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Darius lifted her hand and kissed it so softly. “So I am responsible for you being married to that animal?” His voice was full of pain as she shook her head, “No...How were you to know?” His eyes held hers. “I was so unfair to you Sara. You did all that for me and I blackmailed you in the worst possible way” Sara gave a sweet smile, her other hand gently caressing his cheek.

“I felt you pull back from me Darius. That first night...I knew that you didn’t intend to sleep with me...but I wanted it. I told myself that it was because you were forcing me to be with you...but that wasn’t the truth...I wanted to be there” She saw the fire that lit within the darkness of his eyes as he groaned softly.

“I want to be with you Sara” His simple declaration took her aback as she blinked in surprise before a smile filled her lovely face. “I want to be with you too Darius” His eyes shone at her response, before the doubt surfaced in hers. “But...I have to think about Carly. What you said will only be a matter of time before they realise that you were not telling the truth about us being engaged...and then they will use that to stop me adopting her”

At this Darius dropped her hand reaching for the envelope which he passed to her. “Before we say any should read this” In confusion she opened the large manila envelope and pulled out the officious papers, her eyes scanning the words as a small sob broke from her lips, her eyes flying to his in disbelief, a gentle smile on his mouth.

“I had my lawyer contact the Adoption Board as soon as I left you. He pointed out that you were the chosen guardian for Carly and were independently wealthy and therefore more than able to take care of her. He also pointed out that if they did not grant you instant adoption to her that my whole legal team would be descending on them the next day” Sara stared at him, wonder in her eyes as a small tear slid down her face, her hand wiping it away before she gave a small confused frown.

“I’m not independently wealthy”, causing a boyish smile to come to his face. “Ah...yes...I also had a million dollars put into your are pretty independently wealthy Sara” Her eyes once more flew down to the adoption papers in her hand, a sob leaving her mouth as she launched herself into his arms, hers wrapped around his neck, clinging to him as the tears flowed from her. After all the weeks of worry and guilt, she would have her daughter back. She would be taking Carly home and it was all thanks to Darius, this man she loved.

“How do I thank you?” she sobbed against him, as Darius allowed her to cry, to release the emotions held back for so many weeks. Finally as her sobs diminished he pulled her back looking gently into her face, his hands reaching for a tissue which he used to dab the tears from her cheeks. “I wanted you to have that so that you know that you and Carly will be together no matter what. That you are not under any obligation to me” Sara felt the bubble of laughter rise with her as she stared back at him, the love within her so strong that it could no longer be contained as she raised her finger to his lips, a huge smile on her face.

“I love you Darius...I think I always have” She was surprised to see that his eyes misted over, his face full of stunned disbelief before he wrapped his arms around her and hauled her in harder to him.

“I love you Sara...I love you more than I ever thought I would be capable of” Pulling back, the two could only smile at each other, both laughing; his hand enveloped hers as he pulled it to his mouth. “Sara...about what I said...about us being engaged” She chuckled, nodding, happiness filling every part of her. “Would you consider making that engagement real?” Sara’s hands flew to cover her mouth, her eyes dancing with both happiness and fun.

“What kind of proposal is that?” she laughed, tears once more sliding down her face. Darius grinned back, “A really bad one”, before he moved to kneel before her, the laughter in her eyes disappearing as he became suddenly so serious.

“Sara Balfour - will you be my wife? I love you and I already love Carly too” The love once more filled her as he talked about the small girl. “I promise to be the best husband to you and the best father to her” With a strangled sob, she nodded her head, throwing herself into his arms.

“Yes...yes I love you so much” His arms held her so tightly against himself, his kiss full of the love he felt. Rising, Darius swept her into his arms, Sara chuckling as she clung to him, her mouth kissing along his jaw, feeling his smile as he strode with purpose to the bedroom.

