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Her fingers moved to where she could still feel the touch of his hand, frowning at the way her body reacted to the way he pulled her towards him. His words haunted her - “He was open to the same kind of persuasion” - did he really believe that she planned to use her body to try and persuade the CEO of the Garelli Corporation not to take action against her sister?

With a frown, she wondered what she had really expected. She hoped that explaining the situation would have been enough, now wondering how naive that thought had been. Kicking off her shoes she pulled her feet under her, suddenly feeling so tired she waited for his inevitable return.

For over an hour she waited, her eyes growing heavier with the only sound that of the ticking of the large grandfather clock her eyes were purposefully fixed upon. The room was warm, the large chair comfortable as despite her best efforts sleep tugged at her, her sleepless night the previous day taking its toll as Sara finally succumbed to the blissful peace.

Darius Garelli moved quietly back into his suite, his expression serious. His meeting with the ambassador had gone on longer than he intended, his mouth set as he told himself that she deserved to be left waiting. Seeing her at the ball was unexpected, even more so seeing how much she had changed in the past six years.

As a young girl she had been awkward, but there had always been something about Sara Balfour that fascinated him. He believed her to be different from her controlling bullying father and simpering sister, however, when she had been the one to fire him on the trumped up charge of theft he realised that she was indeed her father’s daughter.

After making his fortune from the initial stake his father gave him, on the condition he change his name to his - not something that was a concern to Darius whose mother was never likely to win any parent of the year awards - he grew that small stake to a billion dollar corporation. He always planned on avenging himself on the Balfours, and finding out how badly their company was performing seemed like a sign from above as he moved against them in a hostile takeover.

After taking over the company, he was shocked at what he discovered, the irony not lost on him as he revelled in his upcoming revenge. His plan had been simple: to have the family publicly kicked out of their home, have Angela Balfour imprisoned, and their good name dragged through the mud. His only regret that there was no direct way to really get to Sara Balfour, the one he hated most. The woman who stood so calmly and coldly telling him that he was fired, telling him that if he did not leave that she would have him thrown in jail.

Her appearance that night had given him a glimmer of hope. Perhaps there really was a way to get to her, to make her pay in the most humiliating way imaginable. Entering the study he frowned, hearing nothing. He knew she had not left, his guard on the door ensuring that she did not get cold feet and flee. Moving forward, his eyes finally fell on the sleeping woman in the armchair.

Stepping even closer he made to shake her awake, his hand stalling as his eyes trailed over her. She really had changed from the girl he knew. Then she had been pretty, but always prone to wear shapeless clothes that seemed at least a size too big for her, her hair allowed to fall over her face to hide her features. The large thick-framed glasses she wore back then were too big for her petite features, and she presented an almost comical figure. Now however, dressed in the figure-hugging cocktail dress, her hair pulled away from her face she was beautiful. Long lashes brushed against her creamy smooth cheek, her lips large and red - so kissable.

Pausing, he squatted down beside her, his eyes drinking in everything about this woman, this woman who had angered him more than any other, a small smile spreading over his features. Yes, humiliating Sara Balfour would be pleasurable in so many ways. He allowed his finger to run along her lips, Sara moving slightly in her deep sleep, her lips parting as her small tongue darted out, this small action like a punch to his stomach as desire thudded into every part of him. Leaning forward Darius covered her mouth with his, his tongue sliding slowly along the silky softness of her bottom lip a small content sigh leaving her as he deepened the kiss, her mouth shaping with his as she kissed him back, stirring softly before her eyes opened.

Sara woke with a start. Her eyes flew open in confusion and panic, tasting Darius’ tongue against hers as with a cry she pushed him away leaping from the chair her voice still heavy with sleep and anger. “Wh...What the hell are you doing?” Darius rose too as he grinned, the smile predatory, holding no warmth. “If you have to ask then perhaps I should show you again”, his mocking voice made her back even further away as her eyes darted from him to the door.

