Page 19 of The Wedding Deal

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Finally in his room, Tessa had suddenly felt nervous once more, as she had shyly stopped laughing, her eyes now looking deeply into his, his also suddenly so serious. Standing before the bed, Tessa had felt her stomach lurch with the many fluttering nerves which filled her, along with the rising need for the man before her. Reaching out a hand, he had slid it around her waist, gently pulling her in closer to him until their bodies touched, this small action causing a shiver to pass through Tessa as she had lifted her eyes to his, seeing the dark pools of want in hers reflecting back. As his mouth had dropped to kiss her, her body had seemed to move with a will of its own, as though it were born for that moment. Falling harder against him as his kiss had deepened, her hands had moved around his waist, feeling the small tremor from him at her touch. She had felt one hand cupping her face as his mouth explored hers, the other moving to pull down the zip which held the dress, releasing it and allowing the wedding dress to flutter to the ground in silken folds around her feet.

Pulling his head back he had looked down taking in his fill, her s so pert, her need for him so visible, seeing as she wore only a small g-string. As she had kicked off her stiletto heels she had dropping her a few precious inches of height.

With a soft groan Alexis had dropped to his knees, his actions causing Tessa to gasp in surprise and shock as his hands had held her small waist, his fingers firm against her back pulling her harder to him, as his mouth had kissed along her stomach.

“You are so beautiful” he had murmured, the breath on her skin causing goose bumps to instantly rise, as his tongue had followed the curve of her body to the small skimpy string, before hooking it with his fingers, slowly moving it down her long shapely legs, his mouth kissing her thigh, as his hands caressed her silky skin.

Tessa was on fire, her fingers entwining through his hair, holding his head more to stop herself from falling, as her legs suddenly felt so weak. As though sensing this Alexis had once more risen, before sweeping her into his arms in one fluid movement, his mouth once more capturing hers, feeling as her lips trembled as she kissed him back with an equal passion. Laying her down gently on the bed, he had moved back his eyes holding hers hypnotically as he had pulled his shirt off, kicking his shoes away before slowly removing the rest of his clothes. For the first time Tessa had moved her eyes to take in the sight of his highly aroused state. Her breath had caught in her throat seeing how hard and large he seemed as he moved once more into her arms. Catching the flicker of fear cross her lovely brown eyes, he had raised himself to look down gently at her, his fingers flicking a small piece of hair into her ear causing an electric jolt to shoot through her, his eyes seductively scanning her face.

“I will be gentle Cara” he had whispered, as his mouth moved to suck in the ear lobe making Tessa moan softly, her hands moving to pull his mouth back to hers. As he had kissed, his tongue had plundered her soft mouth, no longer gentle, but full of fire, demanding as equally intense a reaction from her. She had felt his hands surely moving along her body, his thumb flicking the nub of her hard causing Tessa to jump, her hands moving to his back, her fingers caressing him feeling as he had in turn shivered at her touch.

She had felt as he shifted, encouraging her to move her hand to the hardened centre of him, as his mouth had moved to suck in a , his tongue flicking over the tightness, his hand moving between her legs. Tessa had gasped, her eyes flying open with the intimacy of his touch.

“Alexis…….” she had mouthed, her body stiffening as he had once more kissed her, his fingers continuing their gentle caressing.

“Touch me” he had whispered against her mouth, as she had felt herself sinking under the sensations his actions were rising within her. Grasping him in her soft hand, she had been rewarded by the deep throaty sound from Alexis as he quivered beneath her touch. Feeling more daring, she had started to slide him between her fingers enjoying the way his moved against her hands as his breathing had become more ragged.

Alexis had never felt a woman rise within him the sensations Tessa, an innocent, was at that moment doing. She was wet and so ready, and her hand on him was pushing him further than he would have thought possible. Alexis Demitri, who had bedded so many beautiful women, was losing the ability to control his need for the bewitching woman who was writhing so wonderfully below him. He needed to feel himself surge so deeply within her, but at the same time did not want to hurt her, did not want to hurt Tessa his wife, this thought making his need for her even more intense.

