give a curve of his lips, his head cocked to the side as though paying considerable attention to her question. Sara stood still, her eyes alight with laughter. He looked stunning in his tuxedo, the blackness of the suit complemented by his own good looks. He stood with his hands behind his back and made a small unsure noise. She frowned softly not sure what he could be finding so wrong with her dress. “Turn around” His voice saw her turn as he moved closer. The feel of his fingers on her neck made Sara jump, a small groan leaving her lips as he strung a diamond necklace around her throat, a larger light blue sapphire set within a cluster of diamonds in the tear-shaped pendant which dropped against her creamy skin. Her hand flew to the exquisite and expensive piece of jewellery, seeing it in the mirror. “It...It’s beautiful”, she managed, her eyes flying to his, a smile on his handsome face. “But why?”

Darius gave a small surprised frown before a chuckle left him, “To celebrate the fact that you actually made it a week” Despite her attempts not to, her lips curled into a wide smile, her eyes dropped from his to stop the laugh which was bubbling below the surface. “Well a real milestone”, she chuckled, holding back a small moan as he dropped a kiss on the nape of her neck. A tremor skated down her spine.

The party that night had been one she was nervous about, the venue one she knew well, her family having been patrons of the charity for years. She knew that her family and all her acquaintances would be there, the thought of all of the people she had known her whole life seeing her paraded as his latest sex toy, complete with a pet collar, she thought ruefully to herself making her uncomfortable. He however, had been nothing but a gentleman, Sara surprised but delighted at his change of attitude to her.

Darius led Sara around the room, the two stopping often to talk with different acquaintances both of his and hers. Unlike the previous gala they attended together, he introduced her as his girlfriend, this surprising Sara who felt relief seeing so many people she knew. Finding themselves alone, she turned to him, a smile on her lips as her eyes looked deeply into his, “Thank you” His look of confusion saw her add softly, “For upgrading me from ‘companion’ for two weeks” He held back the small laugh, his lips twitching, “You are very welcome”

Sara found herself enjoying the night, Darius’ hand resting on the base of her spine comforting as they walked, surprising herself as this thought ran through her mind. Laughing at a joke as they were moving from one group, she froze, her eyes staring in horror at the group who had just arrived. Darius looked down at her with concern, his eyes following where she was looking. “Is that Nigel?” he queried gently, her eyes flying to his. “ did you know?” Seeing the grim set of his mouth as he looked back over to the group, his voice low, “I have my secrets too, Bella”, before once more turning to her. “Would you like to go?”

Blinking in surprise, she gave a small shake of her head, a feeble smile pulled to her lips. “No. That man is not going to make me run away” rewarded with the approving look on his handsome features. “Bravo Miss Balfour”, he grinned dropping a small kiss on her lips, the two continuing around the room, though Sara noticed that Darius had been careful not to set a course that the two would meet, thankful for this consideration.

For another hour they made their way around the event, Sara finally excusing herself to go to the washroom. As she left, moving up the small corridor back to the main hall, she felt herself grabbed, the hands pulling her into an alcove. Holding back the small squeal of shock, she turned finding herself face to face with Nigel. “Hello Sara”, he said softly, his eyes all over the woman who had once been his wife. She felt the panic rise, her eyes darting to the corridor for any sign of another person, however, they were alone. Taking a deep breath, she faced him, aware as he blocked the way. “Hello Nigel”, she finally managed, her eyes showing the anger she felt. “You look amazing...stunning”, he simpered softly, his hand moving to touch her shoulder as she shrunk further against the wall. “What do you want Nigel? I am with somebody so if you don’t mind I would like to return to them”, trying to push past him. He blocked her way, his face reddening as anger took hold of him. “Yes...I saw that...didn’t take you long did it?”

Sara recognised the tone, growing quieter, “We are divorced Nigel. It is for the best” She saw as his eyes filled with sadness, the anger draining from him as quickly as it had risen. “Sara...this is a mistake. We were good together you and I...we were happy. I loved you. I know that you could learn to love me ...I know it” Now she looked up at him in complete disbelief, “You hit me you really think I could love somebody who did that?” His demeanor became one of guilt as he looked back at her.

“I loved you Sara...I still love you...but you taunted me with the fact you didn’t love me. It wasn’t my fault, it was yours” She stared back at him with pity in her eyes - pity and anger. “No Nigel. It was not my fault. You knew the day you married me that I did not love you...and your violence...that is unforgivable” Raising herself to her tallest, she looked coldly at him, seeing the anger once more return, his fist clenching as she gave him a contemptuous glare. “Do you want to hit me again Nigel? In front of all of these people...what would mummy and daddy think of that?” She saw the fear cross his face as he stepped back, Sara taking her chance as she moved around him, needing to get away.

“I know about Nick”, his voice paused as she continued walking, “and Tara” His soft words froze her to the spot, as slowly she turned to face him. “W...what did you say?” Nigel repeated his words, his face now that of the cat with the cream. “I can fix it all can have everything if you just do one thing” Sara felt the colour drain from her face; her legs shook as she stared back at him in horror, unable to speak as he moved closer. “All you have to do is come back to me Sara. We remarry and everybody will be happy...we can be a family...a happy family”, a more sinister sneer lighting his face, “If you don’t...well let’s just say that everything might get messy...which would be very bad for you”

Sara covered her mouth with her hand, holding in the pained moan as her eyes shone with tears. “No...No...Never”, her head shook from side to side, as turning; she fled down the corridor back towards the main hall, Nigel calling after her. “It is the only way know you have to” Sara felt the panic filling her as she moved into the crowded throng, her eyes darted from side to side looking for the sanctuary that was Darius.

“You OK?” He suddenly appeared beside her, his hand resting on her arm making her jump as his look held such concern. “N...Nigel”, she began, her eyes full of fear, his hardening as they rose to the man who followed her, Sara seeing him at the same time, her hand grasping Darius. “Please...don’t make a scene, not’s what he wants...he knows about Nick...everything” “Did he hurt you?”, his one question saw her shake her head, Darius giving a deep sigh as his eyes returned to her, his head nodding. “Fine. We are leaving”, his arm moving around her as he led her away; she smiled with gratitude and thanks. The sound of the younger man laughing hysterically behind them, his voice high and venomous made her groan softly. “Well Sara...didn’t take you long to fall on your feet”, his cruel sneer loud enough for many others in the room to hear, the muted sounds of the people closest falling into silence. Sara’s eyes flicked to Darius, her expression pleading, her arm on his holding him back as he made to turn to the younger man. Looking at her, he stilled, his mouth set angrily as he again started with her to the door. “Hey...Darius”, the cry from behind even louder, “You might want to be careful...she gets around”