“Wh...Why did you do that?” her eyes accusing as they stared at him, her breasts rising and falling as she tried to calm her breathing as panic filled her. “Seemed the best way to wake you”, had been his only response, as with determination he moved around the desk to seat himself in the large chair.

“Sit down Sara” he ordered as she scowled, not sure what was happening, her senses only starting to return from the deep sleep she had been in. Moving back to the chair, her movements unsure, she sat on the very edge, her body stiff, whilst he leant back in his chair; the epitome of coolness and relaxation.

“I have been giving your situation a little thought” His statement saw her head rise, her eyes darting to his. “Imagine my surprise Sara to discover that your sister and her husband have defrauded the company which I just acquired by nearly five million dollars” Sara felt the pit of her stomach drop at the full extent of the money stolen. His accountants had been fast, their own still trying to get to the bottom of the deception and fraud perpetrated by Angela’s husband Nick. Closing her eyes slowly she felt her whole body droop.

“That much?” was all she could manage weakly as he watched the way she seemed to come apart before him. “My accountants tell me that most of the money was channeled through an account called Paxton Holdings, but they are finding more and more each day” Sara looked up at him, her eyes beseeching. “My sister had nothing to do with it Darius. The only crime she is guilty of is stupidity. She trusted mother trusted him”

He watched her carefully. “I know that. Your sister was not smart enough to be involved in anything like this...but as you know she did countersign the loans”, the only response from Sara a small groan as she nodded as he frowned softly. “What about you? Did you trust him?” Sara gave a shake of her head. “No. I never trusted him, but I was away at university...then married. I was never allowed to be involved with the I had no idea what he was up to. We have a private detective looking for him and he has some leads...we just need time to bring him to justice”

A few seconds of silence stretched out between them before he leant forward. “Seeing as you bring it up I’m interested in your marriage...six months does not seem like you made much of a commitment. I understand that you only finalised your divorce last month” He saw the surprise on her face that he knew the facts of her marriage, before her eyes hardened as she dropped her look from his. “My marriage has nothing to do with this” her tone soft but firm.

Sitting back once more he leant his elbows on the arms of the chair, his fingertips touching as he regarded her thoughtfully before starting to speak, his voice emotionless, matter of fact. “Your sister will be held accountable for your brother-in-law’s actions. Stupidity will not be an excuse in the eyes of the law Sara”, she stared back at him, pain filling her lovely cornflower blue eyes.

“Please Darius. I am begging you, don’t do this” His look hardened as he held hers. “Are you asking me to show you the same consideration you showed me so many years ago Sara?” his tone softly accusing. Sara nodded back. “You may not believe it Darius, but what happened was much more favourable than what my father wanted, and yes, I am asking you to show the same leniency that I showed you” She jumped as his hand smacked against the wooden table top.

“Leniency! You branded me a thief with no ability to redeem myself. Everybody I knew was under the belief that I had stolen that money. Your father phoned everyone he knew and told them that I was a thief and a liar. Nobody was prepared to hire me and I had no choice but to return to Italy. So do not insult me by pretending that you were lenient”, the disdain and hatred dripped from his words as he snarled at her, hopelessness seeping into every part of her as she looked around herself.

“Look at what you have accomplished Darius. Do you really think you would have any of this if you had been thrown in jail? So yes, I do think that you were shown leniency and I am asking you to show the same” He grew quiet as he regarded her again, even knowing that had he been in prison then he would never have built his empire, his lust for revenge still burned brightly within him.

“Maybe Sara...but I was innocent. I grew up in an area that you became either a priest or a thief. I managed to avoid becoming either and it was hard, harder than a spoilt little brat like you could ever begin to imagine. So to be branded one by you and your damn family...” He had not finished his statement as his mouth tightened, Sara moving nervously in her chair. “What do you want from me Darius? You know that Angela is innocent...are you really going to destroy my entire family for the past?” Sitting back once more he again fixed her with his look, this time his voice musing.