Pulling her hand from him, feeling his body start to peak at her inexperienced and intoxicating movements, he had moved himself above her, feeling as she had instinctively parted her legs to welcome him. Feeling the tip of himself against her slick opening he had pushed himself a few inches groaning deeply feeling how the warm moistness of her had enveloped him, her body holding him so tight, so hot the desire to feel his whole length deep within her almost overpowering as he fought to not thrust hard and deep but sliding further, feeling as her body resisted.

Tessa writhed and groaned under Alexis as he had entered her, the feel of him so wonderful before she had felt the tearing deep within as he had pushed further. Her eyes had flown open in shock as she had tried to push him from her, gasping, as the flash of pain had filled her. He had however resisted, holding her to him as he had continued to rock his body against her, contined to slide the length of himself further into her, before the pain had subsided to once more be replaced by the most intense sensations she had ever experienced.

Alexis had slide deeper into Tessa, the tightness of her driving him wild, a small animal growl leaving him as he had finally felt himself fill her. Kissing her soft mouth he began to thrust gently, spurred on by her feet as they moved around him, her moving with a will of their own against him as she had began to pant, her fingers pulling on his arm as she lost all control. He had thrust more deeply within her, each stroke feeling the tightness of her muscles, the sensations driving him wild. Beneath him Tessa’s groans and whimpers had pushed him further, his body moving faster over her, feeling the sweat break out on his back. His head moving to suck in one taut , feeling her nails dig into his skin.

As he had driven so deeply within her, Tessa had felt herself lose the last remnant of control she possessed and with a loud gasp, her whole body exploding into a thousand shards of light, her head thrown back crying out and panting with the intensity of her orgasm. She had not even been aware as Alexis had thrust harder within her before feeling his own release so deep within her quivering body, joining her panting and gasping before falling so heavily over her.

Both could feel the wild beating of the other’s heart, the sweat mingling from their bodies, the air slowly cooling their skin. Alexis was the first to move, as he had slid from Tessa, his breath still laboured as was hers. Reaching over for her he had pulled her gently against him, allowing her head to rest on his shoulder.

“Did I hurt you, Cara?” he had whispered gently, feeling as she had smiled against his neck.

“I never knew it was like that” she had whispered back, her voice full of surprise and wonder, before he had felt her pause nervously, her head moving so her eyes could search out his.

“Was I….did I?” she had muttered eyes full of doubt before with a soft groan he had moved to kiss her lips gently.

“Oh My God Tessa, you were wonderful” seeing as she had beamed back at him, her whole features so full of happiness, knowing that he was not lying. Moving to pull himself onto one elbow, with her lying below him, he had gently moved a piece of her hair to brush it along her cheek, the simple action causing Tessa to once more feel her body react.

“Now Tessa you truly are my wife” he had spoken softly, before bending, he had once more captured her mouth with his, his kiss full of heat and desire, a desire she had shared and allowed to burn just as warmly within her veins.

That night Alexis had taught Tessa how to love. With his hands and mouth and tongue he had driven her to the edge of reason time and again, teaching her how to do the same to him. She had been an enthusiastic pupil, not feeling shame or nerves with this man, this man she loved so much, and as the sun had slowly made its way once more from the ground to the sky, the two had finally fallen asleep in each other’s arms, bodies entwined together in sated exhaustion.

Their honeymoon on the small island was the happiest time of her life. The two had spent every moment together, exploring the small island, swimming in the crystal clear waters. They had walked for miles, and never ran out of things to talk about and with each passing day, she had fallen deeper and deeper in love with this man, her husband.

They would wake each morning with the sun streaming through the windows of the villa he had built for his mother, the villa he had now gifted to her, and each morning she would roll once more into his arms to feel as he would pull her harder into him as they . Tessa was not just content, she was in love and it was everything and more than the in stories she had read and scoffed at.

At the end of the week, they had once more returned to his plane, neither voicing the disappointment at having to return to the real world. Tessa had looked over at Alexis, seeing how relaxed he looked, as he had flashed a quick grin before moving to get them both drinks. She had once again had to push down the flash of desire that passed through her whenever she looked at his handsome face, her eyes meeting his as he had returned to pass her a small drink, the feel of his fingers on hers setting her whole body on fire for him once more.
