Page 18 of The Wedding Deal

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Tessa had smiled carrying on with her dinner, while inside she had felt the warmth at all the effort he was making, the knowledge touching her very deeply.

The day had been wonderful. Alexis was an attentive and enthusiastic guide, often pulling his car over to point out small hidden areas of beauty not visible from the road. The two had wandered around the small island together, often hand in hand and Tessa had felt happier than she could ever remember. Finally by late afternoon they had returned to the villa, both moving to their rooms to get ready for the ceremony itself.

The night before the wedding she had hung up the dress that her mother was supposed to wear to marry her father. Her eyes had been full of sadness for the happiness that had been snatched from her mother. In her hands once more she had looked at the only picture of her wearing the dress, smiling at the photographer, her eyes so full of hope and happiness for the future. A look Tessa had never seen as she had been growing up.

After she had showered and set her hair she had placed the small tiara on her head, placing the small veil at its back, allowing it to drop down past her shoulders. She had then stepped into the dress, the strapless bodice hugging her wonderful figure, showing her curves to perfection. It was a simple dress, but more beautiful for that as it hugged her before starting to flare out at her knees, a slit up the front allowing her lovely legs to be visible as she had moved.

Finally ready, she had stood before the mirror, seeing how good she looked, almost as lovely as her mother had she thought, wishing that the woman was there to see her on that day, a small tint of sadness lighting her eyes. Looking quickly at the clock she had given a small gasp, seeing how the time had slipped away. Grabbing her shoes she had moved from the room, heading down stairs to meet up with Alexis. However, there was only a table placed in the middle of the hallway on which sat a large bouquet of the most wonderful flowers, which had made Tessa smile. Picking up the note, she had been surprised to read the message from Alexis.

“Every princess should arrive to her wedding in style – your carriage awaits”

With a grin Tessa had lifted the spray of flowers, enjoying their essence as she had moved out of the villa. Seeing what waited for her, she had gasped in surprise, before laughing softly seeing the decorated golf cart. Covered with ribbons and bows, trimmed with good luck banners it waited for her, the driver wearing the complete chauffeur outfit. The man had grinned at her before moving around to help her to get seated in the cheerful cart. He had then taken his place and began the journey down the hillside that she and Alexis had walked down the previous day.

There a photographer had snapped pictures of her as she had gracefully exited the small vehicle, her face shining with happiness the large smile lighting up her lovely face and eyes. The housekeeper of the villa had helped her to fix her dress and to ensure that her veil was straight, before giving her a big hug. In broken English she had wished her happiness before moving to one of the two seats for the witnesses, the chauffeur taking the other. Ahead of her Tessa could see Alexis. Wearing a full tuxedo, which showed off his long back and muscular shoulders he had waited for her, not looking back, his head forwards. A red carpet led up to the makeshift altar where the minister stood, a kindly smile on his gentle face. On both sides of the carpet large arrangements of flowers filled the air with the bouquet of roses and other aromatic plants.

Finally ready she had heard the two musicians playing violin and flute begin to play the wedding march. With her heart full to bursting, Tessa had begun to walk slowly towards Alexis, the sun ahead of them slowly sinking down into the aqua clear water of the sea before them.

Alexis had heard the music start to play, feeling inexplicably nervous, surprising himself. Not until he had become aware of Tessa standing beside him did he turn, his breath catching in his throat at how beautiful she looked. With his eyes shining with honesty he had whispered gently to her.

“You look so beautiful” seeing as she had flashed him a warm smile back.

The minister had looked at them both, winking at them as they had smiled and relaxed. They had both agreed to the traditional wedding vows, Tessa a little uncomfortable that he would be promising to love and respect her. However, she had rationalised that he no doubt would love her as best as he was able and that given his outlook he would see that he was keeping only unto her. She knew that his mistresses would never be allowed to interfere with his home life. She however, had known that the words she spoke were the truth. She loved this man. She loved him with all her heart, in a way that no other man had ever made her feel. Others had tried and failed, and Tessa had known that to her she truly was promising everything that she vowed.

