Page 14 of The Wedding Deal

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Tessa had remembered the previous day, how Alexis had indeed shown her the intercom, telling her that if she needed anything that she had only to pick up the phone and order what she wanted. This had not sat well with Tessa, not happy with being waited on hand and foot, preferring to make her own coffee.

“Yes…yes he did, but honestly I really would just rather make it myself” she had said nervously.

“I promise I won’t get in your way”

The house keeper had looked at her with surprise, pointing to the kettle.

“It really would not be any trouble Madam” she had said, the surprise and wariness evident in her voice. With a small nod Tessa had moved forward lifting the kettle to ensure that there was enough water in it.

“Thank you” she had replied “But really you must be busy enough………..can I get you one too?”

The other woman had raised an eyebrow in complete surprise, before nodding a wider smile covering her face.

“Thank you Madam……that is very nice of you”

Tessa had flashed the other woman a large grin, feeling as the air between the two had seemed somehow less cool.

“Please Mrs Lowe “she had smiled “Call me Tessa”

The other woman had put down her knife, quickly wiping her hands before moving forward a smile lighting her eyes.

“I was just about to have some toast Tessa, would you like some too?”

Tessa had looked back her face showing her thanks, as each had busied themselves before meeting at the large table in the centre of the room. Mrs Lowe carrying a large plate of buttered toast, with a variety of jam pots precariously balanced on the edge of the plate, while she had placed down the two steaming mugs of coffee.

Tessa had made an appreciative noise as she had bitten down into the first slice, her eyes closing as she had made a small sound of pleasure.

“Now that is nice toast” she had chuckled as the other woman had grinned back, before looking warily at her.

“I hear congratulations are in order” seeing as the younger woman had flushed slightly, her head nodding as she had looked down at the ring on her finger.

“Thank you” she had said softly as the older woman had continued, her body becoming strangely rigid.

“Alexis has not yet informed me of your plans” she had said a small nervous edge to her voice, as Tessa had looked at her in surprise.

“Will you be planning on bringing your own staff to the estate?”

Tessa had continued to look at her in confusion.

“My own………” she had began, frowning slightly “I’m sorry I don’t know what you mean”

She could see as the house keeper had tugged at her fingers.

“Well as the head of the house, I imagine that there will need to be changes” she had finally managed, her eyes a little harder, as realisation had come on Tessa.

“Oh………..oh no” she had cried.

“Please Mrs Lowe…………I hope that you don’t think that I will get in your way………….I will try not to make your work any harder…… fact” she had continued, her eyes holding the other woman’s,

“If there is anything I can do to help…………then I will……….Please just let me know what needs done”

Mrs Lowes whole body had seemed to relax as she had smiled carefully over at Tessa.

“So…….you don’t want me to go”

Tessa had looked at her with shock.

“Absolutely not” she had managed “In fact………..I kind of hoped you might be able to help me to settle in………I have no idea what to do” she had finished, as Mrs Lowe had smiled warmly at her.

“That I can do” she had grinned picking up her cup and taking a sip before looking at Tessa’s hand, and admiring the ring that the other girl had held out for her to see. In a tone which held real warmth she had smiled.

“Congratulations Tessa, I am truly happy for you and Alexis”

Before the two women had relaxed in each other’s company, talking for over an hour as they had finished their breakfast, Mrs Lowe describing what happened in the house as Tessa had listened attentively.

Later that day she had received a phone call from Alexis, who had mysteriously informed her that he was on his way to pick her up and “to dress casual” making Tessa laugh, her interest piqued.

Exactly on time, she had moved out of the house, to see his car pulling up, as he had stepped out of the large luxury vehicle flashing her one of his dazzling smiles, opening the door to let her slide inside. Tessa reminded of the first time they had met as he had driven her home from her showdown with her grandfather.

“OK……so where are we going?” she had chuckled looking over and seeing that he wore jeans and a t-shirt which accentuated his muscular body, feeling the heat fill her once more, swallowing hard as she had looked away, once more not understanding the way she reacted whenever she saw him.

“Well……..I figured that since we had already had our first date, that I would go cheap on you”

His eyes looking over at her full of humour, still in his mind seeing the way the soft blue Capri’s she wore showed off her perfect bottom as he had watched her getting into the car, his eyes raised heavenward at the longing that flooded him.

Beside him Tessa had laughed.

“Ah…..phew, I thought our relationship was going to be weird” as he had laughed back. They had not gone far, before she had recognised that they were heading to the harbour, and soon his car was swinging into one of the preferred reserved parking bays. With a grin he had moved quickly to open her door, Tessa smiling in thanks at his chivalry, before he had opened up the boot, pulling a hamper from within its depth.

“A picnic” she had grinned, “and on the dock………very cheap……….I approve” she had giggled as he had moved beside her, grabbing her hand and pulling her forward.

“Well maybe not quite that cheap” he had grinned, as they were buzzed into the docking area by the security guard who had given a respectful nod to Alexis. She had walked beside him, as he continued to hold her hand, admiring the wonderful yachts which were tied up, “ooohing” and “ahing” at the luxurious boats, enjoying the sound of them as they bobbed against the water, until he had stopped before one of the largest.

“Madam, your boat awaits” he had smiled, as she had stared in awe, speechless, as he had helped her to walk up the small gang plank. When finally on board she had looked at him.

“Are we going out to sea?” seeing as he had shaken his head.

“Well……………..I just thought we could hang out on the dock in style”

Tessa had giggled, nodding her head.

”Well I definitely approve of your interpretation of cheap date” she had smiled, her large green eyes sparkling as he had moved to a small deck on which a large double lounger covered most of the area. Flopping down on it, he had opened the hamper, pulling from it champagne and an array of wonderful looking nibbles. Tessa had moved over to join him, seeing as he had opened the wine offering her a glass which she had accepted thankfully, noticing that he had taken a soft drink as he had pulled out a notepad and pen.

“OK Miss Jones” he had said in a mock business voice, causing her to chuckle softly as she had taken one of the sandwiches as his voice had become more serious.

“So given that we have less than two weeks……….we need to make some real plans” seeing as she had become serious too.

“Yeah…….I guess so” she had responded more soberly, taking a deep drink of the champagne.

“Do you have somewhere you have always wanted to get married” he had asked softly as she had given a small noise, shaking her head.

“No…….you?” seeing as he had looked thoughtfully back at her before answering.

“Well …… I always hoped to marry in Greece” seeing as she had smiled.

“Greece sounds nice” she had answered, seeing the warm look he had thrown at her as he had nodded.

“I know just the place too” and with that he had began writing on the pad.

“I can arrange for us to be there in say a week from tomorrow, give us some time to get unpacked and the ceremony to take place the day after”

Tessa had put her glass down, her fingers tugging nervously at each other, the reality of it all crashing down on her, her hands shaking, as she had nodded in agreement, her voice holding a slight quiver.

“S…sounds fine”

Alexis had moved over to cover her hand with his, feeling her fingers tremble, as he squeezed them gently, his eyes holding hers.

“I promise I will make you a good husband” he had said so gently, that she had felt her hand stop shaking. With a soft cough he had moved back to his list.