He dropped her gently on the bed, his eyes full of desire, before he stood back “You must be tired, I should let you rest”, his voice husky. Sara rose to her feet, standing on the bed. “Yes you should”, her tone seductive, as her fingers slowly began to remove her own clothing, her eyes holding his as she removed everything, Darius clutched the end of the bed until she was finally completely naked. Pulling the bobble from the back of her head which held her long hair away from her face, she allowed it to cascade around her body, his eyes closing as a small shudder ran through him.

“I am trying to be a good and considerate fiancé here Sara”, his words strained, almost inaudible as she dropped to her knees and crawled to where he stood. Rising still on her knees, her hands slid along his shirt, her eyes flicked to his lips she moving close to him allowing the tip of her tongue to slide against the crease of his mouth. “Then be a good fiancé and make love to me”, her tone seductive. This was all he needed, as his hands wrapped around her and flipped her onto her back. “Yes ma’am...but just remember I offered to let you rest”, he laughed, stepping back slightly as she laid watching him, his hands pulling his own clothes from his body before he joined her.

As the two made love it was slow, gentle, each taking their time to tantalise and tease the other. When neither could take it any longer, Darius laid over her, his body moulding with hers, their eyes locked, the love flowing so fiercely between them as together they ed, each clinging to the other. Sara’s last thought as she momentarily felt the earth shift with the intensity of their orgasm had been crying his name and declaring that she loved him. Complete contentment filled her. She loved him and he loved her.

Lying in bed, the glow of happiness surrounded them both, Darius was playful, fingers entwined within her left hand, staring at her ring finger, “I wish I could whisk you away right now and find the biggest diamond so that everybody in the world knew that you are going to be my wife” Sara chuckled, her eyes meeting his so bright, “Anybody who can get adoption papers signed in one day can do anything he sets his mind to” Darius gave a return laugh, nodding sheepishly. “Well...I might have been a bit...insistent”, he admitted ruefully, Sara laughing even louder. “Oh my God...poor Board. No wonder they signed...they must have been terrified”. He pulled her back in for a kiss, such depth in his eyes. “Well...they were upsetting my future wife...and daughter” Sara smiled softly, the sound of those words once more sending electric tremors through her.

With a frown she flicked her eyes thoughtfully to the ceiling. “With everything that was going on I forgot to ask...why do you have a hotel room next door to the hospital?” Lifting himself to lean on the palm of his hand he looked down dreamily at her, his finger tracing her jaw and neck. “ needed to eat and we needed to talk...somewhere quiet where we would not be interrupted but close enough that you could get back to Carly quickly if she needed you”

Sara felt her already full heart swell even further at his thoughtfulness as he added more gently, “That plus...I couldn’t sleep last night without you beside I figured if I was close to you it might be better” She stared up at him, her look so full of the love she felt. “I love you Darius Garelli”, she whispered, his own lips curling as he repeated the words, “I love you” back. Looking at his watch he gave a deep sigh.

“It is getting late...we should shower and get you back to the hospital” Sara grinned, rising and moving into the bathroom, her look sensual and seductive. “Now...remind me again how you share a shower with someone...I seem to remember the last time you did I was left feeling a little...unfulfilled”. Pushing the covers from himself he grinned, “Well now, we really can’t have the lady feeling that way”, quickly reaching her as she squealed happily.

An hour later, hand-in-hand the two entered Carly’s room, the small girl still sleeping, her small hands clinging to the teddy bear Darius had bought for her. He sat down with Sara on the comfortable couch that lined one of the walls. She pulled her legs up, curling them under her as she snuggled into him, the two talking softly.

He had only meant to stay for half an hour, determined to give her the chance for a good night’s sleep on the other bed in the room. Half an hour he thought to himself, just half an hour, his last thought before sleep took him; Sara curled up beside him sleeping also. The nurse who checked on Carly later smiled, draping a blanket over the two. Looking at the little girl and the couple, all sound asleep she felt the smile rise to her lips. A beautiful family she thought to herself before once more leaving them all to their rest.