As they had exchanged words, the sky before them had erupted in a myriad of colours, the horizon almost on fire with the reds, oranges and pinks of nature’s daily show. She had felt him slip the gold band onto her finger, her hand trembling slightly as she had placed a matching one on his. Standing with Alexis, in the most beautiful setting she had ever seen Tessa had felt complete tranquility fill her soul as the minister had finally announced.

“You may kiss your wife”

Before Alexis had placed his hands on the top of her arms and pulling her toward him, kissed her softly, his eyes meeting hers, as he had murmured gently,

“My wife” Tessa smiling back, feeling a small tear rise to her eyes.

“My husband” seeing how he too seemed to be struggling to hold back the strong emotions passing between the two.

However, suddenly the witnesses were moving forward, as the two had broken apart to receive the congratulations and to be pulled over to the table to complete the necessary paperwork.

When the legalities were finalized, he had thanked everybody before grabbing her hand and waving to the others began walking down the beach to the small outcrop of rocks which shielded those beyond it from anybody else on the beach.

As they had rounded the rocks Tessa had gasped with delight. A table sat beside what appeared to be a small makeshift dance floor with fairy lights and candles being the only lighting other than that of the natural stars which now filled the slowly darkening skies.

She had looked at him with bemusement, seeing the champagne cooling on the table, a hostess trolley sitting close to the table from which the smell of wonderful food was even now making her mouth water.

She had giggled.

“Are you always going to be giving me picnics?” hearing how he had chuckled back with her, his voice deep and full of humour.

“Hey I like to stick with the classics” he had grinned, pulling out a chair for her to sit on before moving over to the hostess table and pulling the starter courses from within. He had opened the champagne, clinking her glass, his eyes smiling so seductively at her.

“To us”

He had said, as she had nodded approvingly, taking a sip of the delicious wine allowing the bubbles to burst on her tongue feeling the heady liquid warm its way down her throat.

Slowly the two had made their way through the delicious meal that had been left for them, both so comfortable in each other’s company, the soft music setting the romantic scene as the candles had flickered in the darkness. When finished, Alexis had risen, taking her hand and pulling her gently into his arms, the music becoming slightly louder as he had swayed with her.

“Well Mrs Demitri” he had whispered gently into her ear, Tessa feeling a rush of pleasure at the sound of it.

“I would like to say that you look truly beautiful…..I am sure that your mother would have been proud to see you in that dress”

The mention of her mother had sent a small stab through her, before she had smiled inwardly, knowing that her mother would indeed have been happy to see it, snuggling harder in against him, her arms moving tighter around his neck.

“Yes, I think she would have” she had whispered back into his ear, feeling as he had shivered as her soft breath had fanned the sensitive hairs of his ears, feeling as his body had hardened against her, his breathing becoming more ragged, as his arms around her waist had pulled her even tighter against him. As if in slow motion, he had raised his head from her, causing her to look up into his eyes, to see the yearning in them, before his head had dropped, his mouth catching hers in a deep kiss. Tessa had kissed him back, her body melding so perfectly to his as his hands had gently caressed her sides. Groaning deeply he had pulled back, his hands shaky, his eyes full of fire.

“I have never wanted a woman as much as I want you Tessa” his voice was hoarse, “and if we don’t consummate this marriage really soon………”

Tessa had chuckled slightly, suddenly feeling more daring as she had lowered her eyes to his mouth, her tongue flicking around her lips.

“What Alexis…………what will happen?” she had breathed, seeing the way his eyes had closed as he had groaned once more, taking her hand and as they had both laughed moving back around to where the golf cart still stood.

“You are a wicked tease Mrs Demitri” he had chuckled, helping her into the passenger side before jumping into the drivers and moving the vehicle back up to the villa. Before the cart had fully stopped, he had leapt out, moving around and grabbing her hand the two laughing as they had moved up the stairs to his bedroom.
