Page 15 of The Wedding Deal

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“I have a good friend who can organise for your dress …” he had begun, as Tessa had shaken her head.

“No………….I have a dress”

Alexis had looked at her, the surprise so evident in his eyes.

“You have a dress?” he had questioned, as she had looked down.

“Yes…… mother’s” she had finished her voice hardly audible, before looking back up at him.

“My mother was meant to marry my father before he died……….and the only thing I have ever known about when I got married, was that I would want to wear that dress”

She had said her voice sure as his lips had curved into a soft smile,

“That sounds really perfect”

Making her smile warmly back at him, this sending strange sensations through him, as he had busied himself writing more on his pad to hide the fire that had risen in his eyes. For half an hour they had continued discussing the different requirements of the wedding, Tessa frowning as he had asked if there was anybody she would like to bring with her to witness the wedding. For a second she had thought, her mind thinking of one person in particular that she would have longed to have been there, but knowing that they were away for a month, part of her relieved that they would have nothing to do with such a sham wedding. Finally with a small shake of her head, she had said softly.


Alexis had caught the small light of sadness in her eyes, feeling a strange pity for Tessa, but not commenting. As he had shut the notepad with a dramatic gesture, he had lain back on the comfortable lounger, his eyes smiling up at her.

“OK Miss Jones, I think that is everything” watching as she had looked thoughtfully over at the dock area, before turning to look down on him, her expression so serious.

“Tell me something about you Alexis” she had spoken, her soft voice full of a need.

“I feel I am marrying a complete stranger…………and it scares me”

Rolling himself onto his side, he had reached over to gently pull her down beside him. His expression soft as he had looked down, his eyes held hers, part of him already knowing how she felt, but the words causing a strange fluttering to fill him, feeling the overpowering need to show Tessa that she was safe with him.

“What would you like to know Cara?” he asked, as she had frowned thoughtfully once more.

“You never speak about yourself, about growing up……….this is the first time you have ever even mentioned Greece……….I don’t even know where you come from” she had replied, her eyes looking deeply into his.

Alexis had smiled, the smile tinged with a strange sadness, as his finger had trailed absently down her arm.

“I grew up in Athens” he finally began, as she had seen his eyes shift slightly to look far into the distance as memories had come back to him.

“My father I never knew…………he left my mother when I was a baby.”

He had looked back at her, a small frown on his handsome face.

“My mother was tough Tessa” she had seen the look of pride in his eyes.

“We came from a very poor background, but that woman worked hard, starting at her company as the cleaner before working her way up to become CEO, and finally buying it out”

With a small chuckle he had remembered his mother, his eyes softening with the obvious love he had for her.

“You would have liked her” adding gently “She would have liked you”

Tessa giving a quick smile back.

She had noticed the small shadow which then passed over his eyes, as he had continued.

“When I was nineteen she was called away to a meeting in America. She had to deal with a hostile takeover attempt, it was the last time I ever saw her”

He had said sadly, as inexplicably Tessa had reached out her hand, her fingers soothing his cheek in a gentle stroking motion, as she had felt the need to comfort him.

“What happened?” she had prompted him gently.

“There was a storm, and her private plane crashed” he had replied, the sadness so evident in his eyes.

“I had to grow up fast then, and was determined that my mother’s company was saved……… I took over the reins, successfully fought off the bid and took it from a European concern to a global one”

With a small wry smile he had looked once more deeply into her eyes, her soft hand sending signals of desire throughout his body.

“Seems I had a flair for business”

Tessa had seen the fire in his eyes, as she had dropped her hand.

“Why are you not marrying for love?”

The question had taken him by surprise, as he had looked at her, his face showing his confusion, before he had pulled himself together.

“Too many people marry for Love Tessa, but love is transient………it doesn’t last. My mother married my father for love…….and he abandoned her to pursue another newer love.”

His tone had become harder as he had spoken.

“I grew up on my own for much of the time. My mother was so busy that I was almost raised by my nanny……….and that is not right, children need a mother and father to be there for them. Marriage at the end of the day should be a partnership to ensure that children have a stable secure environment. Long ago I realised that it should be seen as any successful merger with both parties getting what they needed out of the arrangement.”

His voice had become so business like, as she had watched him closely

“I have watched couples tear themselves apart Tessa for the sake of ‘love’and I have seen the effect that has had on children. I vowed never to be one of those couples, but to find the right wife and mother who I could look after and ensure had everything she needed and in turn know that she would raise our children and offer them the security so many do not have”

With a small smile he had finished.

“And I know that you are the right wife and mother for me Tessa”

She had finally understood him, understood why he was doing this. He knew his own nature, knew that he needed to “love” many other woman, her grandfathers words that he had mistresses coming back to haunt her. He did not want to mislead a woman into believing him to be in love with her, knowing that his love would be “transient”. Deep inside her, she knew that he would love his children and that he would protect them from his need to have other women, and that he was offering her a completely honest relationship. She knew what to expect, she knew that he would never love her, he would care for her, but never love her. Alexis was she realised more concerned with ensuring that his children grew up in the stable home he had never known, part of her heart reaching out to him, understanding fully what that had felt like. However, she had also felt the sadness fill her, knowing that for her it was the end of a dream, the dream to spend her life with that one person who would love her and who she in turn would love with all her heart.

With a small sad smile on her lips she had looked back at him.

“Thank you” she had breathed softly, as he had looked down a hint of concern in his eyes.

“I promise I will make a good husband to you Tessa” he had spoken with honesty in his voice, as she had nodded.

“I absolutely know that”

She had replied, as both their eyes had held the other, a strange sensation passing between them, before with a soft moan he had lent forward, his mouth covering hers as her hands had flown around his neck. Pulling him in closer to deepen their kiss his had moved around her pulling her harder against him. With a small sound of almost pain he had broken off the kiss, his eyes smouldering.

“I want you so much Tessa” he had finally managed, his voice thick and husky.

“You have no idea what you do to me”

She had closed her eyes to hide the fire in her own, as he had seen how her body had quivered beneath him.

“You and I will be a good team Tessa, a very good team”

She had giggled gently.

“Yes I’m sure our merger will be a great success with lots of wonderful branch offices” she had replied softly, her eyes finding his full of laughter, as he had chuckled back.

“mmmmm………I don’t think I have ever looked forward so much to expansion” he had laughed back, before with a sigh rising and pulling her gently to her feet. As they had walked back up the dock, he had reached out and gently taken her hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze, as she had smiled back.

Chapter Seven

The next few days had passed in a whirlwind of activity. During the day she had found that she was slowly being pulled into the social circle of the rich and wealthy wives, with invitations to join committees and fund raising committees. It had been with relief that Mrs Lowe had stepped in and taken her under her wing, explaining how the system worked, fielding calls that she should and shouldn’t take. With a warm smile one day she had hugged the older woman, her eyes full of such thanks.
