Page 17 of The Wedding Deal

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“I don’t know what to say” she had finally managed, feeling the small lump in her throat rise, as strange feelings had flooded her, a small tear rising to her eye.

He had pulled her in against him, moving her so that the two were walking together, his arm around her shoulder, hers around his waist.

“It is traditional to give presents” he had replied “And in this case……..fitting”

Tessa had given a small groan, looking up at him.

“I didn’t get you anything” seeing as he had flashed her a wicked grin.

“Oh you will Cara…… will” he had laughed a small blush lighting her cheeks, as she had laughed back, both moving forward looking so happy and relaxed in each other’s arms.

The inside of the villa had been no less impressive than the exterior, and she had admired the elegant and exquisite furnishings of the wonderful house, now her house she had realised once more looking at Alexis. A small frown had creased her lovely forehead as she had felt the warmth inexplicably fill her.

After he had shown her to her room, they had moved out to wander around the villa’s extensive grounds. Tessa had been speechless at the beauty of the landscape, most of which was allowed to grow wild, adding to the way the villa seemed to blend in so well with its surroundings as though it had always been there. They had made their way down the gentle sloping path to the beach below and she had gasped at the perfection of the spot, seeing how the blue sky against the green of the clear water made for a picture perfect setting.

“I was thinking Tessa” Alexis had spoken softly beside her.

“That this would make a wonderful spot for our wedding”

Tessa could only nod, completely unable to say just how perfect it really was. She had not been aware of the tears which rolled down her cheek, as she had smiled gently, until his thumb had slowly wiped one away, his other moving to snake around her waist before pulling her in closer. As their mouths met finally Tessa understood. She knew for certain why her whole being was in such turmoil. Why this man seemed to raise so many emotions within her. She knew that despite the agreement of a loveless marriage she had agreed to enter, her services as the perfect wife and mother bought and paid for, that she had fallen in love with him. She had fallen completely and utterly in love with Alexis Demitri, a man who could never love her back, the tears the only testament to this revelation as she had fallen harder against him, her kisses hungrily responding to his.

As he had tried to pull back from her, his whole body had shaken with the effort it took. His forehead resting against hers he had looked down into her flushed features, the words in his throat frozen seeing the want in her eyes, before she had dropped them to look longingly at his lips. As her small tongue had flicked over her own he had groaned, the last vestige of willpower leaving him as he had kissed her again.

For over a week he had kept this woman at arm’s length. Each day being in her presence feeling how she had affected him, how his whole body had yearned to feel her against himself, to run his tongue along her skin, taste her as he had that day in her apartment. The memory keeping him awake late into the night. Alexis could not understand his reaction to Tessa. He wanted her, but he had wanted other women in the past, but none as strongly as the innocent now in his arms. Did it really matter if they before the wedding? His normally ordered and resolute mind had pushed his previous determination to the side, his desire for her swamping him in his need to have her, to make her his.

Tessa had felt as he had lowered her gently onto the sand, his hands expertly exploring her body, driving her wild as his touch had been so sure. His fingers had undone the small buttons of the summer dress she wore as she had gasped, her body in almost auto mode, as she had clutched at him. She had pulled the t-shirt he wore until her fingers had slide under the material, skirting along his skin down his spine, as he had shuddered his fingers pulling down the lacy material of her bra as his mouth had sucked in one hardened . Tessa had cried out with the sheer pleasure as his tongue had flicked against her, her fingers racking through his hair as she had held him to her as she writhed below him.

Having undone all the buttons of her silky dress, Alexis hands had moved to glide down her belly. His fingers had slid between her legs as she had whimpered and groaned beneath him. It had taken a while for the ringing of his mobile phone to break through to Alexis fevered mind making him pull back from her, knowing that only a select few people had his number. Quickly answering the phone, his voice had been hoarse.

“Alexis Demitri” he had managed, before sitting up straight, pulling away from Tessa’s surprised arms.

He had spoken to the other caller for a few seconds, before turning back to her, his eyes alight with humour along with frustration.

“Talk about divine intervention” he had chuckled, seeing as she had pulled the material of her dress around herself, once more hiding her lovely body.

“That was the minister……He is on his way to see us”

Tessa had felt the tension leave her, as she had fallen back onto the sand, laughing loudly as he had began laughing with her, before he had once more pulled her against him, this time just cradling her in his arms.

“Oh my God Tessa…..what you do to me”

With that he had dropped a small kiss on her head and moved quickly to his feet, holding out his hand to help as she had quickly fixed the buttons on her dress reddening at how she actually was. With that the two had moved back up the slope just in time to meet the minister as he had driven up to the villa in his old beaten-up car. With a small smile it had reminded Tessa of her old one, thinking how out of place the minister’s car looked beside Alexis’s top of the range Jag.

By the time the minister had left and all the arrangements had been finalised the blistering heat of the sun had dissipated as night had began to fall. The two had eaten on one of the many verandas which made up the exterior of the wonderful home. Tessa had very much enjoyed the moussaka served to them as they had looked into the night sky, no light pollution to diminish the brightness of the stars. Sitting silently, both so comfortable in the other’s presence, both lost in their own thoughts Tessa had felt such peace as the sound of the cicadas, rhythmically sounded through the night.

“Well Tess” Alexis’s voice had suddenly broken the silence, causing Tessa to drop her eyes from the sky.

“This time tomorrow we will be husband and wife”

She had given a small smile, the thought not as unwelcome as it had been only a week ago. Looking back at the man soon to be her husband, she had once more felt the rush of emotions that her realisation that afternoon had unleashed within her. Giving a small contented sigh she had stood, stretching as tiredness had filled her.

“Well I think I will head for bed, us blushing brides need our beauty sleep”

He had stood with her, looking down as he had smiled back.

“Mmmmm I think you have that covered” he had chuckled as she had felt the pleasure filling her once more. Making to move, he had quickly captured her fingers, bringing them to his lips to kiss them softly, his breath caressing her hand and sending the all too familiar sensations flooding through her. With her voice thick with her need for him she had bade him goodnight and made her way to her bedroom. That night she had slept soundly, her dreams filled with his laughing face.

The next day had been a flurry of activity around the villa. They had decided to exchange vows at dusk, just as the sky would be bursting with the oranges and reds and pinks which lit up the heavens. Tessa had been surprised that he would be going to such lengths given the terms of their marriage; however she could not help but be pulled into the buzz of the whole event. Everywhere she went the staff would smile warmly at her, wishing her happiness and health and when Alexis had seen her he had taken a deep breath seeing as her whole complexion seemed to glow with happiness.

“Good morning” he had murmured, pulling her against himself, his mouth nuzzling into her long hair, as she had chuckled feeling the sensations skating down her spine.

“I hope you slept well……because you may not be getting much tonight”

Tessa had looked up into his eyes full of such mischief feeling the small flush rise to her cheeks as she had only smiled back at him.

That day, he had taken her for a trip around the island. They had stopped for lunch at one of the small restaurants in which they were both greeted by the owners, who had already heard of their nuptials to take place that day.

“One thing you learn about Greek small islands, Cara” he had grinned

“Is that there are no secrets….everybody knows everything”

Tessa who had been thanking the many well-wishers had thrown him a knowing look.

“You mean like the fact you are deliberately keeping me out of the villa today “

She had seen as he had laughed, nodding,

“True…….I admit it…….I wanted to surprise you with the beach layout…….make it special”
